Library CompOptCert.optimizer.Kildall
Solvers for dataflow inequations. Modification: we do optimization on bblock
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Iteration.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Lattice.
Require Import LibTactics.
Require Import Syntax.
Require Import Language.
Local Unset Elimination Schemes.
Local Unset Case Analysis Schemes.
Require Import Basics.
A forward dataflow problem is a set of inequations of the form
The unknowns are the X(n), indexed by program points (e.g. nodes in the
CFG graph of a RTL function). They range over a given ordered set that
represents static approximations of the program state at each point.
The transf function is the abstract transfer function: it computes an
approximation transf n X(n) of the program state after executing instruction
at point n, as a function of the approximation X(n) of the program state
before executing that instruction.
Symmetrically, a backward dataflow problem is a set of inequations of the form
The only difference with a forward dataflow problem is that the transfer
function transf now computes the approximation before a program point s
from the approximation X(s) after point s.
This file defines two solvers for dataflow problems. The first two
solve (optimally) forward and backward problems using Kildall's worklist
algorithm. They assume that the unknowns range over a semi-lattice, that is,
an ordered type equipped with a least upper bound operation.
A forward dataflow solver has the following generic interface.
Unknowns range over the type L.t, which is equipped with
semi-lattice operations (see file Lattice).
- X(s) ≥ transf n X(n) if program point s is a successor of program point n
- X(n) ≥ a if n is an entry point and a its minimal approximation.
- X(n) ≥ transf s X(s) if program point s is a successor of program point n
- X(n) ≥ a if n is an entry point and a its minimal approximation.
Solving forward dataflow problems using Kildall's algorithm
Abstract Interpretation
Definition bot :=
Definition ge :=
Inductive b' :=
| Atom (l: t)
| Cons (l: t) (b: b')
Definition b := b'.
Definition ge :=
Inductive b' :=
| Atom (l: t)
| Cons (l: t) (b: b')
Definition b := b'.
Abstract list of a block
TODO: may change this to other definition?
Analysis result of a codeheap
Definition AProg := PTree.t (ACdhp).
Notation "l : b" := (Cons l b) (at level 69, right associativity).
Definition getFirst (br: b): t :=
match br with
| Atom l ⇒ l
| l:br' ⇒ l
Fixpoint getLast (br: b): t :=
match br with
| Atom l ⇒ l
| l:br' ⇒ getLast(br')
Definition getTail (br: b): b :=
match br with
| Atom _ ⇒ br
| l:br' ⇒ br'
Fixpoint len (br: b): nat :=
match br with
| Atom l ⇒ 1
| l:br' ⇒ 1+(len br')
Theorem len_gt_zero:
∀ b,
(len b) > 0.
intros. unfolds len; simpls.
destruct b0; eauto.
`br` for block result
Definition In_bb (br: b): t :=
match br with
| l:br' ⇒ l
| Atom l ⇒ l
Fixpoint Out_bb (br: b): t :=
match br with
| Atom l ⇒ l
| l:b' ⇒ Out_bb b'
Fixpoint br_from_i_opt (br: b) (i: nat) {struct i}: option b :=
match i with
| O ⇒ Some br
| S i' ⇒
match br with
| l:br' ⇒ br_from_i_opt br' i'
| _ ⇒ None
Definition br_from_i (br: b) (i: nat): b :=
match br_from_i_opt br i with
| Some r ⇒ r
| None ⇒ AI.Atom (getLast br)
Fixpoint br_index_i (br: b) (i: nat): option t :=
match i with
| O ⇒
match br with
| l : _ ⇒ Some l
| _ ⇒ None
| S i' ⇒
match br with
| l:br' ⇒ br_index_i br i'
| _ ⇒ None
Theorem get_first_from_blk_bots:
∀ i,
getFirst (br_from_i bots i) = bot.
destruct i.
unfolds bots.
unfolds br_from_i; unfolds br_from_i_opt.
unfolds getFirst; trivial.
unfolds br_from_i; unfolds br_from_i_opt.
Theorem get_first_from_bots:
∀ analysis l i,
analysis = PMap.init bots
getFirst (br_from_i (analysis!!l) i) = bot.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_first_from_eval:
∀ analysis l i eval,
analysis = PMap.init (Atom eval)
getFirst (br_from_i (analysis!!l) i) = eval.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_head_from_eval:
∀ analysis l eval,
analysis = PMap.init (Atom eval)
getFirst (analysis!!l) = eval.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds getFirst. trivial.
