Module GlobDefs

Require Import Coqlib Maps.
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.fintype.
Require Import AST Values Globalenvs.
Require Import Blockset GMemory MemClosures MemAux InteractionSemantics GAST Injections.
Require Import Lists.Streams Lia.

Definitions of global runtime states

This file defines the runtime global states. The global world consists of:

thread id
Definition tid : Type := positive.
freelist if
Definition fid : Type := positive.
module id
Definition mid : Type := nat.

The freelists of all threads and runtime modules

Module FLists.

Freelists consists of
  Record t: Type :=
    { flist_content: fid -> freelist;
      thread_flmap: tid -> nat -> fid;

We always assume freelists are wd, i.e.
  Record wd (fls: t) : Prop :=
      flist_norep: forall f, norep (flist_content fls f);
      flist_disj: forall f1 f2, f1 <> f2 ->
                                disj (flist_content fls f1) (flist_content fls f2);
      thread_fl_norep: forall t n1 n2, n1 <> n2 ->
                                       thread_flmap fls t n1 <>
                                       thread_flmap fls t n2;
      thread_fl_disj: forall t1 t2 n1 n2, t1 <> t2 ->
                                          (thread_flmap fls t1 n1) <>
                                          (thread_flmap fls t2 n2);

Initial Freelists

mapping blocks to countable freelists..
0 1 2 3 4 .. 0 1 2 4 7 11 .. 1 3 5 8 12 .. 2 6 9 13 .. 3 10 14 .. 4 15 ..

  Definition fid_to_freelist_func (base: block) (fid: positive) (n: nat) : block :=
    let: row := (Pos.to_nat fid - 1)%nat in
    let: col := n in
    (Pos.of_nat ((row + col + 2) * (row + col + 1) / 2 - col)%nat + base - 1)%positive.

  Lemma arith_result2:
    forall m n,
      ((m + n + 2) * (m + n + 1) / 2 > n)%nat .
    induction m.
 m = 0 *)    intro. rewrite Nat.add_0_l.
    induction n. simpl. lia.
    do 2 rewrite plus_Snm_nSm. rewrite mult_comm.
    replace 3%nat with (1 + 2)%nat by omega.
    rewrite plus_assoc. rewrite Nat.mul_add_distr_l.
    rewrite Nat.div_add; lia.
 induction on m *)    intro.
    rewrite plus_Snm_nSm. rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc.
    rewrite plus_Snm_nSm. rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. rewrite plus_Snm_nSm.
    do 2 rewrite Nat.add_assoc.
    replace 3%nat with (1 + 2)%nat by omega.
    rewrite plus_assoc. rewrite Nat.mul_add_distr_r.
    rewrite mult_comm. rewrite plus_comm. rewrite mult_comm. rewrite plus_comm.
    rewrite Nat.div_add; lia.

  Lemma div2_plus_1:
    forall y x:nat, (x / 2 - y = (x - 2 * y) / 2)%nat.
    induction y; intro.
    rewrite Nat.mul_0_r, 2 Nat.sub_0_r. auto.
    replace (x / 2 - S y)%nat with (x / 2 - y - 1)%nat by lia. rewrite IHy. clear.
    replace ((x - 2 * y) / 2 - 1)%nat with ((x - 2 * y - 2)/2)%nat.
    replace (2 * S y)%nat with (2 * (y + 1))%nat by lia.
    rewrite Nat.mul_add_distr_l. rewrite Nat.mul_1_r, Nat.sub_add_distr. auto.
    assert (forall x, (x / 2 - 1 = (x - 2) / 2)%nat).
    { clear. intro.
      induction x. simpl. auto.
      destruct x. simpl. lia.
      destruct x. simpl. lia.
      replace (S (S (S x)) - 2)%nat with (S x) by lia.
      replace (S (S x) - 2)%nat with x in IHx by lia.
      destruct (Even.even_or_odd x).
 even *)      assert (Even.even (S (S x))) by (apply Even.even_S, Even.odd_S; auto).
      do 2 rewrite <- Nat.div2_div.
      rewrite <- Div2.even_div2; auto. rewrite Nat.div2_div. rewrite IHx.
      rewrite <- Div2.even_div2; auto. symmetry. apply Nat.div2_div.
 odd *)      assert (Even.odd (S (S x))) by (apply Even.odd_S, Even.even_S; auto).
      do 2 rewrite <- Nat.div2_div.
      rewrite <- (Div2.odd_div2 x); auto.
      rewrite <- Div2.odd_div2; auto.
    rewrite H. auto.

