Module LDSim

Require Import Coqlib Streams Errors Values Globalenvs.

Require Import Blockset Footprint GMemory
        Injections MemAux MemClosures LDSimDefs

Require Import Events.

This file defines the downward local simulation of modules and SeqCorrect condition for compilers

initial relation on source and target memories
Record local_init_rel (mu: Mu) (sfl: freelist) (sm: gmem)
       (tfl: freelist) (tm: gmem) : Prop :=
Mu is well-formed w.r.t. freelists
      Bset.inject_weak (inj mu) (SharedSrc mu) (SharedTgt mu) /\
      no_overlap sfl (SharedSrc mu) /\
      no_overlap tfl (SharedTgt mu);

Mu is injective
      GMem.Binject_weak (inj mu) sm tm;

freelists do not overlap with valid blocks
      no_overlap sfl (valid_block_bset sm);

      no_overlap tfl (valid_block_bset tm);

freelists have no duplicated blocks
      norep sfl;

      norep tfl;

SharedSrc/SharedTgt in Mu is set to validblocks of memory
      forall b, GMem.valid_block sm b <-> SharedSrc mu b;

      forall b, GMem.valid_block tm b <-> SharedTgt mu b;

SharedSrc/SharedTgt are closed
      reach_closed sm (SharedSrc mu);

      reach_closed tm (SharedTgt mu);

Section LocalSimulation.

Context {sl tl: Language}.

Module Local Simulation

Simulation between configurations (Def. 3)

local simulation is defined as inductively parameterized by match_state relation between source and target configurations

Record config_ldsim {sl tl: Language}
       (index: Type)
       (index_order: index -> index -> Prop)
       (sfl tfl: freelist)
       (sG: G sl)
       (tG: G tl)
       (sge: Genv.t (F sl) (V sl))
       (tge: Genv.t (F tl) (V tl))
       (match_state: bool -> index -> Mu -> FP.t -> FP.t ->
                     ((core sl) * gmem) -> ((core tl) * gmem) -> Prop): Prop :=
    index_wf: well_founded index_order;

Mu is well-formed
    wd_mu: forall b i mu Hfp Lfp Hc Lc,
      match_state b i mu Hfp Lfp Hc Lc ->
      Bset.inject (inj mu) (SharedSrc mu) (SharedTgt mu) /\
      no_overlap sfl (SharedSrc mu) /\
      no_overlap tfl (SharedTgt mu)

freelists have no duplicated blocks
    fl_norep: forall b i mu Hfp Lfp Hc Lc,
        match_state b i mu Hfp Lfp Hc Lc ->
        norep sfl /\ norep tfl

global environments are matched
    match_ge: ge_match sge tge;

global environments consistent with mu
    match_mu_ge: forall b i mu Hfp Lfp Hc Lc,
      match_state b i mu Hfp Lfp Hc Lc ->
      ge_init_inj mu sge tge

init core clause: if source could init_core given function id and argSrc, and argTgt is related with argSrc by arg_rel (similar to value injection), then target could init_core given id and argTgt, and the initialized cores together with related initial memories sm and tm are related by match_state
    match_init: forall mu id argSrc argTgt score,
constraints on arguments
        ge_init_inj mu sge tge ->
        G_args (SharedSrc mu) argSrc ->
        arg_rel (inj mu) argSrc argTgt ->
        init_core sl sG id argSrc = Some score ->
        exists tcore,
          init_core tl tG id argTgt = Some tcore /\
          (forall sm tm,
constraint on sm and tm
              init_gmem sl sge sm ->
              init_gmem tl tge tm ->
              local_init_rel mu sfl sm tfl tm ->
              forall sm' tm',
                HLRely sfl tfl mu sm sm' tm tm' ->
                exists i, match_state true i mu FP.emp FP.emp (score, sm') (tcore, tm'))

internal step clause: if source performs an internal step, the target either 1) perform no step, and the target configuration matches with source's resulting configuration with decreased index, or 2) perform multiple steps, and the target resulting configuration matches with source's resulting configuration HfpG appears in preconditions since we assume source to be reach-closed, and LfpG' states that target footprint is confined in S union F, and FPMatched with source footprint.
    match_tau_step: forall i mu Hfp Lfp Hcore Hm Lcore Lm Hfp' Hcore' Hm',
        match_state true i mu Hfp Lfp (Hcore, Hm) (Lcore, Lm) ->
        (step sl) sG sfl Hcore Hm Hfp' Hcore' Hm' ->
        HfpG sfl mu Hfp' ->
        (exists i',
            index_order i' i /\
            match_state true i' mu (FP.union Hfp Hfp') Lfp (Hcore', Hm') (Lcore, Lm))
        (exists i' Lfp' Lcore' Lm',
            plus (step tl tG tfl) Lcore Lm Lfp' Lcore' Lm' /\
            LfpG' tfl mu (FP.union Hfp Hfp') (FP.union Lfp Lfp') /\
            match_state true i' mu (FP.union Hfp Hfp') (FP.union Lfp Lfp') (Hcore', Hm') (Lcore', Lm'))