Theorem get_last_from_bots:
∀ analysis l i,
analysis = PMap.init bots
getLast (br_from_i (analysis!!l) i) = bot.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_last_from_eval:
∀ analysis l i eval,
analysis = PMap.init (Atom eval)
getLast (br_from_i (analysis!!l) i) = eval.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem br_from_i_eval:
∀ i eval,
br_from_i (Atom eval) i = Atom eval.
induction i.
intros. unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt. trivial.
intros. unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt. eapply f_equal. unfold getLast. trivial.
Theorem from_cons_plus:
∀ i ai ablk,
br_from_i (Cons ai ablk) (S i) = br_from_i ablk i.
induction i.
unfold br_from_i; unfold br_from_i_opt. trivial.
unfold br_from_i; unfold br_from_i_opt. simpls.
fold br_from_i_opt.
destruct ablk eqn:EqAblk; eauto.
Theorem get_first_from_ablk_bots:
∀ i,
getFirst (br_from_i bots i) = bot.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_first_from_ablk_eval:
∀ i eval,
getFirst (br_from_i (Atom eval) i) = eval.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_last_from_ablk_bots:
∀ i,
getLast (br_from_i bots i) = bot.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_last_from_ablk_eval:
∀ i eval,
getLast (br_from_i (Atom eval) i) = eval.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Lemma get_tail_from_i_eq_i_plus_one:
∀ i ai,
getTail (br_from_i ai i) = br_from_i ai (i+1).
induction i.
- intros.
unfolds getTail.
unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt.
destruct ai; simpls.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt; eauto.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt; eauto.
unfold getTail.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt; eauto. simpls.
destruct ai eqn:EqAi; simpls; trivial.
folds br_from_i_opt.
eapply (IHi b0).
Lemma get_last_from_i_eq_i_plus_one:
∀ i ai,
len ai > S i
getLast (br_from_i ai i) = getLast (br_from_i ai (i+1)).
induction i.
- intros.
unfolds br_from_i; unfolds br_from_i_opt.
unfolds bots.
destruct ai eqn:Eq; eauto.
- intros.
unfold br_from_i; unfold br_from_i_opt; simpls.
destruct ai eqn:EqAI; eauto.
unfold len in H. simpl in H.
assert (((fix len (br : b) : nat :=
match br with
| Atom _ ⇒ 1
| _ : br' ⇒ S (len br')
end) b0) > S i). {lia. }
eapply IHi in H0.
Lemma get_last_from_i_eq_from_zero:
∀ i ai,
len ai > S i
getLast (br_from_i ai i) = getLast ai.
induction i.
- intros.
unfolds br_from_i; unfolds br_from_i_opt.
unfolds bots.
destruct ai eqn:Eq; eauto.
- intros.
unfold br_from_i; unfold br_from_i_opt; simpls.
destruct ai eqn:EqAI; eauto.
unfold len in H. simpl in H.
assert (((fix len (br : b) : nat :=
match br with
| Atom _ ⇒ 1
| _ : br' ⇒ S (len br')
end) b0) > S i). {lia. }
eapply IHi in H0.
Lemma br_from_i_not_atom:
∀ i ai_blk,
len ai_blk > i + 1 →
∀ l,
br_from_i ai_blk i ≠ Atom l.
induction i.
intros. unfolds len. unfolds br_from_i. unfolds br_from_i_opt.
destruct ai_blk. lia. intro. discriminate.
intros. unfold len in H. unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt.
destruct ai_blk. lia. folds len.
assert (len ai_blk > i + 1). {lia. }
eapply (IHi) in H0; eauto.
Lemma get_i_plus_1_eq_get_last:
∀ i ai,
len ai = i + 2 →
getFirst (br_from_i ai (i+1)) = getLast ai.
induction i.
unfold getFirst.
unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt.
unfold getLast.
destruct ai eqn:EqAi; unfold len; try discriminate.
destruct b0; trivial.
unfold len in H. fold len in H.
pose proof (len_gt_zero b0).
destruct ai eqn:EqAi.
unfold len in H. lia.
unfold len in H.
fold len in H.
assert (len b0 = i + 2). {lia. }
eapply IHi in H0; eauto.
End AI.
End AI.
Declare Module L : SEMILATTICE.
