Module Invs

Require Import EqdepFacts.
Require Import Axioms Coqlib Maps List.
Require Import Blockset Footprint GMemory MemAux InteractionSemantics
        ETrace GlobDefs NPSemantics
        Injections LDSimDefs LDSim AuxLDSim GSimDefs GlobDSim GDefLemmas.

Local Notation "'<<' i ',' c ',' sg ',' F '>>'" :=
  {|Core.i := i; Core.c := c; := sg; Core.F := F|}
    (at level 60, right associativity).

Local Notation "'[[' thdp ',' t ',' m ',' b ']]@' G " :=
  (Build_ProgConfig G thdp t m b) (at level 70, right associativity).

Local Notation "'[[' thdp ',' t ',' m ',' b ']]'" :=
  ({| thread_pool:= thdp; cur_tid:= t; gm:= m; atom_bit:= b |})
    (at level 70, right associativity).

Local Notation " GE '||-' pc1 '=<' l '|' fp '>=>>' pc2 " :=
  (@np_step GE pc1 l fp pc2) (at level 80, right associativity).

Lemma freelist_free_unchg_freelist:
  forall m m' fl,
    no_overlap fl (valid_block_bset m) ->
    no_overlap fl (valid_block_bset m') ->
    unchg_freelist fl m m'.
  clear. intros.
  constructor; intros.
  { inversion H1. split; intro; [exploit H| exploit H0]; eauto; try contradiction. }
  { exfalso. inversion H1. exploit H; eauto. }
  { exfalso. inversion H1. exploit H; eauto. eapply Memperm_validblock; eauto. }

Well defined properties for GE
Definition GE_mod_wd (GE: GlobEnv.t): Prop:=
  let: modules := GlobEnv.modules GE in
  forall i,
    let: Mod := modules i in
    let: lang := ModSem.lang Mod in
    wd lang.

lemmas derived from GE_mod_wd
Lemma GE_mod_wd_forward:
  forall GE pc l fp pc',
    GE_mod_wd GE ->
    GE ||- pc =<l|fp>=>> pc' ->
    GMem.forward (gm pc) (gm pc').
  inversion 2; subst; simpl in *; try apply GMem.forward_refl.
  destruct c; subst; simpl in *.
  specialize (H i).
  apply (step_forward _ H) in H_core_step; auto.

Lemma GE_mod_wd_star_forward:
  forall GE (pc pc': @ProgConfig GE) fp,
    GE_mod_wd GE ->
    ETrace.tau_star np_step pc fp pc' ->
    GMem.forward (gm pc) (gm pc').
  induction 2.
  apply GMem.forward_refl.
  eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
  eapply GE_mod_wd_forward; eauto.

Lemma GE_mod_wd_plus_forward:
  forall GE (pc pc': @ProgConfig GE) fp,
    GE_mod_wd GE ->
    ETrace.tau_plus np_step pc fp pc' ->
    GMem.forward (gm pc) (gm pc').
  induction 2.
  eapply GE_mod_wd_forward; eauto.
  eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
  eapply GE_mod_wd_forward; eauto.

Lemma GE_mod_wd_tp_inv:
  forall GE pc l fp pc',
    GlobEnv.wd GE ->
    ThreadPool.inv (thread_pool pc) ->
    @np_step GE pc l fp pc' ->
    ThreadPool.inv (thread_pool pc').
  intros; destruct pc, pc'.
  inversion H1; clear H1; subst; simpl in *.
 core step *)  { eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv; eauto. }
 call ext *)  { eapply ThreadPool.push_inv; eauto. }
 return *)  { eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv.
    Focus 2. eauto.
    eapply ThreadPool.pop_inv; eauto. eauto. eauto. }
 thread halt *)  { eapply ThreadPool.pop_inv; eauto. }
 all halt *)  { eapply ThreadPool.pop_inv; eauto. }
 primitives *)  eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv; eauto.
  eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv; eauto.
  eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv; eauto.

Lemma GE_mod_wd_plus_tp_inv:
  forall GE pc fp pc',
    GlobEnv.wd GE ->
    ThreadPool.inv (thread_pool pc) ->
    ETrace.tau_plus (@np_step GE) pc fp pc' ->
    ThreadPool.inv (thread_pool pc').
  induction H1. eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv; eauto.
  eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in H1; eauto.

Lemma GE_mod_wd_star_tp_inv:
  forall GE pc fp pc',
    GlobEnv.wd GE ->
    ThreadPool.inv (thread_pool pc) ->
    ETrace.tau_star (@np_step GE) pc fp pc' ->
    ThreadPool.inv (thread_pool pc').
  induction H1. auto.
  eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in H1; eauto.

Lemma get_top_in_cs:
  forall GE (thdp: @ThreadPool.t GE) i c,
    ThreadPool.get_top thdp i = Some c ->
    exists cs,
      ThreadPool.get_cs thdp i = Some cs /\ cs = Some c.
  unfold ThreadPool.get_top in H.
  destruct (ThreadPool.get_cs thdp i); try discriminate.
  exists t; split; auto.

Lemma GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem:
  forall GE pc l fp pc',
    GE_mod_wd GE ->
    GlobEnv.wd GE ->
    ThreadPool.inv (thread_pool pc) ->
    ThreadPool.inv_mem (thread_pool pc) (gm pc) ->
    @np_step GE pc l fp pc' ->
    ThreadPool.inv_mem (thread_pool pc') (gm pc').
  intros. destruct H1, H2.
  destruct H3; subst; simpl in *; constructor; intros.
 core-step *)  { inversion H_tp_upd; destruct c; subst; simpl in *.
    pose proof H1. apply tp_valid_freelist_free in H1.
 / need lemma for blockset and no_overlap *)    intros b n0 H'. specialize (H1 b n0 H').
    intro. apply H1.
    unfold Bset.belongsto in *.
    unfold valid_block_bset in *.
    specialize (cs_inv _ _ H2). destruct cs_inv.
    specialize (fid_valid {| Core.i := i0; Core.c := c; := sg; Core.F := F |}).
    simpl in fid_valid. clear fid_disjoint.
    apply (step_local_eff _ (H i0)) in H_core_step.
    eapply LEffect_local_alloc in H_core_step; eauto.
    rename H_core_step into H_in_fl.
    destruct H_in_fl as (n0'&H_in_fl). subst b.

    unfold FLists.get_tfl in H_in_fl.
    assert (FLists.get_tfid (GlobEnv.freelists GE) i n <> F).
    { apply get_top_in_cs in H_tp_core.
      destruct H_tp_core as (cs0&H''&H''').
      rewrite H'' in H2. inversion H2. subst. clear H2.
      unfold in H'''. destruct cs; try discriminate.
      inversion H'''. subst. clear H'''.
      simpl in *. clear H_tp_upd H_core_upd fid_belongsto tp_valid_freelist_free H3.
      specialize (fid_valid (or_introl eq_refl)).
      destruct fid_valid as (nF&HnF&HF). subst F.
      destruct (peq i t).
      { subst. apply (FLists.thread_fl_norep _ (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ H0)); omega. }
      { apply (FLists.thread_fl_disj _ (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ H0)); auto. }
    pose proof (FLists.flist_disj _ (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ H0) _ _ H6).
    destruct H7. eapply H7; eauto.
 call *)  { apply tp_valid_freelist_free.
    unfold ThreadPool.push in H_tp_push.
    destruct ((ThreadPool.content thdp)!!t); try discriminate.
    inversion H_tp_push. subst. simpl in *.
    destruct peq; subst; omega. }
 *)  { apply tp_valid_freelist_free.
    unfold ThreadPool.pop in H_tp_pop.
    destruct ((ThreadPool.content thdp)!!t); try discriminate.
    destruct (CallStack.pop t0); try discriminate.
    inversion H_tp_pop; inversion H_tp_upd. subst; simpl in *; auto.
 *)  { apply tp_valid_freelist_free.
    unfold ThreadPool.pop in H_tp_pop.
    destruct ((ThreadPool.content thdp) !! t); try discriminate.
    destruct (CallStack.pop t0); try discriminate.
    inversion H_tp_pop. subst. auto.
 *)  { apply tp_valid_freelist_free.
    unfold ThreadPool.pop in H_tp_pop.
    destruct ((ThreadPool.content thdp) !! t); try discriminate.
    destruct (CallStack.pop t0); try discriminate.
    inversion H_tp_pop. subst. auto.
  { apply tp_valid_freelist_free.
    inversion H_tp_upd; subst. auto.
  { apply tp_valid_freelist_free.
    inversion H_tp_upd; subst. auto.
  { apply tp_valid_freelist_free.
    inversion H_tp_upd; subst. auto.

Lemma GE_mod_wd_star_tp_inv_mem:
  forall GE pc fp pc',
    GE_mod_wd GE ->
    GlobEnv.wd GE ->
    ThreadPool.inv (thread_pool pc) ->
    ThreadPool.inv_mem (thread_pool pc) (gm pc) ->
    ETrace.tau_star (@np_step GE) pc fp pc' ->
    ThreadPool.inv_mem (thread_pool pc') (gm pc').
  induction H3; auto.
  apply IHtau_star; auto.
  eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv; eauto.
  eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem; eauto.

Lemma GE_mod_wd_plus_tp_inv_mem:
  forall GE pc fp pc',
    GE_mod_wd GE ->
    GlobEnv.wd GE ->
    ThreadPool.inv (thread_pool pc) ->
    ThreadPool.inv_mem (thread_pool pc) (gm pc) ->
    ETrace.tau_plus (@np_step GE) pc fp pc' ->
    ThreadPool.inv_mem (thread_pool pc') (gm pc').
  induction H3. eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem; eauto.
  apply IHtau_plus; auto.
  eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv; eauto.
  eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem; eauto.

Lemma GE_mod_wd_star_unchg:
  forall GE ix fl c m fp c' m',
    GE_mod_wd GE ->
      (step (ModSem.lang (GlobEnv.modules GE ix)) (ModSem.Ge (GlobEnv.modules GE ix)) fl)
      c m fp c' m' ->
    GMem.unchanged_on (fun b ofs => ~ Locs.belongsto (FP.locs fp) b ofs) m m'.
  clear. induction 2.
  apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl.
  apply step_local_eff, LEffect_unchanged_on in H0; auto.
  eapply GMem.unchanged_on_trans with (m2:= m'); eauto.
  eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
  clear. intros. simpl. intro. apply H; clear H. solv_belongsto.
  eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
  clear. intros. simpl. intro. apply H; clear H. solv_belongsto.

This section deals with invariants on global environments
Section GEInvs.
  Context (SGE TGE: GlobEnv.t).

  Definition mod_ldsim sMod tMod sfl tfl mu:=
    exists index index_order match_state,
      let: sl := ModSem.lang sMod in
      let: sge := sMod in
      let: sGe := ModSem.Ge sMod in
      let: tl := ModSem.lang tMod in
      let: tge := tMod in
      let: tGe := ModSem.Ge tMod in
      forall fnid argS argT score,
        G_args (SharedSrc mu) argS ->
        arg_rel (inj mu) argS argT ->
        init_core sl sGe fnid argS = Some score ->
        exists tcore,
          init_core tl tGe fnid argT = Some tcore /\
          (forall sm tm,
              init_gmem sl sge sm ->
              init_gmem tl tge tm ->
              local_init_rel mu sfl sm tfl tm ->
              (forall sm' tm',
                  HLRely sfl tfl mu sm sm' tm tm' ->
                  exists i,
                    config_ldsim_aux index index_order sfl tfl sGe tGe sge tge match_state /\
                    match_state true i mu FP.emp FP.emp (score, sm') (tcore, tm'))).
  Definition GE_mod_sim (mu: Mu): Prop :=
    forall fnid i_xs sfid tfid,
      GlobEnv.get_mod SGE fnid = Some i_xs ->
      exists i_xt,
        GlobEnv.get_mod TGE fnid = Some i_xt
        (let: sMod := (GlobEnv.modules SGE) i_xs in
         let: tMod := (GlobEnv.modules TGE) i_xt in
         let: sfl := (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists SGE) sfid) in
         let: tfl := (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists TGE) tfid) in
         mod_ldsim sMod tMod sfl tfl mu).

End GEInvs.