at_external clause: if source reaches the external call point with function f and arguments argSrc, and the resulting configuration satisfies HG, and the arguments satisfies G_args such that escape of stack pointers is disallowed, then target reaches the external call point after star steps, with the same f and arg_rel related argTgt, and the resulting configuartion and footprints satisfies LG, and match_state holds on resulting configurations. Footprint recorded in match_state is cleared at this point.
    match_at_external: forall i mu Hfp Lfp Hcore Hm Lcore Lm f sg argSrc,
        match_state true i mu Hfp Lfp (Hcore, Hm) (Lcore, Lm) ->
        (at_external sl) sG Hcore = Some (f, sg, argSrc) ->
        HG sfl mu Hfp Hm ->
        G_args (SharedSrc mu) argSrc ->
        exists i' argTgt,
          (at_external tl) tG Lcore = Some (f, sg, argTgt) /\
          arg_rel (inj mu) argSrc argTgt /\
          LG' tfl mu Hfp Hm Lfp Lm /\
          match_state false i' mu FP.emp FP.emp (Hcore, Hm) (Lcore, Lm)

after external clause: when environments performes action satisfies HLRely, with ores_rel related return values oresSrc and oresTgt, then if source is updated to Hcore' by after_external, then target could be updated to match_state related Lcore' by after_external. G_oarg is required to disallow recieving of stack pointers from return value.
    match_after_external: forall i mu Hcore Hm Lcore Lm oresSrc Hcore' oresTgt,
TODO: is this clause too strong for CompCert?
        match_state false i mu FP.emp FP.emp (Hcore, Hm) (Lcore, Lm) ->
        G_oarg (SharedSrc mu) oresSrc ->
        (after_external sl) Hcore oresSrc = Some Hcore' ->
        ores_rel (inj mu) oresSrc oresTgt ->
        exists Lcore',
          (after_external tl) Lcore oresTgt = Some Lcore' /\
          (forall Hm' Lm', HLRely sfl tfl mu Hm Hm' Lm Lm' ->
                      exists i', match_state true i' mu FP.emp FP.emp (Hcore', Hm') (Lcore', Lm'))

halted clause: if source core halts with resulting footprint and memory satisfies HG, then target core halts with footprint and memory satisfies LG', and the returning value of source and target cores are related by res_rel. G_arg is required to disallow escap of stack pointers via return value.
    match_halt: forall i mu Hfp Lfp Hcore Hm Lcore Lm resSrc,
        match_state true i mu Hfp Lfp (Hcore, Hm) (Lcore, Lm) ->
        (halt sl) Hcore = Some resSrc ->
        HG sfl mu Hfp Hm ->
        G_arg (SharedSrc mu) resSrc ->
        exists resTgt,
          (halt tl) Lcore = Some resTgt /\
          res_rel (inj mu) resSrc resTgt /\
          LG' tfl mu Hfp Hm Lfp Lm
End LocalSimulation.

The simultion definition (Def. 2)

The simulation is defined as an inductive type with an existential relation match_state between source and target configurations, instead of a co-inductive formulation presented in the paper. It is for the convenience of proof development, and could be proved equivalent to a CoInductive formulation
Definition ldsim {sl tl: Language}
           (su: comp_unit sl) (tu: comp_unit tl) : Prop :=
  forall sG sge tG tge sfl tfl,
    init_genv sl su sge sG ->
    init_genv tl tu tge tG ->
    Genv.genv_next sge = Genv.genv_next tge ->
    exists I I_order match_state,
      config_ldsim I I_order sfl tfl sG tG sge tge match_state.

Lemma no_overlap_unchg_freelist:
  forall fl m m',
    no_overlap fl (valid_block_bset m) ->
    unchg_freelist fl m m' ->
    no_overlap fl (valid_block_bset m').
  destruct H0.
  intros b ofs H_in H_contra.
  unfold valid_block_bset, Bset.belongsto in H_contra.
  rewrite <- unchanged_on_validity in H_contra.
  eapply H; eauto. constructor.
  unfold in_fl. eexists; eauto.

Local Hint Resolve no_overlap_unchg_freelist.