Module AI := AI(L).
match br with
| l:br' ⇒ l
| Atom l ⇒ l
Fixpoint Out_bb (br: b): t :=
match br with
| Atom l ⇒ l
| l:b' ⇒ Out_bb b'
Fixpoint br_from_i_opt (br: b) (i: nat) {struct i}: option b :=
match i with
| O ⇒ Some br
| S i' ⇒
match br with
| l:br' ⇒ br_from_i_opt br' i'
| _ ⇒ None
Definition br_from_i (br: b) (i: nat): b :=
match br_from_i_opt br i with
| Some r ⇒ r
| None ⇒ AI.Atom (getLast br)
Fixpoint br_index_i (br: b) (i: nat): option t :=
match i with
| O ⇒
match br with
| l : _ ⇒ Some l
| _ ⇒ None
| S i' ⇒
match br with
| l:br' ⇒ br_index_i br i'
| _ ⇒ None
Theorem get_first_from_blk_bots:
∀ i,
getFirst (br_from_i bots i) = bot.
destruct i.
unfolds bots.
unfolds br_from_i; unfolds br_from_i_opt.
unfolds getFirst; trivial.
unfolds br_from_i; unfolds br_from_i_opt.
Theorem get_first_from_bots:
∀ analysis l i,
analysis = PMap.init bots
getFirst (br_from_i (analysis!!l) i) = bot.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_first_from_eval:
∀ analysis l i eval,
analysis = PMap.init (Atom eval)
getFirst (br_from_i (analysis!!l) i) = eval.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_head_from_eval:
∀ analysis l eval,
analysis = PMap.init (Atom eval)
getFirst (analysis!!l) = eval.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds getFirst. trivial.
Theorem get_last_from_bots:
∀ analysis l i,
analysis = PMap.init bots
getLast (br_from_i (analysis!!l) i) = bot.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_last_from_eval:
∀ analysis l i eval,
analysis = PMap.init (Atom eval)
getLast (br_from_i (analysis!!l) i) = eval.
unfold "!!".
rewrite H. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gempty.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem br_from_i_eval:
∀ i eval,
br_from_i (Atom eval) i = Atom eval.
induction i.
intros. unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt. trivial.
intros. unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt. eapply f_equal. unfold getLast. trivial.
Theorem from_cons_plus:
∀ i ai ablk,
br_from_i (Cons ai ablk) (S i) = br_from_i ablk i.
induction i.
unfold br_from_i; unfold br_from_i_opt. trivial.
unfold br_from_i; unfold br_from_i_opt. simpls.
fold br_from_i_opt.
destruct ablk eqn:EqAblk; eauto.
Theorem get_first_from_ablk_bots:
∀ i,
getFirst (br_from_i bots i) = bot.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_first_from_ablk_eval:
∀ i eval,
getFirst (br_from_i (Atom eval) i) = eval.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_last_from_ablk_bots:
∀ i,
getLast (br_from_i bots i) = bot.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Theorem get_last_from_ablk_eval:
∀ i eval,
getLast (br_from_i (Atom eval) i) = eval.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt. unfolds bots.
destruct i; eauto.
Lemma get_tail_from_i_eq_i_plus_one:
∀ i ai,
getTail (br_from_i ai i) = br_from_i ai (i+1).
induction i.
- intros.
unfolds getTail.
unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt.
destruct ai; simpls.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt; eauto.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt; eauto.
unfold getTail.
unfolds br_from_i.
unfolds br_from_i_opt; eauto. simpls.
destruct ai eqn:EqAi; simpls; trivial.
folds br_from_i_opt.
eapply (IHi b0).
Lemma get_last_from_i_eq_i_plus_one:
∀ i ai,
len ai > S i
getLast (br_from_i ai i) = getLast (br_from_i ai (i+1)).
induction i.
- intros.
unfolds br_from_i; unfolds br_from_i_opt.
unfolds bots.
destruct ai eqn:Eq; eauto.
- intros.
unfold br_from_i; unfold br_from_i_opt; simpls.
destruct ai eqn:EqAI; eauto.
unfold len in H. simpl in H.
assert (((fix len (br : b) : nat :=
match br with
| Atom _ ⇒ 1
| _ : br' ⇒ S (len br')
end) b0) > S i). {lia. }
eapply IHi in H0.
Lemma get_last_from_i_eq_from_zero:
∀ i ai,
len ai > S i
getLast (br_from_i ai i) = getLast ai.
induction i.
