Module ReachClose

Require Import Coqlib Globalenvs.
Require Import Streams
        Blockset GMemory Footprint MemAux MemClosures
        LDSimDefs InteractionSemantics.

Record rc_inv {L: Language}
       (Ge: G L)
       (ge: Genv.t (F L) (V L))
       (I : Bset.t -> freelist -> core L -> gmem -> Prop) : Prop :=
I S c m implies m is reach-closed on S
      forall S fl c m,
        I S fl c m ->
        reach_closed m S;
initial states with reach-closed shared memory satisfies I
      forall m S fl fnid args c,
        init_gmem L ge m ->
        Bset.subset (fun b => Plt b (Genv.genv_next ge)) S ->
        Bset.subset S (valid_block_bset m) ->
        no_overlap fl (valid_block_bset m) ->
        reach_closed m S ->
        G_args S args ->
        init_core L Ge fnid args = Some c ->
        I S fl c m;

temporarily add this case, for general rely step
      forall S fl c m m',
        I S fl c m ->
        GMem.forward m m' ->
        unchg_freelist fl m m' ->
        reach_closed m' S ->
        I S fl c m';
(c,m) --fp--> (c',m') implies blocks in fp subset of S U F
      forall S fl c m fp c' m',
        I S fl c m ->
        step L Ge fl c m fp c' m' ->
        Guarantee fl S fp m' /\
        I S fl c' m';
(c,m) at external (f,args) implies closure of blocks in args subset of S
      forall S fl c m fnid sg args,
        I S fl c m ->
        at_external L Ge c = Some (fnid, sg, args) ->
        G_args S args /\
        I S fl c m;

(c,m) -- ores --> (c',m') and m' reach-closed on S and block in ores belongs to S then I |- resulting state
      forall S fl c m ores c' m',
        I S fl c m ->
        after_external L c ores = Some c' ->
        G_oarg S ores ->
        reach_closed m' S ->
        unchg_freelist fl m m' ->
        I S fl c' m';

(c,m) --halt--> ores then block in ores belongs to S
      forall S fl c m res,
        I S fl c m ->
        halt L c = Some res ->
        G_arg S res;

A compilation unit is reach-closed if we could find such I
Definition reach_close {L} (cu: comp_unit L) : Prop :=
  forall ge Ge, init_genv L cu ge Ge -> exists I, rc_inv Ge ge I.