  Lemma arith_aux:
    forall x1 y1 x2 y2, (x1 + y1 < x2 + y2 ->
                   (x1 + y1 + 2) * (x1 + y1 + 1) / 2 - y1 <
                   (x2 + y2 + 2) * (x2 + y2 + 1) / 2 - y2)%nat.
    intros m1 n1 m2 n2 H.
    pose proof (arith_result2 m2 n2).
    assert ((m2 + n2 + 2) * (m2 + n2 + 1) / 2 - n2 >
            (m2 + n2 + 2) * (m2 + n2 + 1) / 2 - (m2 + n2 + 1))%nat by lia.
    assert ((m2 + n2 + 2) * (m2 + n2 + 1) / 2 - (m2 + n2 + 1) =
            (m2 + n2 + 2 - 2) * (m2 + n2 + 1) / 2)%nat.
    { clear H H0 H1.
      rewrite div2_plus_1.
      rewrite Nat.mul_sub_distr_r. auto.
    rewrite H2 in H1; clear H2.
    replace (m2 + n2 + 2 - 2)%nat with (m2 + n2)%nat in H1 by lia.
    assert ((m2 + n2) * (m2 + n2 + 1) / 2 >= (m1 + n1 + 1) * (m1 + n1 + 2) / 2)%nat.
    { generalize H; clear; intro.
      assert (m2 + n2 >= m1 + n1 + 1)%nat by lia.
      apply Nat.div_le_mono; [lia|].
      apply Nat.mul_le_mono; lia. }
    assert ((m1 + n1 + 1) * (m1 + n1 + 2) / 2 >=
            (m1 + n1 + 1) * (m1 + n1 + 2) / 2 - n1)%nat by lia.
    eapply Nat.le_lt_trans. 2: eauto.
    eapply Nat.le_trans. rewrite (Nat.mul_comm). apply H3. auto.
  Lemma arith_result1:
    forall m1 n1 m2 n2,
      m1 <> m2 \/ n1 <> n2 ->
      ((m1 + n1 + 2) * (m1 + n1 + 1) / 2 - n1)%nat <>
      ((m2 + n2 + 2) * (m2 + n2 + 1) / 2 - n2)%nat.
    pose proof (arith_result2 m1 n1).
    pose proof (arith_result2 m2 n2).

 whether m1 + n1 = m2 + n2 ? *)    destruct (Nat.eq_dec (m1 + n1) (m2 + n2)).
 if eq, by arith_result2, n1 = n2 *)    rewrite e in *. intro.
    assert (n1 = n2) by lia.
    destruct H; try congruence.
    subst. apply H. generalize e; clear; intro. lia.
 if neq, it is either m1 + n1 > m2 + n2, or .. *)    destruct (Nat.le_decidable (m1 + n1) (m2 + n2)).
    assert (m1 + n1 < m2 + n2 )%nat by lia; clear n H2.
 by m1 + n1 < m2 + n1, and arith_2,
       ((m2 + n2 + 2) * .. / 2 - n2 
       >  (...)/2 - (m2 + n2 + 1)
       >=? (...)/2 - (m1 + n1 + 1) *)    apply arith_aux in H3. lia.
    assert (m2 + n2 < m1 + n1)%nat by lia; clear n H2.
    apply arith_aux in H3. lia.
  CoFixpoint func_to_stream {A: Type} (func: nat -> A) (base: nat): Stream A :=
    Cons (func base) (func_to_stream func (S base)).

in case we need it for cofix
  Definition frob {A: Type} (s: Stream A) : Stream A :=
    match s with
    | Cons h t => Cons h t
  Theorem frob_eq: forall A (s: Stream A), s = frob s.
destruct s. auto. Qed.
  Lemma freelist_func_stream_S:
    forall A n (func: nat -> A) base,
      Str_nth (S n) (func_to_stream func base) =
      Str_nth n (func_to_stream func (S base)).
    intros. unfold func_to_stream. unfold Str_nth. simpl. auto.
  Lemma freelist_func_stream_eq:
    forall A n (func: nat -> A) base,
      Str_nth n (func_to_stream func base) = func (n + base)%nat.
    intros. generalize dependent base.
    induction n. auto.
    intro. rewrite freelist_func_stream_S. rewrite IHn.
    rewrite Nat.add_comm. simpl. rewrite Nat.add_comm. auto.
  Definition init_flist_content (base: block) : fid -> freelist :=
    fun f: fid =>
      func_to_stream (fid_to_freelist_func base f) 0.