- intros.
unfolds br_from_i; unfolds br_from_i_opt.
unfolds bots.
destruct ai eqn:Eq; eauto.
- intros.
unfold br_from_i; unfold br_from_i_opt; simpls.
destruct ai eqn:EqAI; eauto.
unfold len in H. simpl in H.
assert (((fix len (br : b) : nat :=
match br with
| Atom _ ⇒ 1
| _ : br' ⇒ S (len br')
end) b0) > S i). {lia. }
eapply IHi in H0.
Lemma br_from_i_not_atom:
∀ i ai_blk,
len ai_blk > i + 1 →
∀ l,
br_from_i ai_blk i ≠ Atom l.
induction i.
intros. unfolds len. unfolds br_from_i. unfolds br_from_i_opt.
destruct ai_blk. lia. intro. discriminate.
intros. unfold len in H. unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt.
destruct ai_blk. lia. folds len.
assert (len ai_blk > i + 1). {lia. }
eapply (IHi) in H0; eauto.
Lemma get_i_plus_1_eq_get_last:
∀ i ai,
len ai = i + 2 →
getFirst (br_from_i ai (i+1)) = getLast ai.
induction i.
unfold getFirst.
unfold br_from_i. unfold br_from_i_opt.
unfold getLast.
destruct ai eqn:EqAi; unfold len; try discriminate.
destruct b0; trivial.
unfold len in H. fold len in H.
pose proof (len_gt_zero b0).
destruct ai eqn:EqAi.
unfold len in H. lia.
unfold len in H.
fold len in H.
assert (len b0 = i + 2). {lia. }
eapply IHi in H0; eauto.
End AI.
End AI.
Declare Module L : SEMILATTICE.
Module AI := AI(L).
Should I use AI.t here?
fixpoint successors transf ep ev is the solver.
It returns either an error or a mapping from program points to
values of type L.t representing the solution. successors
is a finite map returning the list of successors of the given program
point. transf is the transfer function, ep the entry point,
and ev the minimal abstract value for ep.
{A} will be BBlock of concur-rtl
finally, `PMap.t AI.t` will be additionally transferred into `PMap.t AI.b`
Parameter fixpoint:
∀ {A: Type} (code: PTree.t A) (successors: A → list positive)
(transf: positive → AI.t → AI.t)
(ep: positive) (ev: AI.t),
option (PMap.t AI.t).
The fixpoint_solution theorem shows that the returned solution,
if any, satisfies the dataflow inequations.
Axiom fixpoint_solution:
∀ A (code: PTree.t A) successors transf ep ev res n instr s,
fixpoint code successors transf ep ev = Some res →
code!n = Some instr → In s (successors instr) →
(∀ n, L.eq (transf n → res!!s (transf n res!!n).
∀ A (code: PTree.t A) successors transf ep ev res n instr s,
fixpoint code successors transf ep ev = Some res →
code!n = Some instr → In s (successors instr) →
(∀ n, L.eq (transf n → res!!s (transf n res!!n).
The fixpoint_entry theorem shows that the returned solution,
if any, satisfies the additional constraint over the entry point.
Axiom fixpoint_entry:
∀ A (code: PTree.t A) successors transf ep ev res,
fixpoint code successors transf ep ev = Some res → res!!ep ev.
Finally, any property that is preserved by L.lub and transf
and that holds for also holds for the results of
the analysis.
Axiom fixpoint_invariant:
∀ A (code: PTree.t A) successors transf ep ev
(P: L.t → Prop),
P →
(∀ x y, P x → P y → P (L.lub x y)) →
(∀ pc instr x, code!pc = Some instr → P x → P (transf pc x)) →
P ev →
∀ res pc,
fixpoint code successors transf ep ev = Some res →
P res!!pc.
Kildall's algorithm manipulates worklists, which are sets of CFG nodes
equipped with a ``pick next node to examine'' operation.
The algorithm converges faster if the nodes are chosen in an order
consistent with a reverse postorder traversal of the CFG.
For now, we parameterize the dataflow solver over a module
that implements sets of CFG nodes.
Module Type NODE_SET.
Parameter t: Type.
Parameter empty: t.
Parameter add: positive → t → t.
Parameter pick: t → option (positive × t).
Parameter all_nodes: ∀ {A: Type}, PTree.t A → t.
Parameter In: positive → t → Prop.
Axiom empty_spec:
∀ n, ¬In n empty.
Axiom add_spec:
∀ n n' s, In n' (add n s) ↔ n = n' ∨ In n' s.