Section StateInvs.
  Context (SGE TGE: GlobEnv.t).
  Context (sm_init tm_init: gmem).
  Context (mu: Mu).
  Hypothesis (H_init_sm: GlobEnv.init_mem SGE sm_init).
  Hypothesis (H_init_tm: GlobEnv.init_mem TGE tm_init).
  Hypothesis (H_wd_mu: Bset.inject_weak (inj mu) (SharedSrc mu) (SharedTgt mu)).
  Hypothesis (H_mem_inj: GMem.Binject_weak (inj mu) sm_init tm_init).
  Hypothesis (H_valid_SharedSrc: forall b, GMem.valid_block sm_init b <-> SharedSrc mu b).
  Hypothesis (H_valid_SharedTgt: forall b, GMem.valid_block tm_init b <-> SharedTgt mu b).
  Hypothesis (H_RC_init_sm: MemClosures.reach_closed sm_init (SharedSrc mu)).
  Hypothesis (H_RC_init_tm: MemClosures.reach_closed tm_init (SharedTgt mu)).
  Hypothesis (HGE_sim: GE_mod_sim SGE TGE mu).
  Hypothesis (Hfl_mu_disj_src: forall fi,
                 no_overlap (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists SGE) fi) (SharedSrc mu)).
  Hypothesis (Hfl_mu_disj_tgt: forall fi,
                 no_overlap (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists TGE) fi) (SharedTgt mu)).
  Hypothesis (Hfl_free_src: forall fi,
                 no_overlap (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists SGE) fi) (valid_block_bset sm_init)).
  Hypothesis (Hfl_free_tgt: forall fi,
                 no_overlap (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists TGE) fi) (valid_block_bset tm_init)).
  Hypothesis GE_mod_wd_src: GE_mod_wd SGE.
  Hypothesis GE_mod_wd_tgt: GE_mod_wd TGE.
  Hypothesis GE_wd_src: GlobEnv.wd SGE.
  Hypothesis GE_wd_tgt: GlobEnv.wd TGE.

wrapping local config sim to sim on (Core.t * gmem)

  Record Core_sim_current (mu: Mu) (index: Type) (index_order: index -> index -> Prop)
         (i: index) (fpS fpT: FP.t)
         (sCore: @Core.t SGE) (sm:gmem) (tCore: @Core.t TGE) (tm: gmem) : Prop :=
        let: i_xs := Core.i sCore in
        let: score := Core.c sCore in
        let: sMod := GlobEnv.modules SGE i_xs in
        let: sl := ModSem.lang sMod in
        let: sG := ModSem.Ge sMod in
        let: sge := sMod in
        let: i_xt := Core.i tCore in
        let: tcore := Core.c tCore in
        let: tMod := GlobEnv.modules TGE i_xt in
        let: tl := ModSem.lang tMod in
        let: tG := ModSem.Ge tMod in
        let: tge := tMod in

        let: sfid := Core.F sCore in
        let: sfls := GlobEnv.freelists SGE in
        let: sfl := FLists.get_fl sfls sfid in

        let: tfid := Core.F tCore in
        let: tfls := GlobEnv.freelists TGE in
        let: tfl := FLists.get_fl tfls tfid in
        exists R, @config_ldsim_aux sl tl index index_order sfl tfl sG tG sge tge R /\
             R true i mu fpS fpT (score, sm) (tcore, tm)

      sg_eq_current: sCore = tCore

  Record Core_sim_block (mu: Mu) (index: Type) (index_order: index -> index -> Prop)
         (sm0 tm0: gmem)
         (sCore: @Core.t SGE) (sm: gmem) (tCore: @Core.t TGE) (tm: gmem) : Prop :=
        let: i_xs := Core.i sCore in
        let: score := Core.c sCore in
        let: sMod := GlobEnv.modules SGE i_xs in
        let: sl := ModSem.lang sMod in
        let: sG := ModSem.Ge sMod in
        let: sge := sMod in
        let: i_xt := Core.i tCore in
        let: tcore := Core.c tCore in
        let: tMod := GlobEnv.modules TGE i_xt in
        let: tl := ModSem.lang tMod in
        let: tG := ModSem.Ge tMod in
        let: tge := tMod in

        let: sfid := Core.F sCore in
        let: sfls := GlobEnv.freelists SGE in
        let: sfl := FLists.get_fl sfls sfid in

        let: tfid := Core.F tCore in
        let: tfls := GlobEnv.freelists TGE in
        let: tfl := FLists.get_fl tfls tfid in
        forall sm' tm', HLRely sfl tfl mu sm0 sm' tm0 tm' ->
                   exists R, @config_ldsim_aux sl tl index index_order sfl tfl sG tG sge tge R /\
                        exists i, R true i mu FP.emp FP.emp (score, sm') (tcore, tm');

        let: sfid := Core.F sCore in
        let: sfls := GlobEnv.freelists SGE in
        let: sfl := FLists.get_fl sfls sfid in
        GMem.forward sm0 sm /\
        unchg_freelist sfl sm0 sm
        let: tfid := Core.F tCore in
        let: tfls := GlobEnv.freelists TGE in
        let: tfl := FLists.get_fl tfls tfid in
        GMem.forward tm0 tm /\
        unchg_freelist tfl tm0 tm
      sg_eq_block: sCore = tCore
  Record Core_sim_tail (beta: bool) (mu: Mu) (index: Type) (index_order: index -> index -> Prop)
         (i: index) (fpS fpT: FP.t) (sm0 tm0: gmem)
         (sCore: @Core.t SGE) (sm: gmem) (tCore: @Core.t TGE) (tm: gmem)
    : Prop :=
The caller cores
        beta = false ->
        let: i_xs := Core.i sCore in
        let: score := Core.c sCore in
        let: sMod := GlobEnv.modules SGE i_xs in
        let: sl := ModSem.lang sMod in
        let: sG := ModSem.Ge sMod in
        let: sge := sMod in
        let: i_xt := Core.i tCore in
        let: tcore := Core.c tCore in
        let: tMod := GlobEnv.modules TGE i_xt in
        let: tl := ModSem.lang tMod in
        let: tG := ModSem.Ge tMod in
        let: tge := tMod in

        let: sfid := Core.F sCore in
        let: sfls := GlobEnv.freelists SGE in
        let: sfl := FLists.get_fl sfls sfid in

        let: tfid := Core.F tCore in
        let: tfls := GlobEnv.freelists TGE in
        let: tfl := FLists.get_fl tfls tfid in
        exists R, @config_ldsim_aux sl tl index index_order sfl tfl sG tG sge tge R /\
             R false i mu fpS fpT (score, sm0) (tcore, tm0)

        let: sfid := Core.F sCore in
        let: sfls := GlobEnv.freelists SGE in
        let: sfl := FLists.get_fl sfls sfid in
        GMem.forward sm0 sm /\
        unchg_freelist sfl sm0 sm
        let: tfid := Core.F tCore in
        let: tfls := GlobEnv.freelists TGE in
        let: tfl := FLists.get_fl tfls tfid in
        GMem.forward tm0 tm /\
        unchg_freelist tfl tm0 tm
      sg_eq: sCore = tCore

  Inductive CallStack_sim_tail (mu: Mu):
            @CallStack.t SGE -> gmem -> @CallStack.t TGE -> gmem -> Prop :=
  | sim_emp: forall sm tm, CallStack_sim_tail mu CallStack.emp_cs sm CallStack.emp_cs tm
  | sim_cons: forall sm0 tm0 sm tm scs tcs index index_order i sCore tCore,
      Core_sim_tail false mu index index_order i FP.emp FP.emp sm0 tm0 sCore sm tCore tm ->
      CallStack_sim_tail mu scs sm tcs tm ->
      CallStack_sim_tail mu (sCore::scs) sm (tCore::tcs) tm.
  Inductive CallStack_sim_cur (index: Type) (index_order: index -> index -> Prop) (i: index)
            (mu: Mu) :
    FP.t -> FP.t -> @CallStack.t SGE -> gmem -> @CallStack.t TGE -> gmem -> Prop :=
  | cur_emp:
      forall sm tm (Hwf: well_founded index_order),
        CallStack_sim_cur index index_order i mu FP.emp FP.emp nil sm nil tm
  | top_sim:
      forall fpS fpT sCore sm tCore tm scs tcs,
        Core_sim_current mu index index_order i fpS fpT sCore sm tCore tm ->
        CallStack_sim_tail mu scs sm tcs tm ->
        CallStack_sim_cur index index_order i mu fpS fpT (sCore::scs) sm (tCore::tcs) tm.

  Inductive CallStack_sim_other (mu: Mu) :
    @CallStack.t SGE -> gmem -> @CallStack.t TGE -> gmem -> Prop :=
  | other_emp:
      forall sm tm,
      CallStack_sim_other mu nil sm nil tm
  | other_sim:
      forall index index_order sm0 tm0 sCore sm tCore tm scs tcs,
        Core_sim_block mu index index_order sm0 tm0 sCore sm tCore tm ->
        CallStack_sim_tail mu scs sm tcs tm ->
        CallStack_sim_other mu (sCore::scs) sm (tCore::tcs) tm.
  Lemma CallStack_sim_cur_order_wf:
    forall mu index index_order i fpS fpT scs sm tcs tm,
      CallStack_sim_cur index index_order i mu fpS fpT scs sm tcs tm ->
      well_founded index_order.
    intros. inversion H. auto.
    inversion H0.
    destruct core_config_sim_current0 as (R&Hsim&Hmatch).
    destruct Hsim; auto.

The global index
  Inductive glob_index: Type :=
  | i_wrap : forall (index: Type) (order: index -> index -> Prop) (wf: well_founded order),
      index -> glob_index.

  Inductive glob_order: glob_index -> glob_index -> Prop :=
  | g_order: forall (index: Type) (order: index -> index -> Prop) (wf: well_founded order) i1 i2,
      order i1 i2 ->
      glob_order (i_wrap index order wf i1) (i_wrap index order wf i2).

  Lemma glob_order_eq:
    forall i1 i2,
      glob_order i1 i2 ->
      let (index, order, wf, i2') := i2 in
      exists i1',
        i1 = i_wrap index order wf i1' /\
        order i1' i2'.
    clear. intros. inversion H.
    repeat eexists ; eauto.
  Lemma glob_order_wf: well_founded glob_order.
    clear. intros i.
    constructor. intros j Horder.
    inversion Horder; subst.
    apply wf in H. clear Horder.
    induction H.
    constructor; intros.
    destruct (glob_order_eq _ _ H1) as (y' & Hy' & Horder).
    subst. apply H0. auto.

Global invariant
fp0 are the accumulated footprints since the last switch point, and fp are footprints recorded by current module local simulation
  Record Config_sim (i: glob_index)
         (fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0: FP.t) (spc: @ProgConfig SGE) (tpc: @ProgConfig TGE) : Prop :=
        let: sm := gm spc in
        GMem.forward sm_init sm;
        let: tm := gm tpc in
        GMem.forward tm_init tm;
freelists are free in current memory
        let: stp := thread_pool spc in
        let: sm := gm spc in
        ThreadPool.inv_mem stp sm;
        let: ttp := thread_pool tpc in
        let: tm := gm tpc in
        ThreadPool.inv_mem ttp tm;

thread-pool domain matches, tid and atombit are eq
        thrddom_eq spc tpc /\
        atombit_eq spc tpc /\
        tid_eq spc tpc;
recorded fps are matched
        let: Build_ProgConfig _ ttid _ _ := tpc in
        LFPG mu TGE ttid fpS0 fpT0 /\
        FP.subset fpS fpS0 /\
        FP.subset fpT fpT0
thread-pools are well-formed
        let: Build_ProgConfig stp stid sm sbit := spc in
        ThreadPool.inv stp;
        let: Build_ProgConfig ttp ttid tm tbit := tpc in
        ThreadPool.inv ttp;
cores in call-stacks are simulated
        let: Build_ProgConfig stp stid sm sbit := spc in
        let: Build_ProgConfig ttp ttid tm tbit := tpc in
        let: i_wrap index index_order _ i' := i in
        forall scs,
          ThreadPool.get_cs stp stid = Some scs ->
          exists tcs,
            ThreadPool.get_cs ttp ttid = Some tcs /\
            CallStack_sim_cur index index_order i' mu fpS fpT scs sm tcs tm
        let: Build_ProgConfig stp stid sm sbit := spc in
        let: Build_ProgConfig ttp ttid tm tbit := tpc in
        forall t scs tcs,
          t <> stid ->
          ThreadPool.get_cs stp t = Some scs ->
          ThreadPool.get_cs ttp t = Some tcs ->
          CallStack_sim_other mu scs sm tcs tm;

  Lemma sim_final:
    forall i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc,
      Config_sim i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc ->
      final_state spc ->
      exists (tpc' : ProgConfig) (fpT' : FP.t),
        ETrace.tau_star np_step tpc fpT' tpc' /\
        atom_bit tpc = atom_bit tpc' /\
        LFPG mu TGE (cur_tid tpc) fpS0 (FP.union fpT0 fpT') /\ final_state tpc'.
    exists tpc, FP.emp.
    split. constructor.
    split. auto.
 LFPG *)    { pose proof (fp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H).
      destruct tpc. simpl in *. inversion H1. inversion H2.
      constructor. eapply eq_fp_match'; eauto.
      constructor; eauto with locs.
      apply FP.eq_sym. apply FP.union_emp.
      apply fpG_union; auto. apply fpG_emp.
    destruct spc, tpc; simpl in *.
 final state *)    inversion H0. econstructor; eauto. simpl.
    intro t; specialize (H2 t).
    pose proof (tp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as Htp.
    pose proof (tp_inv_src _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as Hinvs.
    pose proof (tp_inv_tgt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as Hinvt.
    destruct Htp as (Htp & junk); clear junk.
    subst; simpl in *.
    generalize H2 Htp Hinvs Hinvt. clear; intros.

    inversion Htp. specialize (H3 t). simpl in *; subst.
    generalize H2 Hinvs Hinvt H H3. clear; intros.
    inversion H3.
    { exfalso. inversion Hinvt. apply tp_valid in H. destruct H.
      unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in H4. rewrite H in H4. discriminate. }
    { assert (ThreadPool.valid_tid thread_pool t).
      unfold ThreadPool.valid_tid.
      destruct (plt t (ThreadPool.next_tid thread_pool)); auto.
      inversion Hinvs.
      unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in H0.
      rewrite tp_finite in H0; auto. discriminate.
      specialize (H2 H5).
      inversion H2. rewrite <- H0 in H6. inversion H6; subst.
      econstructor; eauto.
      inversion H4; auto.
      inversion H7. congruence. }

  Lemma sim_tau_step:
    forall i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc,
      Config_sim i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc ->
      forall (spc' : ProgConfig) (fpS' : FP.t),
        np_step spc ETrace.tau fpS' spc' ->
        atom_bit spc = atom_bit spc' ->
        (exists (tpc' : ProgConfig) (fpT' : FP.t) (i' : glob_index) fpS'' fpT'',
            ETrace.tau_plus np_step tpc fpT' tpc' /\
            LFPG mu TGE (cur_tid tpc) (FP.union fpS0 fpS') (FP.union fpT0 fpT') /\
            Config_sim i' fpS'' fpT'' (FP.union fpS0 fpS') (FP.union fpT0 fpT') spc' tpc')
        (exists i', glob_order i' i /\ Config_sim i' (FP.union fpS fpS') fpT (FP.union fpS0 fpS') fpT0 spc' tpc).
    intros i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc H spc' fpS' H0 Hatom.
    destruct spc as [sthdp stid sm sbit].
    destruct spc' as [sthdp' stid' sm' sbit'].
    destruct tpc as [tthdp ttid tm tbit].
    pose proof (tp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as Htp.
    destruct Htp as [Htp H'].
    destruct H'.
    inversion H1. simpl in *. subst tbit. clear pc1 pc2 H4 H5 H1.
    inversion H2. simpl in *. subst ttid. clear pc1 pc2 H3 H4 H2.
    inversion Htp. subst; simpl in *. clear Htp.
    rename H3 into Htp. rename H0 into Hsstep.
    inversion Hsstep; subst; simpl in *.
 core-step *)    {
      assert (exists scs,
                 ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp stid' = Some scs /\
        scs = Some c) as H_tp_scs.
      { apply get_top_in_cs; auto. }
      destruct H_tp_scs as ( scs & H_tp_scs & H_scs_c).
      assert (exists tc,
                 ThreadPool.get_top tthdp stid' = Some tc) as H_tp_core_tgt.
      { eapply ocs_match_top_exists; eauto. }
      destruct H_tp_core_tgt as (tc & H_tp_core_tgt).