norep in each inital freelist
  Lemma init_freelist_norep:
    forall base f, norep (init_flist_content base f).
    intros. constructor.
    unfold init_flist_content, fid_to_freelist_func.
    intros. do 2 rewrite freelist_func_stream_eq.
    remember ((Pos.to_nat f - 1 + (n1 + 0) + 2) * (Pos.to_nat f - 1 + (n1 + 0) + 1) / 2 - (n1 + 0))%nat as x.
    remember ((Pos.to_nat f - 1 + (n2 + 0) + 2) * (Pos.to_nat f - 1 + (n2 + 0) + 1) / 2 - (n2 + 0))%nat as y.
    rewrite Nat.add_0_r in Heqx.
    rewrite Nat.add_0_r in Heqy.
    assert (x <> y).
    { subst. apply arith_result1. auto. }
    assert (x > 0)%nat.
    { subst. clear. pose proof (arith_result2 (Pos.to_nat f - 1) n1). omega. }
    assert (y > 0)%nat.
    { subst. clear. pose proof (arith_result2 (Pos.to_nat f - 1) n2). omega. }
    clear Heqx Heqy H.
    assert (tmp: forall a b c: positive, (a + c - 1)%positive = (b + c - 1)%positive -> a = b).
    { clear. intros. rewrite <- (Pos.add_cancel_r _ _ 1) in H.
      do 2 rewrite Pos.sub_add in H; try lia. }
    apply tmp in H. clear tmp.
    apply H0. clear H0.
    pose proof (Nat2Pos.inj_compare x y).
    rewrite <- Pos.compare_eq_iff in H.
    rewrite H in H0.
    apply Nat.compare_eq_iff. apply H0; omega.

disj among freelists
  Lemma init_freelist_disj:
    forall base f1 f2, f1 <> f2 -> disj (init_flist_content base f1) (init_flist_content base f2).
    intros. constructor. intros.
    unfold init_flist_content, fid_to_freelist_func. do 2 rewrite freelist_func_stream_eq.
    remember ((Pos.to_nat f1 - 1 + (n1 + 0) + 2) * (Pos.to_nat f1 - 1 + (n1 + 0) + 1) / 2 - (n1 + 0))%nat as x.
    remember ((Pos.to_nat f2 - 1 + (n2 + 0) + 2) * (Pos.to_nat f2 - 1 + (n2 + 0) + 1) / 2 - (n2 + 0))%nat as y.
    rewrite Nat.add_0_r in Heqx.
    rewrite Nat.add_0_r in Heqy.
    assert (x > 0)%nat.
    { subst. clear. pose proof (arith_result2 (Pos.to_nat f1 - 1) n1). omega. }
    assert (y > 0)%nat.
    { subst. clear. pose proof (arith_result2 (Pos.to_nat f2 - 1) n2). omega. }
    assert (tmp1: forall x y, (Pos.to_nat x - 1)%nat = (Pos.to_nat y - 1)%nat -> x = y).
    { clear. intros. lia. }
    assert (x <> y).
    { subst. apply arith_result1. left. intro. apply H. clear H. apply tmp1. auto. }
    clear Heqx Heqy H.
    assert (tmp: forall a b c: positive, (a + c - 1)%positive = (b + c - 1)%positive -> a = b).
    { clear. intros. rewrite <- (Pos.add_cancel_r _ _ 1) in H.
      do 2 rewrite Pos.sub_add in H; try lia. }
    apply tmp in H. clear tmp.
    apply H2. clear H2 tmp1.
    pose proof (Nat2Pos.inj_compare x y).
    rewrite <- Pos.compare_eq_iff in H.
    rewrite H in H2.
    apply Nat.compare_eq_iff. apply H2; omega.
  Definition tid_to_fid_stream (i: tid) (n: nat) : fid :=
    let: row := (Pos.to_nat i - 1)%nat in
    let: col := n in
    Pos.of_nat ((row + col + 2) * (row + col + 1) / 2 - col)%nat.

  Lemma tid_to_fid_stream_disj:
    forall i1 i2 n1 n2,
      i1 <> i2 \/ n1 <> n2 ->
      tid_to_fid_stream i1 n1 <> tid_to_fid_stream i2 n2.
    unfold tid_to_fid_stream.
    assert ((Pos.to_nat i1 - 1 <> Pos.to_nat i2 - 1)%nat \/ n1 <> n2).
    { destruct H; auto. left.
      intro. apply H.
      rewrite <- Pos.compare_eq_iff.
      rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_compare.
      rewrite Nat.compare_eq_iff.
      lia. }
    eapply arith_result1 in H0. clear H.
    intro. apply Nat2Pos.inj_iff in H. auto.
    clear. pose proof (arith_result2 (Pos.to_nat i1 - 1)%nat n1). lia.
    clear. pose proof (arith_result2 (Pos.to_nat i2 - 1)%nat n2). lia.

  Definition init: block -> t :=
    fun base : block => Build_t (init_flist_content base) tid_to_fid_stream.
  Theorem init_wd:
    forall b, wd (init b).
    unfold init.
    constructor; simpl.
 norep in freelists *)    apply init_freelist_norep.
 norep among freelists *)    apply init_freelist_disj.
 norep in thread's freelist stream *)    intros. apply tid_to_fid_stream_disj; auto.
    intros. apply tid_to_fid_stream_disj; auto.