Axiom pick_none:
∀ s n, pick s = None → ¬In n s.
Axiom pick_some:
∀ s n s', pick s = Some(n, s') →
∀ n', In n' s ↔ n = n' ∨ In n' s'.
Axiom all_nodes_spec:
∀ A (code: PTree.t A) n bb,
code!n = Some bb → In n (all_nodes code).
Reachability in a control-flow graph.
Context {A: Type} (code: PTree.t A) (successors: A → list positive).
Inductive reachable: positive → positive → Prop :=
| reachable_refl: ∀ n, reachable n n
| reachable_left: ∀ n1 n2 n3 i,
code!n1 = Some i → In n2 (successors i) → reachable n2 n3 →
reachable n1 n3.
Scheme reachable_ind := Induction for reachable Sort Prop.
Lemma reachable_trans:
∀ n1 n2, reachable n1 n2 → ∀ n3, reachable n2 n3 → reachable n1 n3.
induction 1; intros.
- auto.
- econstructor; eauto.
Lemma reachable_right:
∀ n1 n2 n3 i,
reachable n1 n2 → code!n2 = Some i → In n3 (successors i) →
reachable n1 n3.
intros. apply reachable_trans with n2; auto. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
We now define a generic solver for forward dataflow inequations
that works over any semi-lattice structure.
Module Dataflow_Solver (LAT: SEMILATTICE) (NS: NODE_SET) <:
Module L := LAT.
Module AI := AI(L).
Section Kildall.
Context {A: Type}.
Variable code: PTree.t A.
Variable successors: A → list positive.
Variable transf: positive → AI.t → AI.t.
The state of the iteration has three components:
Only the first two components are computationally relevant. The third
is a ghost variable used only for stating and proving invariants.
For this reason, visited is defined at sort Prop so that it is
erased during program extraction.
- aval: A mapping from program points to values of type L.t representing the candidate solution found so far. Change to analysis result of block.
- worklist: A worklist of program points that remain to be considered.
- visited: A set of program points that were visited already (i.e. put on the worklist at some point in the past).
Record state : Type :=
mkstate { aval: PTree.t AI.t; worklist: NS.t; visited: positive → Prop }.
Definition abstr_value (n: positive) (s: state) : AI.t :=
match s.(aval)!n with
| None ⇒
| Some v ⇒ v
Kildall's algorithm, in pseudo-code, is as follows:
propagate_succ corresponds, in the pseudocode,
to the body of the for loop iterating over all successors.
For successor `n`, we meet out with old_in, to see if fact changed
if changed
then add to worklist, change state
else unchanged.
while worklist is not empty, do extract a node n from worklist compute out = transf n aval[n] for each successor s of n: compute in = lub aval[s] out if in <> aval[s]: aval[s] := in worklist := worklist union {s} visited := visited union {s} end if end for end while return aval
Definition propagate_succ (s: state) (out: AI.t) (n: positive) :=
match s.(aval)!n with
| None ⇒
{| aval := PTree.set n out s.(aval);
worklist := NS.add n s.(worklist);
visited := fun p ⇒ p = n ∨ s.(visited) p |}
| Some oldl ⇒
let newl := L.lub oldl out in
if L.beq oldl newl
then s
else {| aval := PTree.set n newl s.(aval);
worklist := NS.add n s.(worklist);
visited := fun p ⇒ p = n ∨ s.(visited) p |}
propagate_succ_list corresponds, in the pseudocode,
to the for loop iterating over all successors.
Fixpoint propagate_succ_list (s: state) (out: AI.t) (succs: list positive)
{struct succs} : state :=
match succs with
| nil ⇒ s
| n :: rem ⇒ propagate_succ_list (propagate_succ s out n) out rem
step corresponds to the body of the outer while loop in the
Definition step (s: state) : PMap.t AI.t + state :=
match NS.pick s.(worklist) with
| None ⇒
inl _ (, s.(aval))
| Some(n, rem) ⇒
match code!n with
| None ⇒
inr _ {| aval := s.(aval); worklist := rem; visited := s.(visited) |}
| Some instr ⇒
inr _ (propagate_succ_list
{| aval := s.(aval); worklist := rem; visited := s.(visited) |}
(transf n (abstr_value n s))
(successors instr))
match NS.pick s.(worklist) with
| None ⇒
inl _ (, s.(aval))
| Some(n, rem) ⇒
match code!n with
| None ⇒
inr _ {| aval := s.(aval); worklist := rem; visited := s.(visited) |}
| Some instr ⇒
inr _ (propagate_succ_list
{| aval := s.(aval); worklist := rem; visited := s.(visited) |}
(transf n (abstr_value n s))
(successors instr))
The whole fixpoint computation is the iteration of step from
an initial state.