      assert (exists tcs,
                 ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp stid' = Some tcs /\
        tcs = Some tc) as H_tp_tcs.
      { repeat solv_thread.
        destruct ((ThreadPool.content tthdp) !! stid'); [eexists; split; eauto|discriminate]. }
      destruct H_tp_tcs as (tcs & H_tp_tcs & H_tcs_tc).
      destruct i as [index index_order Hwf i].
      pose proof (tp_cur_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H scs H_tp_scs) as Hlsim_cur;
        simpl in Hlsim_cur.
      destruct Hlsim_cur as (tcs' & H_tp_tcs' & Hlsim_cur).
      rewrite H_tp_tcs in H_tp_tcs'. inversion H_tp_tcs'. subst tcs'. clear H_tp_tcs'.
      inversion Hlsim_cur. solv_thread'. subst. clear Hlsim_cur.
      inversion H0.
      destruct core_config_sim_current0 as (R&Hlsim_top&Hmatch).

      inversion H_scs_c. subst. inversion H_tcs_tc. subst.
      eapply (AuxLDSim.match_tau_step _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hlsim_top) in Hmatch; eauto.
      destruct Hmatch as [Hnostep | Hplus].
      { (* * no step, index decrease *)
        destruct Hnostep as (i'&Hdecr&Hmatch).
        exists (i_wrap _ _ Hwf i'). split. constructor; auto.
        constructor; simpl in *.
 ** src_fwd *)        generalize H H_core_step GE_mod_wd_src. clear. intros.
        specialize (GE_mod_wd_src (Core.i c)).
        inversion GE_mod_wd_src.
        apply step_forward in H_core_step. eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
        inversion H; auto.
 ** tgt_fwd *)        inversion H; auto.
 ** src mem inv *)        { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Hsstep; eauto.
          inversion H; auto.
          inversion H; auto. }
 ** tgt mem inv *)        { inversion H; auto. }
 ** tp_match *)        { split; [|split; constructor; auto].
          econstructor; eauto; simpl. subst.
          intro. generalize H_tp_upd Htp H_tp_scs. clear. intros.
          eapply stp_upd_ocs_match; eauto.
 ** LFPG *)        { pose proof (fp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H).
          destruct H2 as (HLFPG&Hfpsubs&Hfpsubt).
          apply LFPG_union_S. inversion H. destruct fp_match0; auto.
          split; auto. apply FP.union2_subset. auto. }
 ** tp_inv src *)        { (* /need lemma for np_step and threadpool inv *)
          eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Hsstep; inversion H; eauto. }
 ** tp_inv tgt *)        { inversion H; auto. }
 ** sim_invs cur *)        { intros. exists (tc :: tcs0). split; auto.
          destruct scs.
          exfalso. eapply thdp_upd_get_nil_false; eauto.
 current top sim *)          { (* /need lemma for upd and get *)
            assert (c' = t).
            { apply thdp_upd_get in H_tp_upd.
              destruct H_tp_upd as (c0&cs&H'&H'').
              solv_eq. }
            subst t.
 dealing with dependent types... *)            inversion H_core_upd. simpl in *; subst. exists R. auto.
            rewrite <- sg_eq_current0.
            inversion H_core_upd; subst; auto.
 current tail sim *)          {
            assert (scs0 = scs).
            { apply thdp_upd_get in H_tp_upd.
              destruct H_tp_upd as (?&?&?&?).
              solv_eq. }

            assert (GMem.forward sm sm').
            { eapply GE_mod_wd_forward in Hsstep; auto. }
 /by step and HG we know forward and unchg_on *)            assert (forall fi,
                       let: fl := (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists SGE) fi) in
                       fi <> (Core.F c) ->
                       unchg_freelist fl sm sm').
              apply step_local_eff, LEffect_unchanged_on in H_core_step.
              intros. eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
              intros. simpl. intro.
              eapply match_HG in Hmatch; eauto.
              destruct Hmatch. destruct H7. unfold LDSimDefs.fpG in H7.
              specialize (H7 b).
              assert (Bset.belongsto (FP.blocks (FP.union fpS fpS')) b).
              { generalize H6; clear; intro.
                exists ofs. solv_belongsto. }

              specialize (H7 H9); clear H8 H9.
              destruct H7.

 b in S *)              unfold no_overlap in Hfl_mu_disj_src.
              unfold in_fl in H5. destruct H5.
              specialize (Hfl_mu_disj_src _ _ _ H5).
              apply Hfl_mu_disj_src. auto.
 b in F *)              destruct H7, H5. rewrite <- H5 in H7.
              eapply (FLists.flist_disj _ (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ GE_wd_src)) in H4; eauto.
              destruct H4. eapply H4; eauto.

              eapply GE_mod_wd_src; eauto.
            assert (ThreadPool.inv sthdp').
            { apply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Hsstep; auto. inversion H; auto. }
            assert (forall score', In score' scs ->
                                   Core.F score' <> Core.F c).
              apply ThreadPool.cs_inv in H_tp_scs.
              destruct H_tp_scs.
              intros. intro.
              apply In_nth_error in H6. destruct H6. symmetry in H7.
              specialize (fid_disjoint 0%nat (S x) c score' eq_refl H6 H7).
              inversion fid_disjoint.
              inversion H; auto.
            generalize H1 H3 H4 H5 H6 GE_wd_src. clear; intros.
            induction H1. constructor.
            specialize (IHCallStack_sim_tail H3 H4).
            econstructor; eauto.
            inversion H. econstructor; eauto.
            destruct mem_rely_src0. split; auto. eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
            eapply GMem.unchanged_on_trans; eauto.
            apply H4.
 /by wd GE *)            apply H6; simpl; auto.

            apply IHCallStack_sim_tail. intros.
            apply H6.
            apply in_cons. auto.
 ** sim_invs other *)        { intros.
 /by step and HG we know forward and unchg_on *)          assert (GMem.forward sm sm').
          { eapply GE_mod_wd_forward in Hsstep; auto. }
          assert (forall fi,
                       let: fl := (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists SGE) fi) in
                       fi <> (Core.F c) ->
                       unchg_freelist fl sm sm').
              apply step_local_eff, LEffect_unchanged_on in H_core_step.
              intros. eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
              intros. simpl. intro.
              eapply match_HG in Hmatch; eauto.
              destruct Hmatch. destruct H9. unfold LDSimDefs.fpG in H9.
              specialize (H9 b).
              assert (Bset.belongsto (FP.blocks (FP.union fpS fpS')) b).
              { exists ofs. solv_belongsto. }

              specialize (H9 H11); clear H10 H11.
              destruct H9.

 b in S *)              unfold no_overlap in Hfl_mu_disj_src.
              unfold in_fl in H7. destruct H7.
              specialize (Hfl_mu_disj_src _ _ _ H7).
              apply Hfl_mu_disj_src. auto.
 b in F *)              destruct H7, H9. rewrite <- H9 in H7.
              eapply (FLists.flist_disj _ (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ GE_wd_src)) in H6; eauto.
              destruct H6. eapply H6; eauto.

              eapply GE_mod_wd_src; eauto.
            assert (ThreadPool.inv sthdp').
            { eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
            assert (forall score', In score' scs ->
                                   Core.F score' <> Core.F c).
              intros. destruct H7. apply cs_inv in H3. destruct H3.
              apply fid_belongsto in H8.
              assert (In c (c :: scs0)) by (simpl; auto).
              eapply ThreadPool.fid_belongsto in H3.
              Focus 2. apply ThreadPool.cs_inv; eauto. inversion H; eauto.
              unfold FLists.fbelongsto in *.
              destruct H8, H3.
              rewrite <- H7, <- H3.
              eapply FLists.thread_fl_disj in H2; eauto.
              eapply GlobEnv.wd_fl; eauto.

            assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp t = Some scs).
            { generalize H2 H_tp_upd H3. clear. intros.
              solv_thread. destruct peq; congruence. }

            pose proof (tp_other_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H t scs tcs H2 H9 H4).

            generalize H10 H5 H6 H7 H8. clear; intros.

            destruct H10; econstructor.
            inversion H. econstructor; eauto.
            clear core_config_sim_block0 mem_rely_tgt_block0.
            destruct mem_rely_src_block0.
            eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
            eapply unchg_freelist_trans; eauto.
            apply H6, H8. simpl; auto.

            clear H. induction H0. constructor.
            inversion H. econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
            destruct mem_rely_src0. split.
            eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
            eapply unchg_freelist_trans; eauto.
            apply H6, H8; simpl; auto.
            apply IHCallStack_sim_tail; auto.
            intros. apply H8. destruct H1; simpl; auto.

      { (* * step case *)
        destruct Hplus as (i'&fpT'&tcc'&tm'&Hplus&HLfpG&Hmatch).
        assert (exists tc', Core.update tc tcc' tc') as H_tcore_upd.
        { clear. destruct tc; simpl in *.
          exists (Core.Build_t i tcc' sg F). constructor; auto. }
        destruct H_tcore_upd as (tc'&H_tcore_upd).

        assert (exists tthdp', ThreadPool.update tthdp stid' tc' tthdp') as H_tp_upd_tgt.
        { generalize H_tp_core_tgt H_tcore_upd. clear; intros.
          unfold ThreadPool.get_top in H_tp_core_tgt.
          assert (exists cs, ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp stid' = Some cs).
          { destruct ThreadPool.get_cs; eauto. discriminate. }
          destruct H as [cs H]. rewrite H in H_tp_core_tgt.
          assert (exists cs', CallStack.update cs tc' cs').
          { destruct cs; inversion H_tp_core_tgt. subst.
            exists (tc'::cs). econstructor; eauto. }
          destruct H0 as [cs' H0].

          eexists. econstructor; eauto. }
        destruct H_tp_upd_tgt as [tthdp' H_tp_upd_tgt].

        exists {| thread_pool:=tthdp'; cur_tid:= stid'; gm:= tm'; atom_bit:= sbit'|},
        fpT', (i_wrap index index_order Hwf i'), (FP.union fpS fpS'), (FP.union fpT fpT').
 * plus step *) /lemma, core plus step -> glob plus tau step *)        assert (ETrace.tau_plus np_step
                                {| thread_pool := tthdp; cur_tid := stid'; gm := tm; atom_bit := sbit' |} fpT'
                                {| thread_pool := tthdp'; cur_tid := stid'; gm := tm'; atom_bit := sbit' |})
               as Htstep.
          generalize H_tp_tcs Hplus H_tcore_upd H_tp_upd_tgt H_tp_core_tgt. clear.
          destruct tc. do 3 intro . inversion H_tcore_upd. subst; simpl in *.
          generalize dependent H_tcore_upd.
          generalize dependent tcs0.
          generalize dependent tthdp.
          induction Hplus; intros.
          constructor. econstructor; eauto.
          eapply core_step_np_step in H. destruct H as (?&?&?).
          eapply ETrace.tau_plus_cons. eauto.
          eapply IHHplus; eauto; clear IHHplus.
          econstructor; eauto.
          econstructor; eauto. solv_thread. econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
          solv_thread. rewrite PMap.set2. solv_thread.
        split. auto.

 * LFPG *)        destruct (fp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H). destruct H3.
        apply LFPG_union_T. apply LFPG_union_S. auto.
        apply LfpG'_subset_T with (fpT':=fpT') in HLfpG.
        inversion HLfpG.
        apply LFPG_subset_S with (fpS := FP.union fpS fpS').
        split; auto.
 /lemma LDSimDefs.fpG -> fpG *)        constructor. intros. specialize (H6 b).
 /lemma locs belongsto bset belongsto *)        assert (Blockset.Bset.belongsto (FP.blocks fpT') b).
        { exists ofs. solv_belongsto. }
        apply H6 in H8. destruct H8; auto. destruct H8.
        right. unfold FLists.bbelongsto.
        unfold FLists.get_tfblock, FLists.get_block, FLists.get_tfl in *.
 /lemma by wd GE, ..*)        assert (exists n,
                   FLists.get_tfid (GlobEnv.freelists TGE) stid' n = Core.F tc).
          eapply ThreadPool.fid_belongsto.
          eapply ThreadPool.cs_inv.
          inversion H; eauto.
          eauto. simpl; auto.
        destruct H9.
        exists x0, x. rewrite H9. auto.
        apply FP.union2_subset. auto.
 /lemma eq subset *)        { clear. constructor; simpl; intros b ofs H; solv_belongsto. }
 * match state *)        assert (GMem.forward sm sm').
        { eapply GE_mod_wd_forward in Hsstep; eauto. }
        assert (GMem.forward tm tm').
        { generalize Htstep GE_mod_wd_tgt; clear; intros.
          eapply GE_mod_wd_plus_forward in Htstep; eauto.
        constructor; simpl in *.
 ** src_fwd *)        eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
        inversion H; auto.
 ** tgt_fwd *)        eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
        inversion H; auto.
 ** src mem inv *)        { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Hsstep; eauto.
          inversion H; auto.
          inversion H; auto.
 ** tgt mem inv *)        { eapply GE_mod_wd_plus_tp_inv_mem in Htstep; eauto.
          inversion H; auto.
          inversion H; auto.
 ** tp_match *)        { split.
 /need lemma for upd and dom_eq/ *)          econstructor; eauto; simpl.
          intro. eapply sttp_upd_ocs_match; eauto.
          split; constructor; auto.
 ** LFPG *)        { pose proof (fp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H). destruct H4 as (HLFPG&Hfpsubs&Hfpsubt).
          apply LFPG_union_T; auto.
          apply LFPG_union_S; auto.
          split. destruct HLfpG.
          eapply fp_match_subset_T'.
          eapply fp_match_subset_S'. eapply H4.
          apply FP.union2_subset. auto.
 / lemma x subset (x U y) *)          { clear. constructor; simpl; intros b ofs H; solv_belongsto. }
          destruct HLfpG.
 / need lemma for local fpG to glob fpG *)          unfold LDSimDefs.fpG in H5.
          constructor. intros. specialize (H5 b).
          assert (Bset.belongsto (FP.blocks (FP.union fpT fpT')) b) by (exists ofs; solv_belongsto).
          specialize (H5 H7).
          destruct H5; auto.
          destruct H5. right.
          unfold FLists.bbelongsto.
          assert (In tc (tc::tcs0)) by (simpl; auto).
          eapply ThreadPool.fid_belongsto in H8. unfold FLists.fbelongsto in H8.
          destruct H8.
          exists x0, x. rewrite <- H8 in H5. rewrite <- H5.
          unfold FLists.get_tfblock, FLists.get_block, FLists.get_tfl. eauto.
          eapply ThreadPool.cs_inv. inversion H; eauto. auto.