  Definition get_block (fl: freelist) (n: nat) : block := Str_nth n fl.
  Definition get_fl (x: t) (f:fid) : freelist := x.(flist_content) f.
  Definition get_tfid (x: t) (i: tid) (n: nat) : fid := (x.(thread_flmap) i n).

  Definition get_tfl (x: t) (i: tid) (n: nat) : freelist := get_fl x (get_tfid x i n).

  Definition get_tfblock (x: t) (i: tid) (n: nat) (bid: nat) : block :=
    get_block (get_tfl x i n) bid.

  Definition bbelongsto (x: t) (i: tid) (b: block) : Prop :=
    exists n bid, get_tfblock x i n bid = b.

  Definition fbelongsto (x: t) (i: tid) (f: fid) : Prop :=
    exists n, get_tfid x i n = f.

  Definition bbelongstof (x: t) (f: fid) (b: block) : Prop :=
    exists n, get_block (get_fl x f) n = b.
  Theorem freelist_norepeat:
    forall x f, wd x -> norep (flist_content x f).
intros. apply flist_norep. auto. Qed.
  Theorem freelist_disjoint:
    forall x f1 f2, wd x -> f1 <> f2 -> disj (flist_content x f1) (flist_content x f2).
intros. apply flist_disj; auto. Qed.
  Theorem thread_freelist_norepeat:
    forall x i nf, wd x -> norep (get_tfl x i nf).
intros; apply flist_norep; auto. Qed.

  Theorem thread_freelist_disj:
    forall x i1 i2 nf1 nf2, wd x -> i1 <> i2 -> disj (get_tfl x i1 nf1) (get_tfl x i2 nf2).
intros. apply flist_disj. auto. apply (thread_fl_disj x); auto. Qed.

End FLists.

The global environment for all modules

The environment consists of the runtime ModSems of each module and pre-allocated freelists

Module GlobEnv.

- M : number of modules
- modules : runtime ModSems, which is original module instrumented with initialized module's runtime environments
- ge_bound : the bound for blocks bound to global definitions
- freelists : the initialized freelists for runtime Core.ts
  Record t: Type :=
      M: nat;
      modules: 'I_M -> ModSem.t;
      get_mod: ident -> option 'I_M;
      ge_bound: block;
      freelists: FLists.t;

  Record wd (GE: t) : Prop :=
      wd_fl: FLists.wd GE.(freelists)
Global environments are disjoint. I.e., function/global variables of different modules are bounded to disjoint memory blocks
      ge_inj: forall (i1 i2: 'I_(M GE)) Mod1 Mod2 id1 id2 b,
          ~ Nat.eq i1 i2 ->
          (modules GE) i1 = Mod1 ->
          (modules GE) i2 = Mod2 ->
          let: ge1 := Mod1 in
          let: ge2 := Mod2 in
          Genv.find_symbol ge1 id1 = Some b ->
          Genv.find_symbol ge2 id2 = Some b ->
          id1 = id2
Global environments are consistent. I.e., same ident is mapped to the same block in all ges
      ge_consist: forall (i1 i2: 'I_(M GE)) Mod1 Mod2 id b1 b2,
          (modules GE) i1 = Mod1 ->
          (modules GE) i2 = Mod2 ->
          let: ge1 := Mod1 in
          let: ge2 := Mod2 in
          Genv.find_symbol ge1 id = Some b1 ->
          Genv.find_symbol ge2 id = Some b2 ->
          b1 = b2
genv_next of global environments eq to ge_bound
        forall i Mod, modules GE i = Mod ->
                 let: ge := Mod in
                 Genv.genv_next ge = ge_bound GE;
No conflict definitions. TODO is it necessary?

  Definition det (GE: t) : Prop :=
    forall ix, mod_det (modules GE ix).

  Definition mods_wd (GE: t) : Prop :=
    forall ix, mod_wd (modules GE ix).
The GE is properly initialized from cus if init cus GE
  Record init {NL: nat} {L: @langs NL} (cus: cunits L) (GE: t): Prop :=
Amount of runtime semantic modules is equal to amount of compilation units
      mod_num: (M GE) = length cus
All runtime semantic modules (ModSem.t) are properly initialized w.r.t. its language
      ge_init: forall (i: 'I_(M GE)),
          (exists cui, nth_error cus i = Some cui /\
                       let: Mod:= (modules GE) i in
                       ModSem.init_modsem (L (lid L cui)) (cu L cui) Mod)
No conflict definitions. TODO is it necessary?
Domain of get_mod contains all internal functions
since get_mod is a function, wd implies internal function sets of different cunits are disjoint.
        forall id mid,
          (get_mod GE id) = Some mid <->
          snd (@fold_left (nat * (option nat)) (cunit L)
                          (fun ir cui => let (i, res) := ir in
                                      if res then (S i, res)
                                      else if In_dec peq id (internal_fn (L (lid L cui)) (cu L cui))
                                           then (S i, Some i)
                                           else (S i, res))
                          cus (0%nat, None))
          = Some (nat_of_ord mid)
      ge_wd: wd GE;

  Inductive init_mem: t -> gmem -> Prop :=
  | Init_mem : forall GE gm,
      (forall i,
          let: Mod := modules GE i in
          let: l := ModSem.lang Mod in
          let: ge := Mod in
          init_gmem l ge gm) ->
      (forall fi,
          no_overlap (FLists.get_fl (freelists GE) fi) (valid_block_bset gm)) ->
      init_mem GE gm.

