Module Soundness

Require Import Setoid List.
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.fintype.
Require Import Coqlib Errors Values AST.

Require Import Blockset InteractionSemantics GAST GlobDefs GlobSemantics DRF ReachClose Init.
Require Import NPEquiv GlobUSimRefine SimDRF Flipping Compositionality SeqCorrect.

Framework Final Theorem

This file defines the final theorem framework_final_theorem of our framework (Thm. 12), in which languages are parameterized.

The main result is that if we have a safe and DRF source program P_s = Let (c_1,...,c_n) In f_1 || ... || f_n, each of its modules c_i is reach-closed and correctly compiled to a target module t_i, and all the target languages are deterministic, then the target program Let (c_1,...,c_n) In f_1 || ... || f_n refines P_s.

Block set and block injection definitions, for the definition of simulation and refinement

Definition blocks := Bset.t.
Definition bs_emp := Bset.emp.
Definition block_subset := Bset.subset.
Definition block_inj := Bset.inj.
Definition binj_emp := Bset.inj_emp.
Definition binj_id := Bset.inj_id.
Definition block_inj_subset := Bset.inj_subset.
Definition blocks_inject := Bset.inject.

Definition seqs_correct {NL: nat} {L: @langs NL} (scomps: @gcomp NL L) : Prop :=
  Forall (fun scomp => seq_correct scomp.(comp)) scomps.

Lemma seqs_correct_ldsims:
  forall NL L comps scunits tcunits,
  @seqs_correct NL L comps ->
  cunits_transf comps scunits tcunits ->
  ldsims scunits tcunits.
  intros NL L.
  induction comps; intros.
  { inversion H0. constructor. }
  { inversion H0; subst. inversion H; subst.
    generalize H3 H4. clear. intros.
    inversion H3. subst. simpl in *.
    apply H4. auto.
    apply IHcomps; auto. }

Lemma seqs_correct_fn_preserved:
  forall NL L comps scunits tcunits,
  @seqs_correct NL L comps ->
  cunits_transf comps scunits tcunits ->
  fn_preserved scunits tcunits.
  intros NL L; induction comps; intros.
  { inversion H0. constructor. }
  { inversion H0; subst. inversion H; subst.
    generalize H3 H4. clear. intros.
    inversion H3. subst. simpl in *.
    apply H4. auto.
    apply IHcomps; auto. }


Section Soundness.
NL languages
  Context {NL: nat}.
  Variable (L: @langs NL).
Compilation units of source/target program
  Variable (scunits tcunits: @cunits NL L).
Thread entries
  Variable (e: entries).
The collection of compilers
  Variable (comps: @gcomp NL L).

  Theorem framework_sound:
languages are well-defined
    wd_langs scunits ->
    wd_langs tcunits ->
target languages are deterministic
    det_langs tcunits ->
all compilation units are reach-closed
    rc_cunits scunits ->
compilation units are compiled by comps
    cunits_transf comps scunits tcunits ->
compilers are correct w.r.t. the global root and global injection on root
    seqs_correct comps ->
whole source program is data-race-free
    drf (scunits, e) ->
whole source program is safe
    safe_prog (scunits, e) ->
main result: target program refines the source
    prog_refine (scunits, e) (tcunits, e).
    intros Hwd_src Hwd_tgt Hdet_tgt Hrc Hcomp Hcorrect Hdrf Hsafe.
    pose proof (@compositionality NL L) as HSim.
    specialize (HSim _ _ e Hwd_src Hwd_tgt Hrc).
    pose proof (Safe_NPSafe _ _ _ _ Hwd_src Hsafe) as Hnpsafe.
    cut (ldsims scunits tcunits). intro. specialize (HSim H). clear H.
    apply flipping in HSim; auto.
    constructor. intros.
    eapply RefineEquiv.init_pair_config_refine;eauto.
    eapply init_pair_lemma in H1 as ?;try apply H0;eauto.
    clear H1.
    remember {|thread_pool := thread_pool tpc;
               cur_tid := ts;
               gm := gm tpc;
               atom_bit := atom_bit tpc |} as tpc'.
    clear tpc Heqtpc'. rename tpc' into tpc. rename H2 into H1.
    assert(NPSemantics.np_safe_config spc). inversion Hnpsafe;eauto.