 *** fp subsets *)          split; apply FP.union2_subset; auto. }
 ** tp_inv src *)        { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Hsstep; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
 ** tp_inv tgt *)        { eapply GE_mod_wd_plus_tp_inv in Htstep; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
 ** sim_invs cur *)        {
          intros. exists (tc' :: tcs0). split; auto.
          inversion H_tp_upd_tgt. subst. unfold ThreadPool.get_cs.
          simpl. rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct peq; try congruence.
          inversion H6. subst. rewrite H_tp_tcs in H5. inversion H5. auto.
          destruct scs.
 /need lemma for upd and thread pool dom *)          exfalso. inversion H_tp_upd. subst.
          unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in H4. simpl in H4.
          rewrite PMap.gsspec in H4.
          destruct peq; try congruence. inversion H4. subst.
          inversion H6.
 current top sim *)          { (* /need lemma for upd and get *)
            assert (c' = t).
            { inversion H_tp_upd. subst.
              unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in H4. simpl in H4.
              rewrite Maps.PMap.gsspec in H4.
              destruct peq; try congruence. inversion H4. subst.
              inversion H6. auto. }
            subst t.
 dealing with dependent types... *)            inversion H_core_upd; inversion H_tcore_upd. simpl in *; subst.
            exists R. auto.
            simpl. auto.
 current tail sim *)          {
            assert (scs0 = scs).
            { inversion H_tp_upd. subst.
              unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in H4. simpl in H4.
              rewrite Maps.PMap.gsspec in H4.
              destruct peq; try congruence. inversion H4. subst.
              destruct cs. inversion H6.
              inversion H6. subst. rewrite H_tp_scs in H5. inversion H5. auto. }

 /by step and HG we know forward and unchg_on *)            assert (forall fi,
                       let: fl := (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists SGE) fi) in
                       fi <> (Core.F c) ->
                       unchg_freelist fl sm sm').
              apply step_local_eff, LEffect_unchanged_on in H_core_step.
              intros. eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
              intros. simpl. intro.
              eapply match_HG in Hmatch; eauto.
              destruct Hmatch. destruct H8. unfold LDSimDefs.fpG in H8.
              specialize (H8 b).
              assert (Bset.belongsto (FP.blocks (FP.union fpS fpS')) b).
              { exists ofs. solv_belongsto. }

              specialize (H8 H10); clear H10 H9.
              destruct H8.

 b in S *)              unfold no_overlap in Hfl_mu_disj_src.
              unfold in_fl in H6. destruct H6.
              specialize (Hfl_mu_disj_src _ _ _ H6).
              apply Hfl_mu_disj_src. auto.
 b in F *)              destruct H8, H6. rewrite <- H6 in H8.
              eapply (FLists.flist_disj _ (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ GE_wd_src)) in H5; eauto.
              destruct H5. eapply H5; eauto.

              eapply GE_mod_wd_src; eauto.
            assert (forall fi,
                       let: fl := (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists TGE) fi) in
                       fi <> (Core.F tc) ->
                       unchg_freelist fl tm tm').
 / lemma for plus-step local-effect *)              assert (GMem.unchanged_on (fun b ofs => ~ Locs.belongsto (FP.locs fpT') b ofs) tm tm') as Htleffect.
              { generalize Hplus GE_mod_wd_tgt; clear; intros.
                induction Hplus.
                apply step_local_eff, LEffect_unchanged_on in H; auto.
                eapply GMem.unchanged_on_trans with (m2:= m'); eauto.
                eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
                apply step_local_eff, LEffect_unchanged_on in H; eauto.
                clear. intros. intro. apply H. clear H. solv_belongsto.
                eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
                clear. intros. intro. apply H. clear H. solv_belongsto.
              intros. eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
              intros. simpl. intro.
              generalize HLfpG H6 H7 H8 GE_wd_tgt Hfl_mu_disj_tgt. clear ; intros.
              destruct HLfpG. clear H. unfold LDSimDefs.fpG in H0.
              specialize (H0 b).
              assert (Bset.belongsto (FP.blocks (FP.union fpT fpT')) b).
              { exists ofs; solv_belongsto. }

              specialize (H0 H); clear H H8.
              destruct H7.
              destruct H0.
 b in S *)              unfold no_overlap in Hfl_mu_disj_tgt.
              specialize (Hfl_mu_disj_tgt _ _ _ H).
              apply Hfl_mu_disj_tgt. auto.
 b in F *)              destruct H0. rewrite <- H0 in H.
              eapply (FLists.flist_disj _ (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ GE_wd_tgt)) in H6; eauto.
              destruct H6. eapply H1; eauto.
            assert (forall score', In score' scs ->
                                   Core.F score' <> Core.F c).
              apply ThreadPool.cs_inv in H_tp_scs.
              destruct H_tp_scs.
              intros. intro.
              apply In_nth_error in H7. destruct H7. symmetry in H8.
              specialize (fid_disjoint 0%nat (S x) c score' eq_refl H7 H8).
              inversion fid_disjoint.
              inversion H; auto.

            assert (forall tcore', In tcore' tcs0 ->
                                   Core.F tcore' <> Core.F tc).
              apply ThreadPool.cs_inv in H_tp_tcs.
              destruct H_tp_tcs.
              intros. intro.
              apply In_nth_error in H8. destruct H8. symmetry in H9.
              specialize (fid_disjoint 0%nat (S x) tc tcore' eq_refl H8 H9).
              inversion fid_disjoint.
              inversion H; auto.

            assert (ThreadPool.inv sthdp').
            { apply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Hsstep; auto.
              inversion H; auto. }
            assert (ThreadPool.inv tthdp').
            { apply GE_mod_wd_plus_tp_inv in Htstep; auto.
              inversion H; auto. }
            generalize H1 H2 H3 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 GE_wd_src. clear; intros.
            induction H1. constructor.
            specialize (IHCallStack_sim_tail H2 H3 H5 H6).
            econstructor; eauto.
            inversion H. econstructor; eauto.

            destruct mem_rely_src0. split; auto. eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
            eapply GMem.unchanged_on_trans; eauto.
            specialize (H7 sCore (or_introl eq_refl)).
            apply H5. auto.

            destruct mem_rely_tgt0. split; auto. eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
            eapply GMem.unchanged_on_trans; eauto.
            specialize (H8 tCore (or_introl eq_refl)).
            apply H6. auto.

            apply IHCallStack_sim_tail; intros.
            apply H7. apply in_cons. auto.
            apply H8. apply in_cons. auto.
 ** sim_invs other *)        { intros.
 /by step and HG we know forward and unchg_on *)          assert (forall fi,
                       let: fl := (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists SGE) fi) in
                       fi <> (Core.F c) ->
                       unchg_freelist fl sm sm').
              apply step_local_eff, LEffect_unchanged_on in H_core_step.
              intros. eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
              intros. simpl. intro.
              eapply match_HG in Hmatch; eauto.
              destruct Hmatch. destruct H10. unfold LDSimDefs.fpG in H10.
              specialize (H10 b).
              assert (Bset.belongsto (FP.blocks (FP.union fpS fpS')) b).
              { exists ofs; solv_belongsto. }

              specialize (H10 H12); clear H11 H12.
              destruct H10.

 b in S *)              unfold no_overlap in Hfl_mu_disj_src.
              unfold in_fl in H8. destruct H8.
              specialize (Hfl_mu_disj_src _ _ _ H8).
              apply Hfl_mu_disj_src. auto.
 b in F *)              destruct H10, H8. rewrite <- H8 in H10.
              eapply (FLists.flist_disj _ (GlobEnv.wd_fl _ GE_wd_src)) in H7; eauto.
              destruct H7. eapply H7; eauto.

              eapply GE_mod_wd_src; eauto.
            assert (forall fi,
                       let: fl := (FLists.get_fl (GlobEnv.freelists TGE) fi) in
                       fi <> (Core.F tc) ->
                       unchg_freelist fl tm tm').
 / lemma for plus-step local-effect *)              assert (GMem.unchanged_on (fun b ofs => ~ Locs.belongsto (FP.locs fpT') b ofs) tm tm') as Htleffect.
              { generalize Hplus GE_mod_wd_tgt; clear; intros.
                induction Hplus.
                apply step_local_eff, LEffect_unchanged_on in H; auto.
                eapply GMem.unchanged_on_trans with (m2:= m'); eauto.
                eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
                apply step_local_eff, LEffect_unchanged_on in H; eauto.
                clear. intros. intro. apply H. clear H.
                eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
                clear. intros. intro. apply H. clear H.
              intros. eapply GMem.unchanged_on_implies; eauto.
              intros. simpl. intro.
              generalize HLfpG H8 H9 H10 GE_wd_tgt Hfl_mu_disj_tgt. clear ; intros.
              destruct HLfpG. clear H. unfold LDSimDefs.fpG in H0.
              specialize (H0 b).
              assert (Bset.belongsto (FP.blocks (FP.union fpT fpT')) b).
              { exists ofs. solv_belongsto. }
              specialize (H0 H); clear H.
              destruct H9. destruct H0.
 b in S *)              eapply Hfl_mu_disj_tgt; eauto.
 b in F *)              destruct H0. solv_eq.
              eapply FLists.flist_disj; eauto.
              inversion GE_wd_tgt; eauto.
            assert (forall score', In score' scs ->
                                   Core.F score' <> Core.F c).
              intros. apply ThreadPool.cs_inv in H5.
              apply ThreadPool.cs_inv in H_tp_scs.
              destruct H5, H_tp_scs.
              apply fid_belongsto in H9.
              assert (In c (c :: scs0)) by (simpl; auto).
              apply fid_belongsto0 in H5.
              unfold FLists.fbelongsto in *.
              destruct H9, H5.
              rewrite <- H9, <- H5.
              eapply FLists.thread_fl_disj in H4; eauto.
              eapply GlobEnv.wd_fl; eauto.
              inversion H; auto.
              apply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Hsstep; auto.
              inversion H; auto.

            assert (forall tcore', In tcore' tcs ->
                                   Core.F tcore' <> Core.F tc).
              intros. apply ThreadPool.cs_inv in H6.
              apply ThreadPool.cs_inv in H_tp_tcs.
              destruct H6, H_tp_tcs.
              apply fid_belongsto in H10.
              assert (In tc (tc :: tcs0)) by (simpl; auto).
              apply fid_belongsto0 in H6.
              unfold FLists.fbelongsto in *.
              destruct H10, H6.
              rewrite <- H10, <- H6.
              eapply FLists.thread_fl_disj in H4; eauto.
              eapply GlobEnv.wd_fl; eauto.
              inversion H; auto.
              apply GE_mod_wd_plus_tp_inv in Htstep; auto.
              inversion H; auto.

            assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp t = Some scs).
              generalize H_tp_upd H4 H5. clear. intros.
              unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in *.
              inversion H_tp_upd; subst; simpl in *.
              rewrite PMap.gsspec in *.
              destruct peq; congruence.
            assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp t = Some tcs).
              generalize H_tp_upd_tgt H4 H6. clear. intros.
              unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in *.
              inversion H_tp_upd_tgt; subst; simpl in *.
              rewrite PMap.gsspec in *.
              destruct peq; congruence.
            pose proof (tp_other_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H t _ _ H4 H11 H12).

            generalize H2 H3 H4 H7 H8 H9 H10 H13. clear; intros.

            destruct H13; econstructor.
            inversion H. econstructor; eauto.
            destruct mem_rely_src_block0. split.
            eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
            eapply unchg_freelist_trans; eauto.
            apply H7, H9. simpl; auto.

            destruct mem_rely_tgt_block0. split.
            eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
            eapply unchg_freelist_trans; eauto.
            apply H8, H10. simpl; auto.

            clear H. induction H0. constructor.
            econstructor; eauto.
            inversion H. econstructor; eauto.
            destruct mem_rely_src0. split.
            eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
            eapply unchg_freelist_trans; eauto.
            apply H7, H9. simpl; auto.

            destruct mem_rely_tgt0. split.
            eapply GMem.forward_trans; eauto.
            eapply unchg_freelist_trans; eauto.
            apply H8, H10; simpl; auto.
            apply IHCallStack_sim_tail; auto.
            intros. apply H9. destruct H1; simpl; auto.
            intros. apply H10. destruct H1; simpl; auto.

 call ext *)    { left. destruct i eqn:Hi.
 arguments related arg_rel (inj mu) args args' *)      assert (exists scs, ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp stid' = Some (c :: scs)) as H_tp_cs.
      { generalize H_tp_core; clear; intro.
        unfold ThreadPool.get_top in H_tp_core.
        destruct ThreadPool.get_cs; inversion H_tp_core.
        unfold in H0. destruct t; inversion H0.
        eauto. }
      decompose_ex H_tp_cs.
      destruct (tp_cur_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ H_tp_cs) as (tcs & H_tp_cs' & Hsim_cur_cs).

      destruct tcs as [ | tc ]; [ inversion Hsim_cur_cs | ].

      inversion Hsim_cur_cs; subst.
      rename H9 into Hsim_cur_other.
      clear Hsim_cur_cs.

      assert (ThreadPool.get_top tthdp stid' = Some tc) as H_tp_core'.
      { unfold ThreadPool.get_top. rewrite H_tp_cs'; auto. }

      destruct H8 as [core_config_sim Hsg].
      destruct core_config_sim as [R_top [Hldsim_top Hmatch_top] ].