End GlobEnv.


The type Core.t gives runtime states of dynamic module invocations.
A Core is a runtime local state of some core semantics, including module id and the signature of the function spawning the core
Module Core.
  Section Core.
    Context {ge: GlobEnv.t}.
    Record t : Type :=
        i : 'I_ge.(GlobEnv.M);

        c : (ge.(GlobEnv.modules) i).(ModSem.lang).(core);
        sg : signature;
        F : fid;

    Inductive update
              (x: t)
              (c': (ge.(GlobEnv.modules) x.(i)).(ModSem.lang).(core))
      : t -> Prop :=
      Update: forall x',
        x' = Build_t x.(i) c' x.(sg) x.(F) -> update x c' x'.

  End Core.
End Core.


The type CallStack.t gives the thread runtime stack of spawned cores
Module CallStack.
  Section CallStack.
    Context {ge: GlobEnv.t}.

    Definition t : Type := list (@Core.t ge).

    Definition emp_cs : t := nil.
    Definition push (c: Core.t) (cs: t) : t := c :: cs.
    Definition pop (cs: t) : option t :=
      match cs with
      | nil => None
      | c :: cs' => Some cs'
    Definition top (cs: t) : option Core.t :=
      match cs with
      | nil => None
      | c :: cs' => Some c
    Inductive update : t -> Core.t -> t -> Prop :=
      Update : forall c cs cc c',
        Core.update c cc c' ->
        update (c::cs) c' (c'::cs).

    Definition is_emp (cs: t) : Prop := cs = nil.
  End CallStack.
End CallStack.


The type ThreadPool.t gives the threadpool definition
Module ThreadPool.
  Section ThreadPool.
    Context {ge: GlobEnv.t}.

    Record t : Type :=
        content: PMap.t (option (@CallStack.t ge));
        next_tid: tid;
        next_fmap: tid -> nat;

    Definition emp: t := Build_t (PMap.init None) 1%positive (fun _ => 0%nat).
    Definition spawn (thdp: t)
               (mid: 'I_(GlobEnv.M ge))
               (c: core (ModSem.lang (GlobEnv.modules ge mid)))
               (sg: signature) : t :=
      let: nf := (thdp.(next_fmap) thdp.(next_tid)) in
      let: f := FLists.get_tfid (GlobEnv.freelists ge) (thdp.(next_tid)) nf in
      let: c := Core.Build_t mid c sg f in
      Build_t (PMap.set thdp.(next_tid) (Some (c::nil)) thdp.(content))
              (Psucc thdp.(next_tid))
              (fun i => if peq i thdp.(next_tid) then (S (thdp.(next_fmap) i))
                        else thdp.(next_fmap) i).

    Definition push (thdp: t) (i: tid)
               (mid: 'I_(GlobEnv.M ge))
               (c: core (ModSem.lang (GlobEnv.modules ge mid)))
               (sg: signature) : option t :=
      let: ocs := PMap.get i thdp.(content) in
      match ocs with
      | None => None
      | Some cs =>
        let: nf := (thdp.(next_fmap) i) in
        let: f := FLists.get_tfid (GlobEnv.freelists ge) i nf in
        let: c := Core.Build_t mid c sg f in
          (Build_t (PMap.set i (Some (CallStack.push c cs)) thdp.(content))
                   (fun i' => if peq i i' then (S (thdp.(next_fmap) i))
                             else thdp.(next_fmap) i')

    Definition pop (thdp: t) (i: tid) : option t :=
      let: ocs := PMap.get i thdp.(content) in
      match ocs with
      | None => None
      | Some cs =>
        match CallStack.pop cs with
        | None => None
        | Some cs' =>
          Some (Build_t (PMap.set i (Some cs') thdp.(content))
                        (thdp.(next_tid)) (thdp.(next_fmap)))

    Definition get_cs (thdp: t) (i: tid) : option CallStack.t :=
      PMap.get i thdp.(content).
    Definition get_top (thdp: t) (i: tid) : option Core.t :=
      match get_cs thdp i with
      | Some cs => cs
      | None => None

    Inductive update (thdp: t) (i: tid) (c: Core.t) : t -> Prop :=
      Update : forall cs cs' thdp',
        get_cs thdp i = Some cs ->
        CallStack.update cs c cs' ->
        thdp' = Build_t (PMap.set i (Some cs') thdp.(content))
                        (thdp.(next_tid)) (thdp.(next_fmap)) ->
        update thdp i c thdp'.