There are several ways to build the initial state. For forward
dataflow analyses, the initial worklist is the function entry point,
and the initial mapping sets the function entry point to the given
abstract value, and leaves unset all other program points, which
corresponds to initial abstract values.
Definition start_state (enode: positive) (eval: AI.t) :=
{| aval := PTree.set enode eval (PTree.empty (AI.t));
worklist := NS.add enode NS.empty;
visited := fun n ⇒ n = enode |}.
Definition fixpoint (enode: positive) (eval: AI.t) :=
fixpoint_from (start_state enode eval).
For backward analyses (viewed as forward analyses on the reversed CFG),
the following two variants are more useful. Both start with an
empty initial mapping, where all program points start at
The first initializes the worklist with a given set of entry points
in the reversed CFG. (See the backward dataflow solver below for
how this list is computed.) The second start state construction
initializes the worklist with all program points of the given CFG.
Definition start_state_nodeset (enodes: NS.t) :=
{| aval := PTree.empty AI.t;
worklist := enodes;
visited := fun n ⇒ NS.In n enodes |}.
Definition fixpoint_nodeset (enodes: NS.t) :=
fixpoint_from (start_state_nodeset enodes).
Definition start_state_allnodes :=
{| aval := PTree.empty AI.t;
worklist := NS.all_nodes code;
visited := fun n ⇒ ∃ instr, code!n = Some instr |}.
Definition fixpoint_allnodes :=
fixpoint_from start_state_allnodes.
Inductive optge: option AI.t → option AI.t → Prop :=
| optge_some: ∀ l l', l l' → optge (Some l) (Some l')
| optge_none: ∀ ol,
optge ol None.
Remark optge_refl: ∀ ol, optge ol ol.
Proof. destruct ol; constructor. apply L.ge_refl; apply L.eq_refl. Qed.
Remark optge_trans: ∀ ol1 ol2 ol3, optge ol1 ol2 → optge ol2 ol3 → optge ol1 ol3.
intros. inv H0.
inv H. constructor. eapply L.ge_trans; eauto.
Remark optge_abstr_value:
∀ st st' n,
optge st.(aval)!n st'.(aval)!n → (abstr_value n st) (abstr_value n st').
intros. unfold abstr_value. inv H. auto. apply L.ge_bot.
Lemma propagate_succ_charact:
∀ st out n,
let st' := propagate_succ st out n in
optge st'.(aval)!n (Some out)
∧ (∀ s, n ≠ s → st'.(aval)!s = st.(aval)!s)
∧ (∀ s, optge st'.(aval)!s st.(aval)!s)
∧ (NS.In n st'.(worklist) ∨ st'.(aval)!n = st.(aval)!n)
∧ (∀ n', NS.In n' st.(worklist) → NS.In n' st'.(worklist))
∧ (∀ n', NS.In n' st'.(worklist) → n' = n ∨ NS.In n' st.(worklist))
∧ (∀ n', st.(visited) n' → st'.(visited) n')
∧ (∀ n', st'.(visited) n' → NS.In n' st'.(worklist) ∨ st.(visited) n')
∧ (∀ n', st.(aval)!n' = None → st'.(aval)!n' ≠ None → st'.(visited) n').
unfold propagate_succ; intros; simpl.
destruct st.(aval)!n as [v|] eqn:E;
[predSpec L.beq L.beq_correct v (L.lub v out) | idtac].
repeat split; intros.
+ rewrite E. constructor. eapply L.ge_trans. apply L.ge_refl. apply H; auto. apply L.ge_lub_right.
+ apply optge_refl.
+ right; auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ congruence.
simpl; repeat split; intros.
+ rewrite PTree.gss. constructor. apply L.ge_lub_right.
+ rewrite PTree.gso by auto. auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq s n).
subst s. rewrite E. constructor. apply L.ge_lub_left.
apply optge_refl.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec in H0. intuition.
+ auto.
+ destruct H0; auto. subst n'. rewrite NS.add_spec; auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H1. destruct (peq n' n). auto. contradiction.
simpl; repeat split; intros.