      pose proof Hldsim_top as Hldsim_top'.
      eapply match_at_external in Hldsim_top; eauto.
      destruct Hldsim_top as [GARG [i0' [args' Hldsim_top] ] ].
      destruct Hldsim_top as (H_core_atext' & Hargs & HLG & match_top').

      destruct tc eqn:Htc; simpl in *.

 by simulation on modules in SGE and TGE, 
         we could init a related target core *)      set (ThreadPool.next_fmap sthdp stid') as sfnum.
      set (FLists.get_tfid (GlobEnv.freelists SGE) stid' sfnum) as sfid.
      set (ThreadPool.next_fmap tthdp stid') as tfnum.
      set (FLists.get_tfid (GlobEnv.freelists TGE) stid' tfnum) as tfid.
      destruct (HGE_sim funid new_ix sfid tfid H_mod_id) as
          (new_ix' & H_mod_id' & Hmod_sim_new).

      destruct Hmod_sim_new as (index' & index_order' & R_new & Hmod_sim_new).
      edestruct (Hmod_sim_new funid args args') as (tcc'' & H_new_core' & Htmp); eauto.
      exploit (Htmp sm_init tm_init).
      { inversion H_init_sm. eauto. }
      { inversion H_init_tm. eauto. }
      { constructor; auto.
        eapply FLists.freelist_norepeat; eauto. eapply GlobEnv.wd_fl; eauto.
        eapply FLists.freelist_norepeat; eauto. eapply GlobEnv.wd_fl; eauto. }
      { instantiate (2:= sm'). instantiate (1:= tm).
        inversion HLG. inversion H0.
        constructor; auto.
        constructor; auto.
        inv H; auto.
TODO: lemma : freelist free -> unchg_freelist
        apply freelist_free_unchg_freelist; auto. inv H. inv fl_inv_src0. eauto.
        eapply match_HG in Hmatch_top; eauto. destruct Hmatch_top. destruct H5. auto.
        constructor; auto.
        inv H; auto.
        apply freelist_free_unchg_freelist; auto. inv H. inv fl_inv_tgt0. eauto.
      intros (i0'' & Hsim_new & Hmatch_new).

eapply match_init
      inversion H. eapply ThreadPool.tp_valid_freelist_free; eauto.
        inversion H. eapply ThreadPool.tp_valid_freelist_free; eauto.
        eapply FLists.freelist_norepeat; eauto. eapply GlobEnv.wd_fl; eauto.
        eapply FLists.freelist_norepeat; eauto. eapply GlobEnv.wd_fl; eauto.
        eapply match_HG; eauto. }
      H_init_sm H_init_tm).   sm' tm) as (index' & index_order' & R_new & i0'' &
                         Hsim_new & Hmatch_new); eauto.
       *)      clear Htmp.
      assert (exists tthdp'', ThreadPool.push tthdp stid' new_ix' tcc'' sg = Some tthdp'')
        as H_tp_push'.
      { generalize H_tp_core'. clear. intro.
        repeat solv_thread'. }
      destruct H_tp_push' as [tthdp'' H_tp_push''].

      exists ([[ tthdp'', stid', tm, O ]]), FP.emp.
      unshelve eexists (i_wrap index' index_order' _ i0'').
      { eapply AuxLDSim.index_wf; eauto. }
      exists FP.emp, FP.emp.

      assert ( tau_plus np_step
                        {| thread_pool := tthdp; cur_tid := stid'; gm := tm; atom_bit := O |}
                        {| thread_pool := tthdp''; cur_tid := stid'; gm := tm; atom_bit := O |}) as Htplus.
      { eapply tau_plus_1. eapply Call with (c1:= (<< i, c0, sg0, F >>)); eauto. }
      split; auto.
 * LFPG *)        destruct (fp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H). destruct H1.
        apply LFPG_union. auto.
        clear. constructor.
        constructor; constructor; intros; inversion H0.
        apply fpG_emp.
        constructor; simpl in *.
 ** src_fwd *)        inversion H; auto.
 ** tgt_fwd *)        inversion H; auto.
 ** src mem inv *)        { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Hsstep; eauto.
          inversion H; auto.
          inversion H; auto.
 ** tgt mem inv *)        { eapply GE_mod_wd_plus_tp_inv_mem in Htplus; eauto.
          simpl. inversion H; auto.
          simpl. inversion H; auto.
 ** tp_match *)        { split; [| split; constructor; auto].
 /need lemma for upd and dom_eq/ *)          econstructor; eauto; simpl. intro t.
          generalize H_tp_push, H_tp_push'', H. clear; intros.
          apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [? _]. inversion H; subst.
          unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in *; simpl in *. specialize (H2 t).
          eapply tp_push_ocs_match in H2; eauto.
 ** LFPG *)        { pose proof (fp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H). destruct H0 as (HLFPG&Hfpsubs&Hfpsubt).
          apply LFPG_union. auto.
          clear. constructor. constructor; constructor; intros; inversion H0. apply fpG_emp.
          clear. split; constructor; intros b ofs H; solv_belongsto.
 ** tp_inv src *)        { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Hsstep; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
 ** tp_inv tgt *)        { eapply GE_mod_wd_plus_tp_inv in Htplus; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
 ** sim_invs cur *)        { intros.
          inversion H_tp_push. unfold ThreadPool.push in H2.
          unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in H_tp_cs, H0.
          rewrite H_tp_cs in H2. inversion H2; subst; clear H2; simpl in *.
          rewrite PMap.gsspec in H0. destruct peq; [|contradiction].
          inversion H0; clear H0; subst. unfold CallStack.push.
          unfold ThreadPool.push in H_tp_push''.
          exists ({| Core.c:=tcc''; sg;
                Core.F:= FLists.get_tfid (GlobEnv.freelists TGE) stid'
                                         (ThreadPool.next_fmap tthdp stid') |}
               :: {| Core.c:=c0; c; Core.F:= F |} :: tcs). split.
          { generalize H_tp_push'', H_tp_cs'. clear. intros.
            solv_thread'. solv_pmap. auto. discriminate. }

 current top sim *)          { constructor; simpl in *; auto.
            eexists; eauto. }
 current tail sim *)          {
 caller core *)            econstructor; eauto.
            econstructor. eexists. eauto.
            split;[apply GMem.forward_refl|apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl].
            split;[apply GMem.forward_refl|apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl].
 ** sim_invs other *)        { intros.
 /by step and HG we know forward and unchg_on *)          assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp t = Some scs0).
          { generalize H_tp_push H0 H1. clear. intros.
            solv_thread'. solv_pmap. auto. }
          assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp t = Some tcs0).
          { generalize H_tp_push'' H0 H2. clear. intros.
            solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto. }
          pose proof (tp_other_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H t _ _ H0 H3 H4).

          generalize H1 H2 H5. clear; intros.

          destruct H5; econstructor; eauto.

 return *)    { left.
      assert (exists scs,
                 ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp stid' = Some (c :: c' :: scs)) as H_tp_scs.
      { apply get_top_in_cs in H_tp_core; auto.
        destruct H_tp_core as (cs & Htpcs & Htop).
        destruct cs; inversion Htop. subst.
        unfold ThreadPool.pop in H_tp_pop.
        unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in Htpcs.
        rewrite Htpcs in H_tp_pop; simpl in *.
        inversion H_tp_pop; subst.
        unfold ThreadPool.get_top, ThreadPool.get_cs in H_tp_caller; simpl in *.
        rewrite PMap.gsspec in H_tp_caller. destruct peq; [|contradiction].
        destruct cs; inversion H_tp_caller; subst.
        exists cs; auto.
      destruct H_tp_scs as (scs & H_tp_scs).
      assert (exists tc tc' tcs,
                 ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp stid' = Some (tc :: tc' :: tcs)) as H_tp_tcs.
      { apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [H _].
        inversion H; subst. specialize (H2 stid'); inversion H2.
        solv_eq; subst;
          repeat match goal with
                 | H: cs_match (cons _ _) _ |- _ => inversion H; subst; clear H
                 | H: CallStack.is_emp (cons _ _) |- _ => inversion H
        repeat eexists; eauto. }
      destruct H_tp_tcs as (tc & tc' & tcs & H_tp_tcs).
      destruct i as [index index_order Hwf i].
      pose proof (tp_cur_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ H_tp_scs) as Hlsim_cur;
        simpl in Hlsim_cur.
      destruct Hlsim_cur as (tcs' & H_tp_tcs' & Hlsim_cur).
      rewrite H_tp_tcs in H_tp_tcs'. inversion H_tp_tcs'. subst tcs'. clear H_tp_tcs'.
      inversion Hlsim_cur as
          [|sCore sm tCore tm0 scs0 tcs0 H0 H1' Hsim_cur_top Hsim_cur_other H3 H2'].
      subst. clear Hlsim_cur.
      inversion Hsim_cur_top.
      destruct core_config_sim_current0 as (R&Hlsim_top&Hmatch).
      pose proof Hmatch as Hmatch'.

      eapply (AuxLDSim.match_halt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hlsim_top) in Hmatch; eauto.

      destruct tc as [tix_top tcc sg F] eqn:Htc; simpl in *.
      destruct Hmatch as (H_res_src & resT & H_core_halt' & Hres_rel & HLG).

      inversion Hsim_cur_other as
          [|sm0 tm0 sm tm1 scs0 tcs0 index0 index_order0 i0
                sCore tCore Hsim_caller Hsim_cur_other' H0 H1' H3 H2'].
      subst. clear Hsim_cur_other.
 construct return step  in target *)      inversion Hsim_caller. clear Hsim_caller.
      destruct core_config_sim0 as (R_caller & Hsim_caller & Hmatch_caller). auto.
      pose proof Hsim_caller as Hcaller_after_sim.
      eapply match_after_external in Hcaller_after_sim; eauto.
      instantiate (1:= res_sg ( c) resT) in Hcaller_after_sim.
      Focus 2. destruct (res_sg _ res) eqn:Htmp; simpl; auto.
      inversion Htmp. unfold res_sg in H1. destruct AST.sig_res; congruence.

      destruct Hcaller_after_sim as (tcc'' & H_core_aftext' & Hmatch_after).
         1. is signature preserved across all compilation passes ?
         A: propably yes, at leat for Selection.v

         2. if so, need additional condition in Config_sim for eq_sig 
         3. what about the entry signature? main_sg? 
         A: seems it does not matter what signature is recoreded in the bottom core,
         both source and target program could initialize the core with [ sg_main ].

         4. Do we need additional conditions in mod_lsim?
         A: no, signature checks only return values when a core halts. mod_lsim
         deals with core initialization, has nothing to do with sg.
         It seems that the has_type relation is not preserved by value injection ...
         1. we could add condition on returning type? 
         halted c = Some (v, typ) -> has_type v typ /\
         check typ when returning in globsem /\
         require return type matches in simulation

         need lemma for:
         res_has_type res ty ->
         val_inj res res' ->
         res_has_type res' ty *)
         additional type information in interaction semantics *)
      assert (exists tthdp', ThreadPool.pop tthdp stid' = Some tthdp').
      { generalize H_tp_tcs. clear. intros. solv_thread'. }
      destruct H0 as [tthdp' H_tp_pop'].
      assert (exists tthdp'',
                 ThreadPool.update tthdp' stid'
                                   {| Core.c:= tcc''; := tc';
                                      Core.F := Core.F tc' |}
      { generalize H_tp_pop' H_tp_tcs. clear. intros. solv_thread'.
        eexists. econstructor; eauto. solv_thread. repeat (econstructor; eauto). }
      destruct H0 as [tthdp'' H_tp_upd'].
      assert (np_step {| thread_pool := tthdp; cur_tid := stid'; gm := tm; atom_bit := O|}
                      tau FP.emp
                      {| thread_pool := tthdp''; cur_tid := stid'; gm := tm; atom_bit := O|}
             ) as Htreturn.
      { inversion H_tp_upd' as [cs cs' thdp'0 H0' H1' H2' H3'].
        inversion H1' as [c0 cs0 cc c'0 H0'' H1'' H2'' H3''].
        subst; simpl in *.

        eapply Return with (c1:=(<<tix_top, tcc, c, F>>)); eauto.
        { find_relatives tthdp. clear. intros. solv_thread'. }
        { find_relatives tthdp'. clear; intros. solv_thread'. solv_pmap. congruence. }
        { simpl.
 dependent types....... *)          assert (tc' = c0).
          { generalize H0' H_tp_pop' H_tp_tcs. clear. intros.
            solv_thread'. solv_pmap. congruence. }
          subst c0. constructor. auto.
      assert (well_founded index_order0) as wf0.
      { inversion Hsim_caller; auto. }

      destruct (Hmatch_after sm' tm) as (i0' & Hmatch_caller').
      { eapply match_HG in Hlsim_top; eauto.
        generalize Hlsim_top HLG mem_rely_src0 mem_rely_tgt0; clear; intros.
        destruct mem_rely_src0, mem_rely_tgt0, HLG, Hlsim_top.
        destruct H3, H6.
        constructor; auto; constructor; auto. }
      clear Hmatch_after.

      eexists _, FP.emp, (i_wrap _ _ wf0 i0'), FP.emp, FP.emp.
      split. econstructor; eauto.
      split. do 2 rewrite fp_union_emp_r. apply fp_match in H. destruct H. auto.

 sim *)      do 2 rewrite fp_union_emp_r.
      constructor; simpl.
      { inversion H; auto. }
      { inversion H; auto. }
      { inversion H; eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Hsstep; eauto. }
      { inversion H; eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Htreturn; eauto. }
      { (** match tp dom *)
        split; [| split; constructor; auto].
        econstructor; eauto; simpl.
        apply tp_match in H; destruct H as [H _].

