Module GAST

Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.fintype List.
Require Import Coqlib Errors AST.
Require Import InteractionSemantics.

Definitions for global AST

There are special idents - print : corresponds to event message - ent_atom : corresponds to enter atomic block message - exit_atom : corresponds to exit atomic block message These idents are hardwired in the global syntax and semantics, and are not supposed to be bound to user defined global definitions in modules.
Definition print : ident := 1%positive.
Definition ent_atom : ident := 2%positive.
Definition ext_atom : ident := 3%positive.

Definition print_sg: signature :=
  {| sig_args := Tint :: nil; sig_res := None; sig_cc := cc_default |}.
Definition ent_atom_sg: signature :=
  {| sig_args := nil; sig_res := None; sig_cc := cc_default |}.
Definition ext_atom_sg: signature :=
  {| sig_args := nil; sig_res := None; sig_cc := cc_default |}.

Definition not_primitive: ident -> Prop :=
  fun id =>
    if peq id print then False
    else if peq id ent_atom then False
         else if peq id ext_atom then False
              else True.

Lemma not_primitive_cases:
  forall id, not_primitive id ->
        id <> print /\ id <> ent_atom /\ id <> ext_atom.
  unfold not_primitive; intros; repeat destruct peq; intuition.

Ltac not_prim :=
  match goal with
  | H: not_primitive _ |- _ =>
    apply not_primitive_cases in H; destruct H as (?&?&?)
There are NL languages at source/target level
Definition langs {NL:nat} := 'I_NL -> Language.

Definition entry := ident.

entries are modeled as list of entry
Definition entries := list entry.

A compilation unit (cunit) consists of its corresponding language and a compilation unit
Record cunit {NL: nat} (L: langs): Type :=
    lid: 'I_NL;
    cu: comp_unit (L lid);
cunits is a mapping from module id to its cunit, modeled as list instead of a finite map
Definition cunits {NL: nat} (L: langs) := list (@cunit NL L).

Program is a pair of compilation units and thread entries
Definition prog {NL: nat} (L: @langs NL) : Type :=
  @cunits NL L * entries .

languages of compilation units are well-defined
Definition wd_langs {NL: nat} {L: @langs NL}: @cunits NL L -> Prop :=
  fun cus => forall cu, In cu cus -> wd (L cu.(lid L)).
languages of compilation units are deterministic
Definition det_langs {NL: nat} {L: @langs NL}: @cunits NL L -> Prop :=
  fun cus => forall cu, In cu cus -> lang_det (L cu.(lid L)).

Definition of Compilation

There is a compiler for each compilation unit

A single compiler is parameterized with the source and target languages

Record seq_comp_i {NL: nat} {L: langs} : Type :=
    slid: 'I_NL;
    tlid: 'I_NL;
    comp: @seq_comp (L slid) (L tlid);

gcomp is a collection of compilers, modeled as a list
Definition gcomp {NL: nat} {L: @langs NL} : Type := list (@seq_comp_i NL L).

Cunit transformation
Inductive cunit_transf {NL: nat} {L: langs} :
  seq_comp_i -> cunit L -> cunit L -> Prop :=
| Transf_cunit:
    forall scomp scu tcu slid scomp_unit tlid tcomp_unit comp,
      scomp = Build_seq_comp_i NL L slid tlid comp ->
      scu = Build_cunit NL L slid scomp_unit ->
      tcu = Build_cunit NL L tlid tcomp_unit ->
      comp scomp_unit = OK tcomp_unit ->
      cunit_transf scomp scu tcu.

Inductive cunits_transf {NL: nat} {L: langs} :
  gcomp -> cunits L -> cunits L -> Prop :=
| Trans_nil: cunits_transf nil nil nil
| Trans_cons:
    forall scomp scu tcu comp scus tcus,
      @cunit_transf NL L scomp scu tcu ->
      cunits_transf comp scus tcus ->
      cunits_transf (scomp::comp) (scu::scus) (tcu::tcus).

Lemma cunits_transf_wf:
  forall NL L comp scus tcus,
    @cunits_transf NL L comp scus tcus ->
    forall i,
      (exists scu tcu scomp,
          nth_error scus i = Some scu /\
          nth_error tcus i = Some tcu /\
          nth_error comp i = Some scomp /\
          cunit_transf scomp scu tcu) \/
      (nth_error scus i = None /\
       nth_error tcus i = None /\
       nth_error comp i = None).
  intros NL L comp0 scus tcus H.
  induction H; intro.
  - repeat rewrite nth_error_nil; auto.
  - destruct i.
    simpl. left. exists scu, tcu, scomp. auto.
    simpl. apply IHcunits_transf.