Module NPSemantics

Require Import Coqlib AST Values.
Require Import Blockset Footprint GMemory InteractionSemantics GAST GlobDefs ETrace Injections.

Non-preemptive Global Semantics

This file defines the non-preemptive global semantics. Threads would not switch until exiting an atomic block, print event or thread halting. See Ext_Atom, EF_Print and Thrd_Halt, where the cur_tid of resulting configuration could be arbitrary valid thread that is not halted. Other rules are the same comparing with preemptive global semantics, except that there is no Sw rules such that the switching points are confined to the three cases above.

Section NPSem.
  Context {GE: GlobEnv.t}.

  Inductive np_step : ProgConfig -> glabel -> FP.t -> ProgConfig -> Prop :=
  | Corestep :
      forall thdp t gm d c fp cc' c' thdp' gm',
        let: cc := Core.c c in
        let: c_ix := Core.i c in
        let: c_f := Core.F c in
        let: c_fl := FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists GE) c_f in
        let: c_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE c_ix in
        let: c_lang := ModSem.lang c_mod in
        let: Ge := ModSem.Ge c_mod in
          (H_tp_core: ThreadPool.get_top thdp t = Some c)
          (H_core_step: step c_lang Ge c_fl cc gm fp cc' gm')
          (H_core_upd: Core.update c cc' c')
          (H_tp_upd: ThreadPool.update thdp t c' thdp'),
          np_step (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp t gm d) tau fp
                  (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp' t gm' d)
  | Call :
      forall thdp t gm c funid sg args new_ix cc' thdp',
        let: cc := Core.c c in
        let: c_ix := Core.i c in
        let: c_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE c_ix in
        let: c_lang := ModSem.lang c_mod in
        let: Ge := ModSem.Ge c_mod in
          (H_tp_core: ThreadPool.get_top thdp t = Some c)
          (H_core_atext: at_external c_lang Ge cc = Some (funid, sg, args))
          (H_not_prim: not_primitive funid)
          (H_mod_id: GlobEnv.get_mod GE funid = Some new_ix),
          let: new_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE new_ix in
          let: new_lang := ModSem.lang new_mod in
          let: new_Ge := ModSem.Ge new_mod in
            (H_new_core: init_core new_lang new_Ge funid args = Some cc')
            (H_tp_push: ThreadPool.push thdp t new_ix cc' sg = Some thdp'),
            np_step (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp t gm O) tau FP.emp
                    (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp' t gm O)

  | Return :
      forall thdp t gm c res thdp' c' cc'' c'' thdp'',
        let: cc := Core.c c in
        let: c_ix := Core.i c in
        let: c_sg := c in
        let: c_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE c_ix in
        let: c_lang := ModSem.lang c_mod in
        let: Ge := ModSem.Ge c_mod in
          (H_tp_core: ThreadPool.get_top thdp t = Some c)
          (H_core_halt: halt c_lang cc = Some res)
          (H_tp_pop: ThreadPool.pop thdp t = Some thdp')
          (H_tp_caller: ThreadPool.get_top thdp' t = Some c'),
          let: cc' := Core.c c' in
          let: c'_ix := Core.i c' in
          let: c'_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE c'_ix in
          let: c'_lang := ModSem.lang c'_mod in
          let: Ge' := ModSem.Ge c'_mod in
            (H_core_aftext: after_external c'_lang cc' (res_sg c_sg res) = Some cc'')
            (H_core_upd: Core.update c' cc'' c'')
            (H_tp_upd: ThreadPool.update thdp' t c'' thdp''),
            np_step (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp t gm O) tau FP.emp
                    (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp'' t gm O)

  | Thrd_Halt :
      forall thdp t gm c res thdp' t',
        let: cc := Core.c c in
        let: c_ix := Core.i c in
        let: c_sg := c in
        let: c_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE c_ix in
        let: c_lang := ModSem.lang c_mod in
        let: Ge := ModSem.Ge c_mod in
          (H_tp_core: ThreadPool.get_top thdp t = Some c)
          (H_core_halt: halt c_lang cc = Some res)
          (H_tp_pop: ThreadPool.pop thdp t = Some thdp')
          (H_thread_halt: ThreadPool.halted thdp' t)
          (H_thread_valid: ThreadPool.valid_tid thdp' t')
          (H_not_halted: ~ ThreadPool.halted thdp' t'),
          np_step (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp t gm O) sw FP.emp
                  (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp' t' gm O)