        generalize H H_tp_pop H_tp_upd H_tp_pop' H_tp_upd' H_tp_scs H_tp_tcs;
          clear; intros.
        inversion H; simpl in *; subst.
        eapply sttp_upd_ocs_match; [|eauto|eauto].
        eapply tp_pop_ocs_match in H2; eauto.
      { (** LFPG *)
??? the same routine with the caller sim case
        split; [|clear; split; constructor; intros b ofs H; inversion H].
        apply fp_match in H. destruct H; auto.
tp invs
      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Hsstep; inversion H; eauto. }
      { inversion H; eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Htreturn; eauto;
          eapply GE_mod_wd_star_tp_inv in Htstar'; eauto. }
sim cur
      { intros. solv_eq.
        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp' stid' = Some (c'' :: scs)).
        { generalize H_tp_scs, H_tp_pop, H_tp_upd. clear. intros.
          solv_thread'. solv_pmap. inversion H. auto. }
        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp'' stid' =
                Some ({|Core.c:= tcc''; tc'; Core.F := Core.F tc' |} :: tcs)).
        { find_relatives tthdp''. clear; intros.
          solv_thread'. solv_pmap. f_equal. congruence. }
        eexists; split; eauto.
        rewrite H1 in H0. inversion H0; clear H0. subst.
        { (** sim cur top *)
 why do i have to deal with dependent types? *)          destruct c' as [i_c' c_c' sg_c' F_c'].
          destruct c'' as [i_c'' c_c'' sg_c'' F_c''].
          assert (i_c' = i_c'' /\ F_c' = F_c'' /\ sg_c' = sg_c'').
          { generalize H_core_upd; clear; intro H; inversion H; simpl in *.
            inversion H0. auto. }
          destruct H0 as [H0 [H3 H4] ]; subst i_c'' F_c''; simpl in *.
          assert (c_c'' = cc'').
          { inversion H_core_upd. subst. inversion H0.
            rewrite eq_sigT_iff_eq_dep in H4.
            apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.eq_dep_eq in H4.
            trivial. }
          subst c_c'' sg_c''.
          constructor; simpl in *; auto.
          exists R_caller. split; auto.
        { (** sim cur other *)
sim other
        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp' t = ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp t).
        { generalize H_tp_upd, H_tp_pop, H0; clear; intros.
          solv_thread'. solv_pmap. auto. }

        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp'' t = ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp t).
        { generalize H_tp_upd', H_tp_pop', H0; clear; intros.
          solv_thread'. solv_pmap. auto. }
        eapply tp_other_sim in H.
        generalize H2 H3 H4 H0 H1 H. clear; intros.
        eapply H; eauto; congruence.
      generalize Hres_rel. clear; intros.
      unfold ores_rel, res_sg.
      destruct ( c); simpl in *.
      destruct sig_res; auto.

 halt *)    {
      assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp stid' = Some (c :: nil)) as H_tp_scs.
      { generalize H_tp_core H_tp_pop H_thread_halt; clear; intros.
        solv_thread'. solv_pmap. inversion H. auto. }
      assert (exists tc, ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp stid' = Some (tc :: nil)) as H_tp_tcs.
      { apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [H _].
        inversion H; subst. specialize (H2 stid'); inversion H2.
        congruence. solv_eq; subst.
        inversion H3; subst. inversion H0. eexists; eauto.
        inversion H6. subst. inversion H4. auto. }
      destruct H_tp_tcs as (tc & H_tp_tcs).
      destruct i as [index index_order Hwf i].
      pose proof (tp_cur_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ H_tp_scs) as Hlsim_cur;
        simpl in Hlsim_cur.
      destruct Hlsim_cur as (tcs' & H_tp_tcs' & Hlsim_cur).
      rewrite H_tp_tcs in H_tp_tcs'. inversion H_tp_tcs'. subst tcs'. clear H_tp_tcs'.
      inversion Hlsim_cur as
          [|sCore sm tCore tm0 scs0 tcs0 H0 H1' Hsim_cur_top Hsim_cur_other H3 H2'].
      subst. clear Hlsim_cur.
      inversion Hsim_cur_top.
      destruct core_config_sim_current0 as (R&Hlsim_top&Hmatch).
      pose proof Hmatch as Hmatch'.

      eapply (AuxLDSim.match_halt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hlsim_top) in Hmatch; eauto.

      destruct tc as [tix_top tcc sg F] eqn:Htc; simpl in *.
      destruct Hmatch as (H_res_src & resT & H_core_halt' & Hres_rel & HLG).

 construct return step  in target *)      assert (exists tthdp', ThreadPool.pop tthdp stid' = Some tthdp').
      { generalize H_tp_tcs. clear. intros. solv_thread'. }
      destruct H0 as [tthdp' H_tp_pop'].
      assert (ThreadPool.halted tthdp' stid') as H_therad_halt.
      { find_relatives tthdp'. clear. intros. solv_thread'.
        econstructor; eauto; solv_thread'. solv_pmap. eauto. }
      assert (forall t', ThreadPool.valid_tid tthdp' t' -> ThreadPool.halted tthdp' t')
        as H_all_thread_halted'.
        assert (ThreadPool.inv sthdp').
        { inversion H. eapply ThreadPool.pop_inv; eauto. }
        assert (ThreadPool.inv tthdp').
        { inversion H. eapply ThreadPool.pop_inv; eauto. }
        intro. rewrite valid_tid_get_cs; auto. destruct 1 as (cs' & Hcs').
        generalize H H_all_thread_halted H_thread_halt H_tp_pop H_tp_pop' Hcs' H0.
        clear; intros.
        apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [H _]. inversion H; subst.
        eapply tp_pop_ocs_match with (i:=t') in H3; eauto.
        eapply ThreadPool.Halted; eauto.
        rewrite Hcs' in H3. inversion H3. subst. inversion H4; [auto|].
        subst. exfalso. clear H2 H4.
        assert (ThreadPool.valid_tid sthdp' t').
        { rewrite valid_tid_get_cs; auto. rewrite <- H1. eauto. }
        apply H_all_thread_halted in H2. inversion H2. inversion H5. subst.
      assert (np_step {| thread_pool := tthdp; cur_tid := stid'; gm := tm; atom_bit := O|}
                      tau FP.emp
                      {| thread_pool := tthdp'; cur_tid := stid'; gm := tm; atom_bit := O|}
             ) as Htreturn.
      { eapply Halt with (c0:= tc); subst; eauto.
        generalize H_tp_tcs; clear; intros; solv_thread'. }
      eexists _, FP.emp, (i_wrap _ _ Hwf i), FP.emp, FP.emp.
      split. econstructor; eauto.
      split. do 2 rewrite fp_union_emp_r. apply fp_match in H. destruct H. auto.

 sim *)      do 2 rewrite fp_union_emp_r.
      constructor; simpl.
      { inversion H; auto. }
      { inversion H; auto. }
      { inversion H; eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Hsstep; eauto. }
      { inversion H; eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Htreturn; eauto. }
      { (** match tp dom *)
        split; [| split; constructor; auto].
        econstructor; eauto; simpl.
        apply tp_match in H; destruct H as [H _].

        generalize H H_tp_pop H_tp_pop' H_tp_scs H_tp_tcs;
          clear; intros.
        inversion H; simpl in *; subst.
        eapply tp_pop_ocs_match in H2; eauto.
      { (** LFPG *)
WTF??? the same routine with the caller sim case
        split; [|clear; split; constructor; intros b ofs H; inversion H].
        apply fp_match in H. destruct H; auto.
tp invs
      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Hsstep; inversion H; eauto. }
      { inversion H; eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Htreturn; eauto;
          eapply GE_mod_wd_star_tp_inv in Htstar'; eauto. }
sim cur
      { intros. exists nil.
        split. find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros. solv_thread'.
        assert (scs = nil) by (find_relatives sthdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread').
        subst. econstructor. auto.
sim other
        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp' t = ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp t).
        { generalize H_tp_pop, H0; clear; intros.
          solv_thread'. solv_pmap. auto. }

        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp' t = ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp t).
        { generalize H_tp_pop', H0; clear; intros.
          solv_thread'. solv_pmap. auto. }
        eapply tp_other_sim in H.
        generalize H2 H3 H4 H0 H1 H. clear; intros.
        eapply H; eauto; congruence.

  Lemma sim_ent_atom:
    forall i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc,
      Config_sim i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc ->
      forall spc' fpS',
          np_step spc tau fpS' spc' ->
          atom_bit spc <> atom_bit spc' ->
          (exists tpc' fpT' tpc'' fpT'' i',
              tau_star np_step tpc fpT' tpc' /\
              atom_bit tpc = atom_bit tpc' /\
              np_step tpc' tau fpT'' tpc'' /\
              LFPG mu TGE tpc.(cur_tid) (FP.union fpS0 fpS')
                                        (FP.union fpT0 (FP.union fpT' fpT'')) /\
              Config_sim i' FP.emp FP.emp FP.emp FP.emp spc' tpc'').
    destruct spc as [sthdp stid sm b].
    destruct tpc as [tthdp ttid tm tb].
    inversion H0; simpl in *; subst; simpl in *; try contradiction. clear H1.
    destruct i eqn:Hi.

    assert (exists scs, ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp stid = Some (c :: scs)) as H_tp_cs.
    { generalize H_tp_core; clear; intro.
      match goal with | H: match ?x with _ => _ end = Some _ |- _ => destruct x; inversion H_tp_core end.
      destruct t; inversion H0; eauto. }
    decompose_ex H_tp_cs.
    destruct (tp_cur_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ H_tp_cs) as (tcs & H_tp_cs' & Hsim_cur_cs).
    destruct tcs as [ | tc ]; [ inversion Hsim_cur_cs | ].

    inversion Hsim_cur_cs; subst.
    rename H9 into Hsim_cur_top.
    rename H10 into Hsim_cur_tail.
    clear Hsim_cur_cs.
    assert (ThreadPool.get_top tthdp ttid = Some tc) as H_tp_core'.
    { solv_thread. rewrite H_tp_cs'. auto. }

    destruct Hsim_cur_top as [core_config_sim Hsg].
    destruct core_config_sim as [R_top [Hldsim_top Hmatch_top] ].

    pose proof Hldsim_top as Hldsim_top'.
    eapply match_at_external in Hldsim_top; eauto.
    destruct Hldsim_top as [HGarg [i0' [args' Hldsim_top] ] ].
    destruct Hldsim_top as (H_core_atext' & Hargs & HLG & match_top').

    destruct tc eqn:Htc; simpl in *.

    assert (tb = O /\ ttid = stid).
    { generalize H. clear. intro.
      inversion H; simpl in *.
      repeat norm_hypos.
      inversion H4; inversion H5; simpl in *; subst; auto. }
    destruct H1 as (?&?); subst.
 by simulation on modules in SGE and TGE, 
         we could init a related target core
     *)    pose proof Hldsim_top' as Hldsim_top.
    eapply match_after_external in Hldsim_top'; eauto; try (econstructor; eauto; fail).
    destruct Hldsim_top' as (tcc'' & H_core_aftext' & i0'' & Hmatch_top'').
    { instantiate (2:= sm). instantiate (1:= tm).
      generalize HLG Hldsim_top match_top'. clear. intros.
      eapply match_HG in Hldsim_top; eauto. clear match_top'.
      destruct HLG, Hldsim_top. destruct H, H2.
      constructor; auto; constructor; auto;
        try apply GMem.forward_refl; try apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl. }
    assert (exists tthdp', ThreadPool.update tthdp stid (<< i, tcc'', c, F >>) tthdp')
      as H_tp_upd'.
    { generalize H_tp_core'; clear; intros; solv_thread'.
      eexists. econstructor; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto. }
    decompose_ex H_tp_upd'.
    eexists _, FP.emp, ([[tthdp', stid, tm, I ]]), FP.emp. simpl.
    assert (np_step {| thread_pool := tthdp; cur_tid:= stid; gm := tm; atom_bit := O |} tau FP.emp
                    {| thread_pool := tthdp'; cur_tid:= stid; gm := tm; atom_bit := I |}) as Htstep.
    { eapply Ent_Atom; eauto.
      simpl in *. inversion Hargs. subst. auto.
      econstructor; eauto. }

    exists (i_wrap _ _ wf i0'').
    split; constructor. auto.
    split; auto.
 * LFPG *)      destruct (fp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H). destruct H2.
      repeat rewrite fp_union_emp_r. auto.
      constructor; simpl in *.
 ** src_fwd *)      inversion H; auto.
 ** tgt_fwd *)      inversion H; auto.
 ** src mem inv *)      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in H0; eauto.
        inversion H; auto.
        inversion H; auto.
 ** tgt mem inv *)      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Htstep; eauto. simpl in *.
        inversion H; auto.
        inversion H; auto.
 ** tp_match *)      { split; [| split; constructor; auto].
 /need lemma for upd and dom_eq/ *)        econstructor; eauto; simpl. intro t.
        eapply sttp_upd_ocs_match; eauto.
        apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [? _]. inversion H; subst; auto.
 ** LFPG *)      { pose proof (fp_match _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H). destruct H1 as (HLFPG&Hfpsubs&Hfpsubt).
        clear. split. constructor.
        constructor; constructor; intros; inversion H0. apply fpG_emp.
        split; constructor; intros b ofs H; solv_belongsto.
 ** tp_inv src *)      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in H0; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
 ** tp_inv tgt *)      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv in Htstep; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
 ** sim_invs cur *)      { intros.
        assert (scs0 = c' :: scs).
        { generalize H_tp_cs H_tp_upd H1; clear; intros. repeat solv_thread. }
        subst scs0. unfold ThreadPool.get_cs in H1.
        exists ({| Core.i := i; Core.c := tcc''; := c; Core.F := F |} :: tcs).
        split. generalize H_tp_cs' H_tp_upd'. clear. intros.
        solv_thread'. solv_pmap. auto.
 current top sim *)        { destruct c, c'; subst; simpl in *.
          inversion H_core_update. inversion H2.
          rewrite eq_sigT_iff_eq_dep in H6. subst.
          apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.eq_dep_eq in H6. subst.
          constructor; simpl in *; auto.
          exists R_top. split; eauto. }
 current tail sim *)        {
 tail *)          generalize H Hsim_cur_tail H1 GE_wd_tgt. clear; intros.
          induction Hsim_cur_tail. constructor.
          specialize (IHHsim_cur_tail H).
          econstructor; eauto.
 ** sim_invs other *)      { intros.
        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp t = Some scs0).
        { generalize H_tp_upd H1 H2. clear. intros. solv_thread'. solv_pmap. auto. }

