Module SeqCorrect

Require Import Streams Errors Globalenvs.

Require Import Blockset Footprint GMemory
        Injections MemAux MemClosures LDSimDefs
        InteractionSemantics LDSim.


a sequential compiler comp is correct w.r.t. the source language sl and target language tl if: for any source compilation unit su and the compiled compilation unit tu that comp su = OK tu, su and tu satisfies the module local downward simulation, and the internal_fn (the set of functions which could be called by other modules) of su and tu are equal
Definition seq_correct {sl tl: Language} (comp: @seq_comp sl tl): Prop :=
  forall su tu,
    comp su = OK tu ->
    ldsim su tu /\
    (internal_fn sl su) = (internal_fn tl tu).

Open Scope error_monad_scope.
Definition comp_compose {l1 l2 l3: Language}
           (comp12: @seq_comp l1 l2)
           (comp23: @seq_comp l2 l3) : @seq_comp l1 l3 :=
  fun (cu1: comp_unit l1) =>
    match comp12 cu1 with
    | Error msg => Error msg
    | OK cu2 => comp23 cu2