Library CompOptCert.optimizer.LiveAnalysis

Require Import RelationClasses.
Require Import List.

Require Import sflib.
From Paco Require Import paco.

Require Import Basic.
Require Import Axioms.
Require Import Loc.
Require Import Language.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import FSets.
Require Import FSetInterface.
Require Import Lattice.
Require Import Event.
Require Import Syntax.
Require Import Semantics.
Require Import Kildall.

Require Import Integers.
Require Import LibTactics.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Liveness Analysis

Neededness (liveness) for Memory Locations

Interpretation of nmem:
  • NMemDead: all memory locations are unused (dead). It acts as bottom.
  • NMem locs: all memory locations are used, except the locations in locs.
Inductive nmem : Type :=
  | NMemDead
  | NMem (locs: LocSet.t).

Set a location to dead (not live)
Definition nmem_add_dead (nm: nmem) (loc: Loc.t) :=
  match nm with
  | NMemDeadNMemDead
  | NMem locsNMem (LocSet.add loc locs)

Set a location to live
Definition nmem_remove_dead (nm: nmem) (loc: Loc.t) :=
  match nm with
  | NMemDeadNMem LocSet.empty
  | NMem locsNMem (LocSet.remove loc locs)

NMem lub
Definition nmem_lub (nm1 nm2: nmem) :=
  match nm1 with
  | NMemDeadnm2
  | NMem locs1match nm2 with
                 | NMemDeadNMem locs1
                 | NMem locs2NMem (LocSet.inter locs1 locs2)

NMem beq
Definition nmem_beq (nm1 nm2: nmem) :=
  match nm1 with
  | NMemDeadmatch nm2 with
               | NMemDeadtrue
               | NMem locs2false
  | NMem locs1
    match nm2 with
    | NMemDeadfalse
    | NMem locs2if LocSet.eq_dec locs1 locs2 then true else false

NMem eq
Definition nmem_eq (nm1 nm2: nmem) :=
  match nm1 with
  | NMemDeadmatch nm2 with
               | NMemDeadTrue
               | NMem locs2False
  | NMem locs1
    match nm2 with
    | NMemDeadFalse
    | NMem locs2LocSet.eq locs1 locs2

Lemma nmem_eq_refl (nm: nmem): nmem_eq nm nm.
  destruct nm; ss; eauto.

Lemma nmem_eq_sym (nm1 nm2: nmem):
  nmem_eq nm1 nm2 nmem_eq nm2 nm1.
  destruct nm1, nm2; ss; eauto.
  eapply LocSet.eq_leibniz in H; subst.
  eapply LocSet.eq_equiv.

Lemma nmem_eq_trans (nm1 nm2 nm3: nmem):
  nmem_eq nm1 nm2 nmem_eq nm2 nm3 nmem_eq nm1 nm3.
  destruct nm1, nm2, nm3; simpls; eauto.
  ii; tryfalse.
  introv LocEq1 LocEq2.
  eapply LocSet.eq_leibniz in LocEq1.
  eapply LocSet.eq_leibniz in LocEq2.
  eapply LocSet.eq_equiv.

Lemma nmem_beq_correct (nm1 nm2: nmem):
  nmem_beq nm1 nm2 = true nmem_eq nm1 nm2.
  ii. destruct nm1, nm2; ss; eauto.
  des_ifH H; eauto. tryfalse.

NMem ge
Definition nmem_ge (nm1 nm2: nmem) :=
  match nm1, nm2 with
  | NMemDead, NMemDeadTrue
  | NMemDead, NMem locs2False
  | NMem locs1, NMem locs2LocSet.Subset locs1 locs2
  | _, NMemDeadTrue

Lemma nmem_ge_refl (nm1 nm2: nmem):
  nmem_eq nm1 nm2 nmem_ge nm1 nm2.
  ii. destruct nm1, nm2; ss; eauto.
  eapply LocSet.eq_leibniz in H. subst.
  eapply RegSet.Facts.Subset_refl.

Lemma nmem_ge_trans (nm1 nm2 nm3: nmem):
  nmem_ge nm1 nm2 nmem_ge nm2 nm3 nmem_ge nm1 nm3.
  destruct nm1, nm2, nm3; ss; ii; tryfalse; eauto.