  | Halt :
      forall thdp t gm c res thdp',
        let: cc := Core.c c in
        let: c_ix := Core.i c in
        let: c_sg := c in
        let: c_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE c_ix in
        let: c_lang := ModSem.lang c_mod in
        let: Ge := ModSem.Ge c_mod in
          (H_tp_core: ThreadPool.get_top thdp t = Some c)
          (H_core_halt: halt c_lang cc = Some res)
          (H_tp_pop: ThreadPool.pop thdp t = Some thdp')
          (H_thread_halt: ThreadPool.halted thdp' t)
          (H_all_thread_halted: forall t', ThreadPool.valid_tid thdp' t' -> ThreadPool.halted thdp' t'),
          np_step (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp t gm O) tau FP.emp
                  (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp' t gm O)
  | Ent_Atom :
      forall thdp t gm c cc' c' thdp',
        let: cc := Core.c c in
        let: c_ix := Core.i c in
        let: c_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE c_ix in
        let: c_lang := ModSem.lang c_mod in
        let: Ge := ModSem.Ge c_mod in
          (H_tp_core: ThreadPool.get_top thdp t = Some c)
          (H_core_atext: at_external c_lang Ge cc = Some (ent_atom, ent_atom_sg, nil))
          (H_core_aftext: after_external c_lang cc None = Some cc')
          (H_core_update: Core.update c cc' c')
          (H_tp_upd: ThreadPool.update thdp t c' thdp'),
            np_step (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp t gm O) tau FP.emp
                      (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp' t gm I)
  | Ext_Atom :
       forall thdp t gm c cc' c' thdp' t',
        let: cc := Core.c c in
        let: c_ix := Core.i c in
        let: c_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE c_ix in
        let: c_lang := ModSem.lang c_mod in
        let: Ge := ModSem.Ge c_mod in
          (H_tp_core: ThreadPool.get_top thdp t = Some c)
          (H_core_atext: at_external c_lang Ge cc = Some (ext_atom, ext_atom_sg, nil))
          (H_core_aftext: after_external c_lang cc None = Some cc')
          (H_core_update: Core.update c cc' c')
          (H_tp_upd: ThreadPool.update thdp t c' thdp')
          (H_thread_valid: ThreadPool.valid_tid thdp' t')
          (H_not_halted: ~ ThreadPool.halted thdp' t'),
            np_step (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp t gm I) sw FP.emp
                      (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp' t' gm O)

  | EF_Print :
      forall thdp t gm c v cc' c' thdp' t',
        let: cc := Core.c c in
        let: c_ix := Core.i c in
        let: c_mod := GlobEnv.modules GE c_ix in
        let: c_lang := ModSem.lang c_mod in
        let: Ge := ModSem.Ge c_mod in
          (H_tp_core: ThreadPool.get_top thdp t = Some c)
          (H_core_atext: at_external c_lang Ge cc = Some (print, print_sg, v::nil))
          (H_v: not_pointer v)
          (H_core_aftext: after_external c_lang cc None = Some cc')
          (H_core_update: Core.update c cc' c')
          (H_tp_upd: ThreadPool.update thdp t c' thdp')
          (H_thread_valid: ThreadPool.valid_tid thdp' t')
          (H_not_halted: ~ ThreadPool.halted thdp' t'),
          np_step (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp t gm O) (evt v) FP.emp
                    (Build_ProgConfig GE thdp' t' gm O).
Abort if current thread got stuck
  Definition np_abort (pc: @ProgConfig GE) : Prop :=
    (~ final_state pc) /\
    (forall gl fp pc', ~ np_step pc gl fp pc').
End NPSem.

CoInductive np_safe_config {ge : GlobEnv.t} (s: @ProgConfig ge) : Prop :=
| NP_safe_config: ~ np_abort s ->
                  (forall l fp s', np_step s l fp s' -> np_safe_config s') ->
                  np_safe_config s.

Inductive np_safe_prog {NL: nat} {L: @langs NL} (p: prog L) : Prop :=
| NP_safe_prog:
    (forall gm ge s t, init_config p gm ge s t -> np_safe_config s) ->
    np_safe_prog p.

Refinement between non-preemptive program configurations, i.e. subset of event trace
Definition np_config_refine {ge1 ge2: GlobEnv.t}
           (s1: @ProgConfig ge1) (s2: @ProgConfig ge2) : Prop :=
  forall B, Etr np_step np_abort final_state s1 B ->
            Etr np_step np_abort final_state s2 B.

Refinement between non-preemptive programs
Inductive np_prog_refine {NL: nat} {L: @langs NL}:
  prog L -> prog L -> Prop :=
| NP_Prog_Refine: forall pSrc pTgt,
    (forall mu sgm sge spc tgm tge tpc t,
        InitRel mu sge tge sgm tgm ->
        init_config pSrc sgm sge spc t ->
        init_config pTgt tgm tge tpc t ->
        np_config_refine tpc spc
    ) ->
    np_prog_refine pSrc pTgt.