    Inductive init : entries -> t -> Prop :=
    | init_nil : init nil emp
    | init_cons :
        forall funid m_id,
          GlobEnv.get_mod ge funid = Some m_id ->
          forall e thdp cc,
            init e thdp ->
            let: Mod := GlobEnv.modules ge m_id in
            let: l := ModSem.lang Mod in
            let: Ge := ModSem.Ge Mod in
            l.(init_core) Ge funid nil = Some cc ->
            let: thdp':= spawn thdp m_id cc signature_main in
            init (funid :: e) thdp'.
    Definition valid_tid (TP:t) (i:tid) := Plt i (next_tid TP).

    Inductive halted : t -> tid -> Prop :=
    | Halted : forall TP i cs,
        get_cs TP i = Some cs -> CallStack.is_emp cs ->
        halted TP i.
    Record inv_cs (cs: CallStack.t) (i: tid) (next: nat) : Prop :=
        fid_belongsto: forall c,
            In c cs ->
            FLists.fbelongsto (ge.(GlobEnv.freelists)) i c.(Core.F);
        fid_valid: forall c,
            In c cs ->
            exists n, (n < next)%nat /\
                      FLists.get_tfid (ge.(GlobEnv.freelists)) i n = c.(Core.F);
          forall n1 n2 (core1 core2: @Core.t ge),
            nth_error cs n1 = Some core1 ->
            nth_error cs n2 = Some core2 ->
            (Core.F core1) = (Core.F core2) ->
            n1 = n2;

    Lemma cs_upd_inv_cs:
      forall (cs: @CallStack.t ge) c cs' i f,
        inv_cs cs i f ->
        CallStack.update cs c cs' ->
        inv_cs cs' i f.
      destruct H, H0; subst.
      destruct H; subst; simpl in *.
      destruct c; simpl in *.
      remember {| Core.i := i0; Core.c := c; := sg; Core.F := F |} as c0.
      constructor; intros; simpl in *.
      { destruct H.
        specialize (fid_belongsto0 c0).
        subst; simpl in *. apply fid_belongsto0; auto.
        apply fid_belongsto0; auto. }
      { destruct H.
        specialize (fid_valid0 c0).
        subst; simpl in *; apply fid_valid0; auto.
        apply fid_valid0; auto. }
      { specialize (fid_disjoint0 n1 n2).
        destruct n1; destruct n2; simpl in *; auto; subst.
        eapply fid_disjoint0 in H0; eauto. inversion H. subst. auto.
        eapply fid_disjoint0 in H; eauto. inversion H0. subst. auto.
        eapply fid_disjoint0; eauto. }

    Lemma cs_push_inv_cs:
      forall cs ix cc sg cs' i nf,
        GlobEnv.wd ge ->
        inv_cs cs i nf ->
          {|Core.i := ix; Core.c := cc; := sg;
            Core.F := FLists.get_tfid (GlobEnv.freelists ge) i nf |} cs
        = cs' ->
        inv_cs cs' i (S nf).
      intros cs ix cc sg cs' i nf Hwdge. intros.
      unfold CallStack.push in H0.
      destruct H; constructor; intros; subst; simpl in *.
      { destruct H. subst. simpl. eexists; eauto.
        apply fid_belongsto0; auto. }
      { destruct H. subst. exists nf. auto.
        apply fid_valid0 in H; destruct H as (nf'&H&H').
        exists nf'; split; auto. }
      { destruct n1; destruct n2; auto; simpl in *.
        inversion H; subst; clear H; simpl in *. exfalso.
        apply nth_error_in in H1. apply fid_valid0 in H1. destruct H1 as (n&Hneq&H1).
        rewrite <- H1 in H2. clear H1. assert (nf <> n) by omega.
        destruct (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ Hwdge). eapply thread_fl_norep; eauto.
        inversion H1; subst; clear H1; simpl in *. exfalso.
        apply nth_error_in in H. apply fid_valid0 in H. destruct H as (n&Hneq&H).
        rewrite <- H in H2. clear H. assert (nf <> n) by omega.
        destruct (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ Hwdge). eapply thread_fl_norep; eauto.
        apply (fid_disjoint0 _ _ _ _ H) in H1; auto. }