+ rewrite PTree.gss. apply optge_refl.
+ rewrite PTree.gso by auto. auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq s n).
subst s. rewrite E. constructor.
apply optge_refl.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec in H. intuition.
+ auto.
+ destruct H; auto. subst n'. rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H0. destruct (peq n' n). auto. congruence.
Lemma propagate_succ_list_charact:
∀ out l st,
let st' := propagate_succ_list st out l in
(∀ n, In n l → optge st'.(aval)!n (Some out))
∧ (∀ n, ¬In n l → st'.(aval)!n = st.(aval)!n)
∧ (∀ n, optge st'.(aval)!n st.(aval)!n)
∧ (∀ n, NS.In n st'.(worklist) ∨ st'.(aval)!n = st.(aval)!n)
∧ (∀ n', NS.In n' st.(worklist) → NS.In n' st'.(worklist))
∧ (∀ n', NS.In n' st'.(worklist) → In n' l ∨ NS.In n' st.(worklist))
∧ (∀ n', st.(visited) n' → st'.(visited) n')
∧ (∀ n', st'.(visited) n' → NS.In n' st'.(worklist) ∨ st.(visited) n')
∧ (∀ n', st.(aval)!n' = None → st'.(aval)!n' ≠ None → st'.(visited) n').
induction l; simpl; intros.
- repeat split; intros.
+ contradiction.
+ apply optge_refl.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ congruence.
- generalize (propagate_succ_charact st out a).
set (st1 := propagate_succ st out a).
intros (A1 & A2 & A3 & A4 & A5 & A6 & A7 & A8 & A9).
generalize (IHl st1).
set (st2 := propagate_succ_list st1 out l).
intros (B1 & B2 & B3 & B4 & B5 & B6 & B7 & B8 & B9). clear IHl.
repeat split; intros.
+ destruct H.
× subst n. eapply optge_trans; eauto.
× auto.
+ rewrite B2 by tauto. apply A2; tauto.
+ eapply optge_trans; eauto.
+ destruct (B4 n). auto.
destruct (peq n a).
× subst n. destruct A4. left; auto. right; congruence.
× right. rewrite H. auto.
+ eauto.
+ exploit B6; eauto. intros [P|P]. auto.
exploit A6; eauto. intuition.
+ eauto.
+ specialize (B8 n'); specialize (A8 n'). intuition.
+ destruct st1.(aval)!n' eqn:ST1.
apply B7. apply A9; auto. congruence.
apply B9; auto.
∀ st out n,
let st' := propagate_succ st out n in
optge st'.(aval)!n (Some out)
∧ (∀ s, n ≠ s → st'.(aval)!s = st.(aval)!s)
∧ (∀ s, optge st'.(aval)!s st.(aval)!s)
∧ (NS.In n st'.(worklist) ∨ st'.(aval)!n = st.(aval)!n)
∧ (∀ n', NS.In n' st.(worklist) → NS.In n' st'.(worklist))
∧ (∀ n', NS.In n' st'.(worklist) → n' = n ∨ NS.In n' st.(worklist))
∧ (∀ n', st.(visited) n' → st'.(visited) n')
∧ (∀ n', st'.(visited) n' → NS.In n' st'.(worklist) ∨ st.(visited) n')
∧ (∀ n', st.(aval)!n' = None → st'.(aval)!n' ≠ None → st'.(visited) n').
unfold propagate_succ; intros; simpl.
destruct st.(aval)!n as [v|] eqn:E;
[predSpec L.beq L.beq_correct v (L.lub v out) | idtac].
repeat split; intros.
+ rewrite E. constructor. eapply L.ge_trans. apply L.ge_refl. apply H; auto. apply L.ge_lub_right.
+ apply optge_refl.
+ right; auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ congruence.
simpl; repeat split; intros.
+ rewrite PTree.gss. constructor. apply L.ge_lub_right.
+ rewrite PTree.gso by auto. auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq s n).
subst s. rewrite E. constructor. apply L.ge_lub_left.
apply optge_refl.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec in H0. intuition.
+ auto.
+ destruct H0; auto. subst n'. rewrite NS.add_spec; auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H1. destruct (peq n' n). auto. contradiction.
simpl; repeat split; intros.
+ rewrite PTree.gss. apply optge_refl.
+ rewrite PTree.gso by auto. auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq s n).
subst s. rewrite E. constructor.
apply optge_refl.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec in H. intuition.