Lemma nmem_ge_lub_left (nm1 nm2: nmem):
  nmem_ge (nmem_lub nm1 nm2) nm1.
  destruct nm1, nm2; ss.
  unfold LocSet.Subset. ii.
  eapply LocSet.Facts.inter_1; eauto.

Lemma nmem_ge_lub_right (nm1 nm2: nmem):
  nmem_ge (nmem_lub nm1 nm2) nm2.
  destruct nm1, nm2; ss.
  unfold LocSet.Subset. ii.
  eapply LocSet.Facts.inter_2; eauto.

Module NREG := LPMap1(LBoolean).
Definition nreg := NREG.t.

Lattices for liveness analysis

The result of the liveness analysis of each program point is a pair of liveness registers nreg and liveness memory locations nmem.
Module LvLat <: SEMILATTICE.

  Definition t := (nreg × nmem)%type.

  Definition eq (x y: t) :=
    NREG.eq (fst x) (fst y) nmem_eq (snd x) (snd y).

  Definition eq_refl: x, eq x x.
    unfold eq. ii. destruct x; ss. split.
    eapply NREG.eq_refl.
    eapply nmem_eq_refl.

  Definition eq_sym: x y, eq x y eq y x.
    ii. destruct x, y; ss. unfold eq in *; ss.
    split. eapply NREG.eq_sym; eauto.
    eapply nmem_eq_sym; eauto.

  Definition eq_trans: x y z, eq x y eq y z eq x z.
    unfold eq; destruct x, y, z; simpl. intros [A B] [C D]; split.
    eapply NREG.eq_trans; eauto.
    eapply nmem_eq_trans; eauto.

  Definition beq (x y: t): bool :=
    match x, y with
    | (nr1, nm1), (nr2, nm2)
      NREG.beq nr1 nr2 && nmem_beq nm1 nm2

  Definition beq_correct: x y, beq x y = true eq x y.
    unfold beq, eq; destruct x, y; simpl; intros.
    eapply andb_prop in H. des.
    apply NREG.beq_correct; auto.
    eapply nmem_beq_correct; eauto.

  Definition ge (x y: t) := (fst x) (fst y) nmem_ge (snd x) (snd y).

  Definition ge_refl: x y, eq x y ge x y.
    unfold eq, ge; destruct x, y; simpl. intros [A B]; split.
    apply NREG.ge_refl; auto.
    eapply nmem_ge_refl; eauto.

  Definition ge_trans: x y z, ge x y ge y z ge x z.
    unfold ge; destruct x, y, z; simpl. intros [A B] [C D]; split.
    eapply NREG.ge_trans; eauto.
    eapply nmem_ge_trans with (nm2 := n2); eauto.

  Definition bot : t := (, NMemDead).

  Lemma ge_bot: x, ge x bot.
    unfold ge, bot; destruct x; simpl. split.
    eapply NREG.ge_bot.
    destruct n0; ss.

  Definition lub (x y: t) : t :=
    (NREG.lub (fst x) (fst y), nmem_lub (snd x) (snd y)).

  Definition ge_lub_left: x y, ge (lub x y) x.
    unfold ge; destruct x, y; simpl; split.
    apply NREG.ge_lub_left.
    eapply nmem_ge_lub_left.

  Definition ge_lub_right: x y, ge (lub x y) y.
    unfold ge; destruct x, y; simpl; split.
    apply NREG.ge_lub_right.
    eapply nmem_ge_lub_right.
End LvLat.

Dead register: a register r is dead if nreg maps r to false.
Definition is_dead_reg (r: Reg.t) (nr: nreg) :=
  if NREG.get r nr then false else true.