    Lemma cs_pop_inv_cs:
      forall cs cs' i nf,
        inv_cs cs i nf ->
        CallStack.pop cs = Some cs' ->
        inv_cs cs' i nf.
      intros. unfold CallStack.pop in H0. destruct cs; try discriminate.
      inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
      destruct H; constructor; intros; auto.
      apply fid_belongsto0; auto. apply in_cons; auto.
      apply fid_valid0; auto. apply in_cons; auto.
      specialize (fid_disjoint0 (S n1) (S n2)); simpl in *.
      assert (S n1 = S n2) by (eapply fid_disjoint0; eauto).
    Record inv (thdp: t) : Prop :=
        tp_finite: forall i,
            Pge i thdp.(next_tid) -> PMap.get i thdp.(content) = None;
        tp_valid: forall i,
            Plt i thdp.(next_tid) -> exists cs, PMap.get i thdp.(content) = Some cs;
        thdp_default: fst thdp.(content) = None;
        cs_inv: forall i cs,
          PMap.get i thdp.(content) = Some cs ->
          inv_cs cs i (thdp.(next_fmap) i);

    Lemma emp_inv: inv emp.
      unfold emp. constructor; intros; simpl in *; auto.
      simpl in H. induction i; inversion H.
      rewrite in H. discriminate.

    Lemma spawn_inv:
      forall tp mid c sg tp',
        spawn tp mid c sg = tp' ->
        inv tp ->
        inv tp'.
      unfold spawn; simpl.
      intros. subst. inversion H0.
      constructor; subst; simpl in *; intros.
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct peq; subst. lia.
        apply tp_finite0. lia. }
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct peq; eauto.
        apply tp_valid0. apply Plt_succ_inv in H. destruct H; congruence. }
      { auto. }
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec in H. destruct peq; subst; auto.
        inv H. clear. constructor; simpl; intros; auto.
        inv H; simpl. unfold FLists.fbelongsto. eauto. inversion H0.
        inv H; simpl. unfold FLists.fbelongsto. eauto. inversion H0.
        do 2 try destruct n1; do 2 try destruct n2; simpl in *; auto; try discriminate.

    Lemma init_inv:
      forall el tp,
        init el tp ->
        inv tp.
      intros. induction H.
      apply emp_inv.
      eapply spawn_inv; eauto.
    Lemma upd_top_inv:
      forall tp i c cc c' tp',
        inv tp ->
        get_top tp i = Some c ->
        Core.update c cc c' ->
        update tp i c' tp' ->
        inv tp'.
      destruct H, H2; subst.
      constructor; intros; simpl in *; auto.
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct peq.
        subst. apply tp_finite0 in H3. unfold get_cs in H. congruence.
        apply tp_finite0; auto. }
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct peq.
        eexists; eauto.
        apply tp_valid0; auto. }
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec in H3. unfold get_cs in *.
        destruct peq; subst. inversion H3. subst. clear H3.
        apply cs_inv0 in H. eapply cs_upd_inv_cs; eauto.
        apply cs_inv0 in H3. auto.

    Lemma push_inv:
      forall tp i ix cc sg tp',
        GlobEnv.wd ge ->
        inv tp ->
        push tp i ix cc sg = Some tp' ->
        inv tp'.
      intros tp i ix cc sg tp' Hwdge; intros. unfold push in H0.
      destruct H. remember ((content tp) !! i) as tpi.
      destruct tpi; try congruence. inversion H0; clear H0.
      constructor; intros; subst; simpl in *.
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct peq.
        subst. apply tp_finite0 in H. congruence.
        apply tp_finite0; auto. }
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct peq.
        subst. eexists; eauto. apply tp_valid0; auto. }
      { auto. }
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec in H. destruct peq.
        inversion H; subst; clear H.
        destruct peq; try congruence.
        eapply cs_push_inv_cs; eauto.
        destruct peq; try congruence.
        apply cs_inv; auto. constructor; auto. }

    Lemma pop_inv:
      forall tp i tp',
        inv tp ->
        pop tp i = Some tp' ->
        inv tp'.
      unfold pop; intros.
      destruct H.
      remember ((content tp) !! i) as tpi.
      destruct tpi; try congruence.
      remember (CallStack.pop t0) as ocs.
      destruct ocs; try congruence.
      inversion H0; clear H0. subst.
      destruct t0. inversion Heqocs. symmetry in Heqocs.
      constructor; intros; subst; simpl in *.
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct peq.
        subst. apply tp_finite0 in H. congruence.
        apply tp_finite0; auto. }
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct peq.
        subst. eexists; eauto. apply tp_valid0; auto. }
      { auto. }
      { rewrite PMap.gsspec in H. destruct peq.
        inversion H; inversion Heqocs; subst; clear H Heqocs.
        eapply cs_pop_inv_cs; eauto.

        apply cs_inv; auto. constructor; auto. }

    Record inv_mem (thdp: t) (gm: gmem) : Prop :=
          forall i n,
            (n >= (next_fmap thdp) i)%nat ->
            no_overlap (FLists.get_tfl (GlobEnv.freelists ge) i n) (valid_block_bset gm);
    Lemma push_top_fid:
      forall thdp i mid c sg thdp' C,
        push thdp i mid c sg = Some thdp' ->
        get_top thdp' i = Some C ->
        let nf := (thdp.(next_fmap) i) in
        let f := FLists.get_tfid (GlobEnv.freelists ge) i nf in
        Core.F C = f.
      unfold push, get_top, get_cs, in *.
      repeat match goal with
             | H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst
             | H: match ?x with _ => _ end = _ |- _ =>
               destruct x eqn:? ; simpl in *; try (inversion H; fail); subst; simpl in *
      simpl in *. rewrite PMap.gsspec in Heqo. destruct peq; try congruence.
      inversion Heqo. simpl. auto.
  End ThreadPool.
End ThreadPool.