        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp t = Some tcs0).
        { generalize H_tp_upd' H1 H3. clear. intros. solv_thread'. solv_pmap. auto. }

        pose proof (tp_other_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H t _ _ H1 H4 H5). auto.
    { inversion Hargs. constructor. }
  Lemma sim_sw_step:
    forall i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc,
      Config_sim i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc ->
      forall (o : ETrace.glabel) (spc' : ProgConfig) (fpS' : FP.t),
        o <> ETrace.tau ->
        np_step spc o fpS' spc' ->
        exists (fpT' : FP.t) (tpc' : ProgConfig) (i' : glob_index),
          np_step tpc o fpT' tpc' /\
          LFPG mu TGE (cur_tid tpc) (FP.union fpS0 fpS') (FP.union fpT0 fpT') /\
          Config_sim i' FP.emp FP.emp FP.emp FP.emp spc' tpc'.
    intros i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc H o spc' fpS' H_o H_step.
    destruct spc as [sthdp stid sm b].
    destruct tpc as [tthdp ttid tm tb].
    destruct i.

    assert (ttid = stid /\ tb = b).
    { inversion H. destruct tp_match0 as (_ & ? & ?).
      inversion H0; inversion H1. subst; simpl in *; auto. }
    destruct H0; subst.
    inversion H_step; try (exfalso; apply H_o; auto; fail); subst; clear H_o.
Thrd_Halt case
      assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp stid = Some (c :: nil)) as H_tp_cs.
      { solv_thread'. solv_pmap. solv_thread'. }
      destruct (tp_cur_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ H_tp_cs) as (tcs & H_tp_cs' & Hsim_cur_cs).
      destruct tcs as [ | tc ]; [ inversion Hsim_cur_cs | ].

      inversion Hsim_cur_cs; subst; clear Hsim_cur_cs.
      rename H8 into Hsim_cur_top. rename H9 into Hsim_cur_tail.

      assert (tcs = nil).
      { apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [H _].
        inversion H. subst. clear H. specialize (H2 stid).
        simpl in H2. rewrite H_tp_cs, H_tp_cs' in H2.
        inversion H2. subst. inversion H1. subst. inversion H. subst. inversion H0. subst.
        inversion H3. auto. }
      assert (ThreadPool.get_top tthdp stid = Some tc) as H_tp_core' by solv_thread'.
      destruct tc eqn:Htc; simpl in *.
      destruct Hsim_cur_top as [core_config_sim Hsg].
      destruct core_config_sim as [R_top [Hldsim_top Hmatch_top] ].

      pose proof Hldsim_top as Hldsim_top'.
      eapply match_halt in Hldsim_top; eauto.
      destruct Hldsim_top as [HGarg [res' [H_core_halt'[Hres HLG] ] ] ].
      simpl in *.
      assert (exists tthdp', ThreadPool.pop tthdp stid = Some tthdp' /\ ThreadPool.halted tthdp' stid) as Htmp.
      { find_relatives tthdp. clear; intros.
        solv_thread'. eexists. split; eauto.
        econstructor; eauto. solv_thread'. solv_pmap. eauto.
        constructor. }
      decompose_ex Htmp. destruct Htmp as [H_tp_pop' H_thread_halt'].
      exists FP.emp, {| thread_pool:=tthdp'; cur_tid:= t'; gm:= tm; atom_bit:= O |}.

      assert (ThreadPool.inv thdp') as H_thdp'_inv.
      { eapply ThreadPool.pop_inv; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
      assert (ThreadPool.inv tthdp') as H_tthdp'_inv.
      { eapply ThreadPool.pop_inv; eauto. inversion H; auto. }

      assert (H_tid: ThreadPool.valid_tid tthdp' t' /\ ~ThreadPool.halted tthdp' t').
        pose proof H as H'. apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [H _].
        inversion H; subst; clear H. simpl in *.
        rewrite thrddom_eq_valid_tid.
        4: intro; apply ocs_match_comm; eapply tp_pop_ocs_match in H2; eauto.
        2,3: auto.
        rewrite thrddom_eq_halted; eauto.
        intro; apply ocs_match_comm; eapply tp_pop_ocs_match in H2; eauto.
      destruct H_tid as [H_thread_valid' H_not_halted'].

find the next current thread
      assert (H_tid': t' <> stid).
      { find_relatives thdp'; clear; intros.
        intro. subst. congruence. }

      pose proof H_thread_valid as H_tp_cs_t'.
      rewrite (valid_tid_get_cs SGE thdp' t' H_thdp'_inv) in H_tp_cs_t'.
      destruct H_tp_cs_t' as [scs' H_tp_cs_t'].
      pose proof H_thread_valid' as H_tp_cs'_t'.
      rewrite (valid_tid_get_cs TGE tthdp' t' H_tthdp'_inv) in H_tp_cs'_t'.
      destruct H_tp_cs'_t' as [tcs' H_tp_cs'_t'].

      assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp t' = Some scs').
      { generalize H_tid'. find_relatives thdp'; clear; intros.
        solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto. }
      assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp t' = Some tcs').
      { generalize H_tid'. find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros.
        solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto. }
      pose proof H as H'. apply tp_other_sim in H'.
      specialize (H' t' scs' tcs' H_tid' H0 H1).
      inversion H'.
      { subst. exfalso. generalize H_not_halted' H_tp_cs'_t'. clear; intros.
        apply H_not_halted'. econstructor; eauto. constructor. }

      subst. clear H'.
      inversion H2.
      edestruct core_config_sim_block0 as
          (R_t' & Hsim_top_t' & Hmatch_top_t').
      { eapply match_HG in Hldsim_top'; eauto.
        destruct Hldsim_top', HLG. destruct H4, g.
        destruct mem_rely_src_block0, mem_rely_tgt_block0.
        constructor; eauto; constructor; eauto. }
      destruct Hmatch_top_t' as [i_t' Hmatch_top_t''].

      assert (well_founded index_order) as Hwf by (inversion Hsim_top_t'; auto).

      assert (TGE ||- [[tthdp, stid, tm, O]] =< sw | FP.emp >=>> [[tthdp', t', tm, O]]).
      { eapply Thrd_Halt; eauto. }
      exists (i_wrap _ _ Hwf i_t').

      split. auto.
      split. do 2 rewrite fp_union_emp_r. apply fp_match in H. destruct H. auto.
      econstructor; eauto.
      { inversion H; auto. }
      { inversion H; auto. }
      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem; eauto.
        inversion H; auto.
        inversion H; auto. }
      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem; eauto.
        inversion H; eauto.
        inversion H; auto. }
 ** tp_match *)      { split; [| split; constructor; auto].
 /need lemma for upd and dom_eq/ *)        econstructor; eauto; simpl. intro t.
        generalize H_tp_pop, H_tp_pop', H. clear; intros.
        apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [? _]. inversion H; subst.
        eapply tp_pop_ocs_match; eauto. }
 ** LFPG *)      { clear. split.
        constructor; constructor; intros; inversion H0. apply fpG_emp.
        split; constructor; intros b ofs H'; inversion H'.
 ** sim_invs cur *)      { intros.
        assert (scs0 = sCore :: scs).
        { find_relatives thdp'. clear. intros. solv_thread'. }
        subst scs0.
        exists (tCore :: tcs). split. auto.
        constructor; auto. constructor; eauto.
 ** sim_invs other *)      { intros.
        destruct (peq t stid).
        { (** the current thread before switch *)
          subst. clear H5.
          assert (scs0 = nil /\ tcs0 = nil).
          { find_relatives thdp'; find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros.
            solv_thread'. }
          destruct H5; subst. constructor. }
        { inversion H. eapply tp_other_sim0; eauto.
          generalize n. find_relatives thdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.
          generalize n. find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.

    { (** Ext_Atom *)
      assert (exists scs, ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp stid = Some (c :: scs)) as H_tp_cs.
      { solv_thread'. }
      decompose_ex H_tp_cs.
      destruct (tp_cur_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ H_tp_cs) as (tcs & H_tp_cs' & Hsim_cur_cs).
      destruct tcs as [ | tc ]; [ inversion Hsim_cur_cs | ].

      inversion Hsim_cur_cs; subst; clear Hsim_cur_cs.
      rename H8 into Hsim_cur_top. rename H9 into Hsim_cur_tail.

      assert (ThreadPool.get_top tthdp stid = Some tc) as H_tp_core' by
            (generalize H_tp_cs'; clear; intros; solv_thread').
      destruct tc eqn:Htc; simpl in *.
      destruct Hsim_cur_top as [core_config_sim Hsg].
      destruct core_config_sim as [R_top [Hldsim_top Hmatch_top] ].

      pose proof Hldsim_top as Hldsim_top'.
      pose proof Hldsim_top as Hldsim_top''.
      eapply match_at_external in Hldsim_top'; eauto.
      destruct Hldsim_top' as [_ (i' & artTgt & H_core_atext' & Hargs & HLG & Hmatch_top')].
      eapply match_after_external in Hldsim_top''; eauto.
      3: instantiate (1:= None); simpl; auto.
      2: constructor.
      destruct Hldsim_top'' as (tc' & H_core_aftext' & Hldsim_top'').
      simpl in *.

      assert (Core.update (<<i0,c0,sg,F>>) tc' (<<i0,tc',sg,F>>)) as H_core_update'.
      { constructor. auto. }
      assert (exists tthdp', ThreadPool.update tthdp stid (<<i0,tc',sg,F>>) tthdp') as H_tp_upd'.
      { generalize H_tp_core'. clear. intros. solv_thread'.
        eexists. econstructor; solv_thread'. econstructor. econstructor; eauto. }
      decompose_ex H_tp_upd'.

      assert (ThreadPool.inv thdp') as H_thdp'_inv.
      { eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
      assert (ThreadPool.inv tthdp') as H_tthdp'_inv.
      { eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv; eauto. inversion H; auto. }

      assert (ThreadPool.valid_tid tthdp' t' /\ ~ThreadPool.halted tthdp' t').
      { pose proof H as H'. apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [H _].
        inversion H; subst; clear H. simpl in *.
        rewrite thrddom_eq_valid_tid.
        4: intro; apply ocs_match_comm; eapply sttp_upd_ocs_match in H2; eauto.
        2,3: auto.
        rewrite thrddom_eq_halted; eauto.
        intro; apply ocs_match_comm; eapply sttp_upd_ocs_match in H2; eauto.
      destruct H0 as [H_thread_valid' H_not_halted'].

      assert (TGE ||- [[tthdp, stid, tm, I]] =< sw | FP.emp >=>> [[tthdp', t', tm, O]])
        as Htstep.
      { eapply Ext_Atom; eauto. simpl. inversion Hargs. subst. auto. }
      exists FP.emp, ([[tthdp', t', tm, O]]).
      assert (LFPG mu TGE stid (FP.union fpS0 FP.emp) (FP.union fpT0 FP.emp)) as HLFPG.
      { do 2 rewrite fp_union_emp_r. inversion H. destruct fp_match0. auto. }

      cut (exists i'0, Config_sim i'0 FP.emp FP.emp FP.emp FP.emp
                             ([[thdp', t', sm, O]]) ([[tthdp', t', tm, O]])).
      destruct 1. exists x; auto.

      assert (ThreadPool.inv_mem thdp' sm) as H_inv_mem.
      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in H_step; eauto.
        inversion H; auto.
        inversion H; auto. }
      assert (ThreadPool.inv_mem tthdp' tm) as H_inv_mem'.
      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Htstep; eauto.
        inversion H; eauto.
        inversion H; auto. }
      assert (thrddom_eq ([[thdp',t',sm,O]]) ([[tthdp',t',tm,O]]) /\
              atombit_eq ([[thdp',t',sm,O]]) ([[tthdp',t',tm,O]]) /\
              tid_eq ([[thdp',t',sm,O]]) ([[tthdp',t',tm,O]])) as H_tp_match'.
 ** tp_match *)      { split; [| split; constructor; auto].
 /need lemma for upd and dom_eq/ *)        econstructor; eauto; simpl. intro t.
        generalize H_tp_upd, H_tp_upd', H. clear; intros.
        apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [? _]. inversion H; subst.
        eapply sttp_upd_ocs_match; eauto. }
      assert (LFPG mu TGE t' FP.emp FP.emp /\
              FP.subset FP.emp FP.emp/\ FP.subset FP.emp FP.emp) as HLFPG'.
 ** LFPG *)      { clear. split.
        constructor; constructor; intros; inversion H0. apply fpG_emp.
        split; constructor; intros b ofs H'; inversion H'. }

      assert (ThreadPool.get_cs thdp' stid = Some (c' :: scs)) as H_tp_cs_aft.
      { find_relatives thdp'. clear; intros. solv_thread'; solv_pmap. auto. }
      assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp' stid = Some (<<i0,tc',sg,F>> :: tcs)) as H_tp_cs_aft'.
      { find_relatives tthdp'. clear; intros. solv_thread'; solv_pmap. auto. }
find the next current thread
      destruct (peq t' stid).
t' = stid
        destruct (Hldsim_top'' sm tm).
        { eapply match_HG in Hldsim_top; eauto.
          destruct Hldsim_top, HLG.
          destruct H1, H0.
          constructor; auto; constructor; auto;
            try apply GMem.forward_refl;
            try apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl. }
        exists (i_wrap _ _ wf x).
        constructor; try (inversion H; auto; fail).
        { (** current sim *)
          assert (scs0 = c' :: scs) by congruence; subst.
          eexists; split; eauto.
          constructor; auto.
          destruct c,c'. inversion H_core_update; subst.
          inversion H2. rewrite eq_sigT_iff_eq_dep in H5. subst.
          apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.eq_dep_eq in H5. subst. simpl in *. clear H2.
          constructor; eauto. }
        { (** other sim *)
          inversion H. intros. eapply tp_other_sim0; eauto.
          rewrite <- H2.
          generalize H1; find_relatives thdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.
          rewrite <- H3.
          generalize H1; find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.
t' <> stid
        assert (exists scs', ThreadPool.get_cs thdp' t' = Some scs').
        { apply valid_tid_get_cs; auto. }
        destruct H0 as (scs' & H_thdp'_scs').
        assert (exists tcs', ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp' t' = Some tcs').
        { apply valid_tid_get_cs; auto. }
        destruct H0 as (tcs' & H_tthdp'_tcs').
        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp t' = Some scs').
        { generalize n. find_relatives thdp'. clear; intros.
          solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto. }
        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp t' = Some tcs').
        { generalize n. find_relatives tthdp'. clear; intros.
          solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto. }

        pose proof H as H'. apply tp_other_sim in H'.
        specialize (H' t' scs' tcs' n H0 H1).
        inversion H'.
        { subst. exfalso. generalize H_not_halted' H_tthdp'_tcs'. clear; intros.
          apply H_not_halted'. econstructor; eauto. constructor. }

        subst. clear H'.
        inversion H2.
        edestruct core_config_sim_block0 as
            (R_t' & Hsim_top_t' & Hmatch_top_t').
        { eapply match_HG in Hldsim_top; eauto.
          destruct Hldsim_top, HLG. destruct H4, g.
          destruct mem_rely_src_block0, mem_rely_tgt_block0.
          constructor; eauto; constructor; eauto. }
        destruct (Hmatch_top_t') as [i_t' Hmatch_top_t''].