Dead location: a location x is dead if
Definition is_dead_loc (loc: Loc.t) (nm: nmem) :=
  match nm with
  | NMemDeadtrue
  | NMem locsLocSet.mem loc locs

set_reg_dead sets a register r in nr to a dead register.
Definition set_reg_dead (r: Reg.t) (nr: nreg) :=
  NREG.set r false nr.

set_reg_live sets a register r in nr to a live register.
Definition set_reg_live (r: Reg.t) (nr: nreg) :=
  NREG.set r true nr.

set_expr_live sets all the registers in the expression e to live registers.
Fixpoint set_expr_live (e: Inst.expr) (nr: nreg) :=
  match e with
  | Inst.expr_val vnr
  | Inst.expr_reg rset_reg_live r nr
  | Inst.expr_op2 _ op1 op2
    let nr' := set_expr_live op2 nr in set_expr_live op1 nr'

Transfer Function for the Single Instruction

transf_instr is the transfer function for a single instruction in the liveness analysis. It takes two parameters:
  • instr: the instruction;
  • ai: the abstract interpretation at the point after instr.
The return value is the abstract interpretation at the point before instr.
We have: transf_instr (instr, ai) instr ai.
Definition transf_instr (instr: Inst.t) (ai: LvLat.t): LvLat.t :=
  match ai with
  | (nr, nm)
    match instr with
    | Inst.skip(nr, nm)
    | Inst.assign r e
      if is_dead_reg r nr then
        (nr, nm)
        (set_expr_live e (set_reg_dead r nr), nm)
    | Inst.load r loc or
      if is_dead_reg r nr then
        (nr, nm)
        (set_reg_dead r nr, nmem_remove_dead nm loc)
    | loc e ow
      match ow with
      | Ordering.plain
        if is_dead_loc loc nm then
          (nr, nm)
          (set_expr_live e nr, nmem_add_dead nm loc)
      | Ordering.relaxed
      | Ordering.strong_relaxed
        (set_expr_live e nr, nm)
for release write, we set all memory locations to be used
      | Ordering.acqrel
      | Ordering.seqcst
        (set_expr_live e nr, NMem LocSet.empty)
    | Inst.cas r loc er ew or ow
      if Ordering.le ow Ordering.strong_relaxed then
        (set_expr_live ew (set_expr_live er (set_reg_dead r nr)), nm)
        (set_expr_live ew (set_expr_live er (set_reg_dead r nr)), NMem LocSet.empty)
    | Inst.fence_rel | Inst.fence_sc(nr, NMem LocSet.empty)
    | Inst.fence_acq(nr, nm)
    | Inst.print e(set_expr_live e nr, NMem LocSet.empty)

The liveness analysis is defined based on the pattern of the backward analysis.

Transfer Function for the Basic Block in the Liveness Analysis

Fixpoint transf_blk (ai: LvDS.AI.t) (bb: BBlock.t) {struct bb}: LvDS.AI.b :=
  match bb with
  | BBlock.blk instr bb
    match transf_blk ai bb with
    | LvDS.AI.Cons ai' ai_bLvDS.AI.Cons (transf_instr instr ai') (LvDS.AI.Cons ai' ai_b)
    | LvDS.AI.Atom ai'LvDS.AI.Cons (transf_instr instr ai') (LvDS.AI.Atom ai')
  | fLvDS.AI.Cons ai (LvDS.AI.Atom ai)
  | f fret
    match ai with
    | (nr, nm)LvDS.AI.Cons (nr, NMem LocSet.empty) (LvDS.AI.Atom (nr, nm))
  | e f1 f2
    match ai with
    | (nr, nm)LvDS.AI.Cons (set_expr_live e nr, nm) (LvDS.AI.Atom (nr, nm))
  | BBlock.retLvDS.AI.Cons (, NMem LocSet.empty) (LvDS.AI.Atom ai)

Definition transf (ai: LvLat.t) (bb: BBlock.t): LvLat.t :=
  LvDS.AI.getFirst (transf_blk ai bb).

Theorem wf_transf_blk:
   b l,
    LvDS.AI.getLast (transf_blk l b) = l.
  induction b; ii; ss; eauto; try solve [destruct l; simpls; eauto].
  destruct (transf_blk l b) eqn:Heqe; simpls.
  specialize (IHb l). rewrite Heqe in IHb. simpls. eauto.
  specialize (IHb l). rewrite Heqe in IHb. simpls. eauto.

Lemma transf_blk_cons
      ai_tail b:
   ai' ai_b', transf_blk ai_tail b = LvDS.AI.Cons ai' ai_b'.
  destruct b; ss; destruct ai_tail; ss; eauto.
  destruct (transf_blk (n, n0) b); ss; eauto.