    eapply DRF_NP_Refine_Config;try apply H0;try apply H1;eauto;simpl;eauto.
    assert(ts = cur_tid tpc). inversion H1;auto. subst.
    assert(cur_tid tpc = cur_tid spc). inversion H0;auto.
    rewrite H4 in H0.
    eapply init_free in H1 as ?;eauto.
    eapply init_pair_lemma in H0;try apply H5;eauto.
    eapply USim_Safe_Config in H5;try apply H0;eauto.
    eapply NPDRF_DRF_Config; eauto;simpl;auto.
    assert(ts = cur_tid tpc). inversion H1;auto. subst.
    assert(cur_tid tpc = cur_tid spc). inversion H0;auto.
    rewrite H4 in H0.
    eapply init_free in H1 as ?;eauto.
    eapply init_pair_lemma in H0;try apply H5;eauto.
    eapply USim_Safe_Config in H5;try apply H0;eauto.
    assert(ts = cur_tid tpc). inversion H1;auto. subst.
    assert(cur_tid tpc = cur_tid spc). inversion H0;auto.
    rewrite H4 in H0.
    eapply init_free in H1 as ?;eauto.
    eapply init_pair_lemma in H0 as ?;try apply H5;eauto.
    eapply USim_NPDRF_Config in H5;try apply H0;eauto.
    assert( NPDRF.npdrf (scunits,e)).
    unfold NPDRF.npdrf. intro. unfold drf in Hdrf. contradict Hdrf.
    apply SmileReorder.NPRace_Race;auto.
    eapply NPDRF_config in H6;eauto.
    apply init_property_1_alt in H6;auto.
    apply USim_Refine in HSim as HRefine.
    inversion HRefine; eauto.
    eapply seqs_correct_fn_preserved; eauto.
    eapply seqs_correct_ldsims; eauto.

End Soundness.

Framework final theorem

Correctness of concurrent compiler correctness: for any compilation units scunits and tcunits, if the tcunits are compiled from scunits by comps, and the whole source program (scunits, entries) is safe, and the whole source program is data-race-free (drf), and all source compilation units are reach-closed (rc_cunits), then target program refines the source (prog_refine)
Definition gcorrect {NL L} (comps: @gcomp NL L) : Prop :=
  forall scunits tcunits entries,
    cunits_transf comps scunits tcunits ->
    safe_prog (scunits, entries) ->
    drf (scunits, entries) ->
    rc_cunits scunits ->
    prog_refine (scunits, entries) (tcunits, entries).

Source and target langages of compilers are well-defined (wd)
Definition wd_comps_langs {NL L} (comps: @gcomp NL L) : Prop :=
  forall comp, In comp comps -> wd (L (slid comp)) /\ wd (L (tlid comp)).
Target languages of compilers are deterministic (lang_det)
Definition det_comps_tgt_langs {NL L} (comps: @gcomp NL L) : Prop :=
  forall comp, In comp comps -> lang_det (L (tlid comp)).

Framework final theorem: for any sequential compilers comps, if

Theorem framework_final_theorem:
  forall NL L (comps: @gcomp NL L),
  wd_comps_langs comps ->
  det_comps_tgt_langs comps ->
  seqs_correct comps ->
  gcorrect comps.
  unfold gcorrect.
  intros NL L comps Hwd Hdet Hcorrect scunits tcunits entries Hcomp Hsafe Hdrf Hrc.
  eapply framework_sound; eauto.
  { revert Hcomp Hwd; clear. intro H. induction H.
    intros. intros cu C. inv C.
    intros. intros cu A. destruct A.
    inv H. simpl in *. exploit Hwd. left. eauto. tauto.
    exploit IHcunits_transf. intros cu' B. apply Hwd. right. auto. eauto. auto. }
  { revert Hcomp Hwd; clear. intro H. induction H.
    intros. intros cu C. inv C.
    intros. intros cu A. destruct A.
    inv H. simpl in *. exploit Hwd. left. eauto. tauto.
    exploit IHcunits_transf. intros cu' B. apply Hwd. right. auto. eauto. auto. }
  { revert Hcomp Hdet; clear. intro H. induction H.
    intros. intros cu C. inv C.
    intros. intros cu A. destruct A.
    inv H. simpl.
    replace tlid with (GAST.tlid {| slid := slid; tlid := tlid; comp := comp0 |}) by auto.
    eapply Hdet. left. auto.
    eapply IHcunits_transf.
    intros cu' B. apply Hdet. right. auto. auto. }