        assert (well_founded index_order) as Hwf by (inversion Hsim_top_t'; auto).

        exists (i_wrap _ _ Hwf i_t').

        econstructor; eauto.
        { inversion H; auto. }
        { inversion H; auto. }
 ** sim_invs cur *)        { intros.
          assert (scs1 = sCore :: scs0).
          { find_relatives thdp'. clear. intros. solv_thread'. }
          subst scs1.
          exists (tCore :: tcs0). split. auto.
          constructor; auto. constructor; eauto.
 ** sim_invs other *)        { intros.
          destruct (peq t stid).
          { (** the current thread before switch *)
            assert (scs1 = (c'::scs) /\ tcs1 = (<<i0,tc', c, F>>)::tcs).
            { find_relatives thdp'; find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros.
              solv_thread'. }
            destruct H7; subst.
 dependent types.... *)            destruct c,c'. inversion H_core_update; subst.
            inversion H7. rewrite eq_sigT_iff_eq_dep in H10. subst.
            apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.eq_dep_eq in H10. subst. simpl in *. clear H7.
            econstructor; eauto.
            econstructor; eauto.
            split; [apply GMem.forward_refl|apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl]; eauto.
            split; [apply GMem.forward_refl|apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl]; eauto.
          { inversion H. eapply tp_other_sim0; eauto.
            generalize n0.
            find_relatives thdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.
            generalize n0.
            find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.

    { (** Ext_Atom *)
      assert (exists scs, ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp stid = Some (c :: scs)) as H_tp_cs.
      { solv_thread'. }
      decompose_ex H_tp_cs.
      destruct (tp_cur_sim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ H_tp_cs) as (tcs & H_tp_cs' & Hsim_cur_cs).
      destruct tcs as [ | tc ]; [ inversion Hsim_cur_cs | ].

      inversion Hsim_cur_cs; subst; clear Hsim_cur_cs.
      rename H8 into Hsim_cur_top. rename H9 into Hsim_cur_tail.

      assert (ThreadPool.get_top tthdp stid = Some tc) as H_tp_core' by
            (generalize H_tp_cs'; clear; intros; solv_thread').
      destruct tc eqn:Htc; simpl in *.
      destruct Hsim_cur_top as [core_config_sim Hsg].
      destruct core_config_sim as [R_top [Hldsim_top Hmatch_top] ].

      pose proof Hldsim_top as Hldsim_top'.
      pose proof Hldsim_top as Hldsim_top''.
      eapply match_at_external in Hldsim_top'; eauto.
      destruct Hldsim_top' as
          [HGargS (i' & artTgt & H_core_atext' & Hargs & HLG & Hmatch_top')].
      eapply match_after_external in Hldsim_top''; eauto.
      3: instantiate (1:= None); simpl; auto.
      2: constructor.
      destruct Hldsim_top'' as (tc' & H_core_aftext' & Hldsim_top'').
      simpl in *.

      assert (Core.update (<<i0,c0,sg,F>>) tc' (<<i0,tc',sg,F>>)) as H_core_update'.
      { constructor. auto. }
      assert (exists tthdp', ThreadPool.update tthdp stid (<<i0,tc',sg,F>>) tthdp') as H_tp_upd'.
      { generalize H_tp_core'. clear. intros. solv_thread'.
        eexists. econstructor; solv_thread'. econstructor. econstructor; eauto. }
      decompose_ex H_tp_upd'.

      assert (ThreadPool.inv thdp') as H_thdp'_inv.
      { eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv; eauto. inversion H; auto. }
      assert (ThreadPool.inv tthdp') as H_tthdp'_inv.
      { eapply ThreadPool.upd_top_inv; eauto. inversion H; auto. }

      assert (ThreadPool.valid_tid tthdp' t' /\ ~ThreadPool.halted tthdp' t').
      { pose proof H as H'. apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [H _].
        inversion H; subst; clear H. simpl in *.
        rewrite thrddom_eq_valid_tid.
        4: intro; apply ocs_match_comm; eapply sttp_upd_ocs_match in H2; eauto.
        2,3: auto.
        rewrite thrddom_eq_halted; eauto.
        intro; apply ocs_match_comm; eapply sttp_upd_ocs_match in H2; eauto.
      destruct H0 as [H_thread_valid' H_not_halted'].

      assert (TGE ||- [[tthdp, stid, tm, O]] =< evt v | FP.emp >=>> [[tthdp', t', tm, O]])
        as Htstep.
      { eapply EF_Print; eauto. simpl. inversion Hargs. subst. inversion H4. subst.
        generalize H_v H2 H_core_atext'. clear. intros.
        inversion H2; subst v'; auto.
        subst v. inversion H_v.
        subst v. inversion H_v. }
      exists FP.emp, ([[tthdp', t', tm, O]]).
      assert (LFPG mu TGE stid (FP.union fpS0 FP.emp) (FP.union fpT0 FP.emp)) as HLFPG.
      { do 2 rewrite fp_union_emp_r. inversion H. destruct fp_match0. auto. }

      cut (exists i'0, Config_sim i'0 FP.emp FP.emp FP.emp FP.emp
                             ([[thdp', t', sm, O]]) ([[tthdp', t', tm, O]])).
      destruct 1. exists x; auto.

      assert (ThreadPool.inv_mem thdp' sm) as H_inv_mem.
      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in H_step; eauto.
        inversion H; auto.
        inversion H; auto. }
      assert (ThreadPool.inv_mem tthdp' tm) as H_inv_mem'.
      { eapply GE_mod_wd_tp_inv_mem in Htstep; eauto.
        inversion H; eauto.
        inversion H; auto. }
      assert (thrddom_eq ([[thdp',t',sm,O]]) ([[tthdp',t',tm,O]]) /\
              atombit_eq ([[thdp',t',sm,O]]) ([[tthdp',t',tm,O]]) /\
              tid_eq ([[thdp',t',sm,O]]) ([[tthdp',t',tm,O]])) as H_tp_match'.
 ** tp_match *)      { split; [| split; constructor; auto].
 /need lemma for upd and dom_eq/ *)        econstructor; eauto; simpl. intro t.
        generalize H_tp_upd, H_tp_upd', H. clear; intros.
        apply tp_match in H. destruct H as [? _]. inversion H; subst.
        eapply sttp_upd_ocs_match; eauto. }
      assert (LFPG mu TGE t' FP.emp FP.emp /\
              FP.subset FP.emp FP.emp/\ FP.subset FP.emp FP.emp) as HLFPG'.
 ** LFPG *)      { clear. split.
        constructor; constructor; intros; inversion H0. apply fpG_emp.
        split; constructor; intros b ofs H'; inversion H'. }

      assert (ThreadPool.get_cs thdp' stid = Some (c' :: scs)) as H_tp_cs_aft.
      { find_relatives thdp'. clear; intros. solv_thread'; solv_pmap. auto. }
      assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp' stid = Some (<<i0,tc',sg,F>> :: tcs)) as H_tp_cs_aft'.
      { find_relatives tthdp'. clear; intros. solv_thread'; solv_pmap. auto. }
find the next current thread
      destruct (peq t' stid).
t' = stid
        destruct (Hldsim_top'' sm tm).
        { eapply match_HG in Hldsim_top; eauto.
          destruct Hldsim_top, HLG.
          destruct H1, H0.
          constructor; auto; constructor; auto;
            try apply GMem.forward_refl;
            try apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl. }
        exists (i_wrap _ _ wf x).
        constructor; try (inversion H; auto; fail).
        { (** current sim *)
          assert (scs0 = c' :: scs) by congruence; subst.
          eexists; split; eauto.
          constructor; auto.
          destruct c,c'. inversion H_core_update; subst.
          inversion H2. rewrite eq_sigT_iff_eq_dep in H5. subst.
          apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.eq_dep_eq in H5. subst. simpl in *. clear H2.
          constructor; eauto. }
        { (** other sim *)
          inversion H. intros. eapply tp_other_sim0; eauto.
          rewrite <- H2.
          generalize H1; find_relatives thdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.
          rewrite <- H3.
          generalize H1; find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.
t' <> stid
        assert (exists scs', ThreadPool.get_cs thdp' t' = Some scs').
        { apply valid_tid_get_cs; auto. }
        destruct H0 as (scs' & H_thdp'_scs').
        assert (exists tcs', ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp' t' = Some tcs').
        { apply valid_tid_get_cs; auto. }
        destruct H0 as (tcs' & H_tthdp'_tcs').
        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs sthdp t' = Some scs').
        { generalize n. find_relatives thdp'. clear; intros.
          solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto. }
        assert (ThreadPool.get_cs tthdp t' = Some tcs').
        { generalize n. find_relatives tthdp'. clear; intros.
          solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto. }

        pose proof H as H'. apply tp_other_sim in H'.
        specialize (H' t' scs' tcs' n H0 H1).
        inversion H'.
        { subst. exfalso. generalize H_not_halted' H_tthdp'_tcs'. clear; intros.
          apply H_not_halted'. econstructor; eauto. constructor. }

        subst. clear H'.
        inversion H2.
        edestruct core_config_sim_block0 as
            (R_t' & Hsim_top_t' & Hmatch_top_t').
        { eapply match_HG in Hldsim_top; eauto.
          destruct Hldsim_top, HLG. destruct H4, g.
          destruct mem_rely_src_block0, mem_rely_tgt_block0.
          constructor; eauto; constructor; eauto. }
        destruct (Hmatch_top_t') as [i_t' Hmatch_top_t''].

        assert (well_founded index_order) as Hwf by (inversion Hsim_top_t'; auto).

        exists (i_wrap _ _ Hwf i_t').

        econstructor; eauto.
        { inversion H; auto. }
        { inversion H; auto. }
 ** sim_invs cur *)        { intros.
          assert (scs1 = sCore :: scs0).
          { find_relatives thdp'. clear. intros. solv_thread'. }
          subst scs1.
          exists (tCore :: tcs0). split. auto.
          constructor; auto. constructor; eauto.
 ** sim_invs other *)        { intros.
          destruct (peq t stid).
          { (** the current thread before switch *)
            assert (scs1 = (c'::scs) /\ tcs1 = (<<i0,tc', c, F>>)::tcs).
            { find_relatives thdp'; find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros.
              solv_thread'. }
            destruct H7; subst.
 dependent types.... *)            destruct c,c'. inversion H_core_update; subst.
            inversion H7. rewrite eq_sigT_iff_eq_dep in H10. subst.
            apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.eq_dep_eq in H10. subst. simpl in *. clear H7.
            econstructor; eauto.
            econstructor; eauto.
            split; [apply GMem.forward_refl|apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl]; eauto.
            split; [apply GMem.forward_refl|apply GMem.unchanged_on_refl]; eauto.
          { inversion H. eapply tp_other_sim0; eauto.
            generalize n0.
            find_relatives thdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.
            generalize n0.
            find_relatives tthdp'; clear; intros; solv_thread'; solv_pmap; auto.

  Definition match_state :=
    fun i mu' fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc =>
      (mu' = mu /\ Bset.inj_inject (inj mu')) /\
      exists fpS fpT,
        Config_sim i fpS fpT fpS0 fpT0 spc tpc.
  Theorem Config_sim_GConfigDSim:
    GConfigDSim glob_index glob_order match_state.
    constructor; intros.
 index_order well founded *)    { apply glob_order_wf. }
 tp matches *)    { inversion H. destruct H1 as (fpS0 & fpT0 & H1). inversion H1.
      destruct tp_match0.
      split; auto. apply thrddom_eq_thrddom_eq'. auto. }
 tau-step *)    { inversion H. subst.
      destruct H3 as (fp0 & fpT0 & H3).
      eapply sim_tau_step in H0; eauto.
      destruct H0. destruct H2; subst.
      destruct H0 as (tpc'&fpT'&i'&fpS''&fpT''&Hstep&HLFPG&Hsim).
      exists tpc', fpT', i'.
      split; auto. split; auto.
      unfold match_state; split; eauto.
      unfold match_state. do 2 destruct H0. exists x. eauto.
 ent-atom *)    { destruct H. destruct H. subst.
      destruct H2 as (fpS0&fpT0&?).
      pose proof H.
      eapply sim_ent_atom in H; eauto.
      destruct H as (tpc'&fpT'&tpc''&fpT''&i'&Hstar&Hatombit&Hent&HFP&Hsim).
      unfold match_state.
      exists tpc', fpT', tpc'', fpT'', i'.
      do 4 (split; eauto).
 evt-step *)    { inversion H. destruct H2. subst.
      destruct H3 as (fpS0&fpT0&?).
      pose proof H2.
      eapply sim_sw_step in H2; eauto.
      destruct H2 as (?&?&?&?&?&?).
      do 3 eexists. split; eauto. split; eauto.
      unfold match_state.
      split; eauto. }
 final-state *)    { destruct H as (?&?&?&?). destruct H. subst. eapply sim_final; eauto. }
    { inversion H. destruct H0. auto. }
End StateInvs.