Atomic bit

Inductive Bit : Type :=
| O : Bit
| I : Bit.

Runtime state

Runtime state consists of - thread_pool: mapping from thread id to runtime callstack - cur_tid: the current thread that is running - gm: the global emmory state - atom_bit: abstract state for modeling atomic blocks
Record ProgConfig {GE: GlobEnv.t}: Type :=
    thread_pool : @ThreadPool.t GE;
    cur_tid : tid;
    gm : gmem;
    atom_bit : Bit;

Initial state

This property checks if runtime ModSems are properly generated and runtime Cores are properly initialized
1. ge of each ModSem are properly initialized, without conflict
note that we need print, ent_atom, and exit_atom, we require these idents are not conflicted
2. global vars are properly initialized in gm, freelists are free in gm
3. cores are initialized from entries, inv |- threadpool
4. all freelist are wd and free
5. initial gms are reach-closed on its domain (valid_blocks)
6. the initialized cur_tid is valid and the atom_bit set to O
Inductive init_config
          {NL: nat} {L: @langs NL} (p: @prog NL L)
          (m:gmem) (GE: GlobEnv.t) (pc: @ProgConfig GE) (t: tid): Prop :=
    GlobEnv.init (fst p) GE ->
    GlobEnv.init_mem GE m ->
    ThreadPool.init (snd p) (pc.(thread_pool)) ->
    FLists.wd (GlobEnv.freelists GE) ->
    (forall fi, no_overlap (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists GE) fi) (valid_block_bset m)) ->
    reach_closed m (valid_block_bset m) ->
    cur_tid pc = t ->
    Plt t (ThreadPool.next_tid pc.(thread_pool)) ->
    (atom_bit pc) = O ->
    (gm pc) = m ->
    init_config p m GE pc t.

Lemma init_config_GE_wd:
  forall NL L (p:@prog NL L) gm GE pc t,
    init_config p gm GE pc t ->
    GlobEnv.wd GE.
  inversion 1.
  inversion H0.

Final state

A state is final state if all threads are halted
Inductive final_state {ge: GlobEnv.t} : @ProgConfig ge -> Prop :=
| Final_state : forall pc TP,
    thread_pool pc = TP ->
    (forall i, ThreadPool.valid_tid TP i -> ThreadPool.halted TP i) ->
    final_state pc.

Realtion on initial memories

We require:
Record InitRel (mu: Mu) (SGE TGE: GlobEnv.t) (sgm tgm: gmem) : Prop :=
    ir_inject: GMem.Binject_weak (inj mu) sgm tgm;
    ir_mu_wd: Bset.inject (inj mu) (SharedSrc mu) (SharedTgt mu);
    ir_shared_src: SharedSrc mu = fun b => Plt b (GlobEnv.ge_bound SGE);
    ir_shared_tgt: SharedTgt mu = fun b => Plt b (GlobEnv.ge_bound TGE);
    ir_ge_bound: GlobEnv.ge_bound SGE = GlobEnv.ge_bound TGE;
      forall (m: 'I_(GlobEnv.M SGE)) (n: 'I_(GlobEnv.M TGE)),
        nat_of_ord m = nat_of_ord n ->
        let Modm := GlobEnv.modules SGE m in
        let Modn := GlobEnv.modules TGE n in
        let sge := Modm in
        let tge := Modn in
        (forall id, option_rel (fun b b' => inj mu b = Some b')
                          (Senv.find_symbol sge id) (Senv.find_symbol tge id));
    ir_shared_src_valid: forall b, GMem.valid_block sgm b <-> Injections.SharedSrc mu b;
    ir_shared_tgt_valid: forall b, GMem.valid_block tgm b <-> Injections.SharedTgt mu b;

Definition res_has_type (res: val) (sg: signature) : Prop :=
  Val.has_type res (proj_sig_res sg).

Definition res_sg (sg: signature) (res: val) : option val :=
  match (sg.(sig_res)) with
  | None => None
  | Some _ => Some res

Definition not_pointer (v: val) : Prop :=
  match v with
  | Vptr _ _ => False
  | Vundef => False
  | _ => True