+ auto.
+ destruct H; auto. subst n'. rewrite NS.add_spec. auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H0. destruct (peq n' n). auto. congruence.
Lemma propagate_succ_list_charact:
∀ out l st,
let st' := propagate_succ_list st out l in
(∀ n, In n l → optge st'.(aval)!n (Some out))
∧ (∀ n, ¬In n l → st'.(aval)!n = st.(aval)!n)
∧ (∀ n, optge st'.(aval)!n st.(aval)!n)
∧ (∀ n, NS.In n st'.(worklist) ∨ st'.(aval)!n = st.(aval)!n)
∧ (∀ n', NS.In n' st.(worklist) → NS.In n' st'.(worklist))
∧ (∀ n', NS.In n' st'.(worklist) → In n' l ∨ NS.In n' st.(worklist))
∧ (∀ n', st.(visited) n' → st'.(visited) n')
∧ (∀ n', st'.(visited) n' → NS.In n' st'.(worklist) ∨ st.(visited) n')
∧ (∀ n', st.(aval)!n' = None → st'.(aval)!n' ≠ None → st'.(visited) n').
induction l; simpl; intros.
- repeat split; intros.
+ contradiction.
+ apply optge_refl.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ congruence.
- generalize (propagate_succ_charact st out a).
set (st1 := propagate_succ st out a).
intros (A1 & A2 & A3 & A4 & A5 & A6 & A7 & A8 & A9).
generalize (IHl st1).
set (st2 := propagate_succ_list st1 out l).
intros (B1 & B2 & B3 & B4 & B5 & B6 & B7 & B8 & B9). clear IHl.
repeat split; intros.
+ destruct H.
× subst n. eapply optge_trans; eauto.
× auto.
+ rewrite B2 by tauto. apply A2; tauto.
+ eapply optge_trans; eauto.
+ destruct (B4 n). auto.
destruct (peq n a).
× subst n. destruct A4. left; auto. right; congruence.
× right. rewrite H. auto.
+ eauto.
+ exploit B6; eauto. intros [P|P]. auto.
exploit A6; eauto. intuition.
+ eauto.
+ specialize (B8 n'); specialize (A8 n'). intuition.
+ destruct st1.(aval)!n' eqn:ST1.
apply B7. apply A9; auto. congruence.
apply B9; auto.
Characterization of fixpoint_from.
Inductive steps: state → state → Prop :=
| steps_base: ∀ s, steps s s
| steps_right: ∀ s1 s2 s3, steps s1 s2 → step s2 = inr s3 → steps s1 s3.
Scheme steps_ind := Induction for steps Sort Prop.
Lemma fixpoint_from_charact:
∀ start res,
fixpoint_from start = Some res →
∃ st, steps start st ∧ NS.pick st.(worklist) = None ∧ res = (, st.(aval)).
unfold fixpoint; intros.
eapply (PrimIter.iterate_prop _ _ step
(fun st ⇒ steps start st)
(fun res ⇒ ∃ st, steps start st ∧ NS.pick (worklist st) = None ∧ res = (, aval st))); eauto.
intros. destruct (step a) eqn:E.
∃ a; split; auto.
unfold step in E. destruct (NS.pick (worklist a)) as [[n rem]|].
destruct (code!n); discriminate.
inv E. auto.
eapply steps_right; eauto.
Monotonicity properties
Lemma step_incr:
∀ n s1 s2, step s1 = inr s2 →
optge s2.(aval)!n s1.(aval)!n ∧ (s1.(visited) n → s2.(visited) n).
aval 一定会变大
unfold step; intros.
destruct (NS.pick (worklist s1)) as [[p rem] | ]; try discriminate.
destruct (code!p) as [instr|]; inv H.
+ generalize (propagate_succ_list_charact
(transf p (abstr_value p s1))
(successors instr)
{| aval := aval s1; worklist := rem; visited := visited s1 |}).
set (s' := propagate_succ_list {| aval := aval s1; worklist := rem; visited := visited s1 |}
(transf p (abstr_value p s1)) (successors instr)).
intros (A1 & A2 & A3 & A4 & A5 & A6 & A7 & A8 & A9).
+ split. apply optge_refl. auto.
Lemma steps_incr:
∀ n s1 s2, steps s1 s2 →
optge s2.(aval)!n s1.(aval)!n ∧ (s1.(visited) n → s2.(visited) n).
induction 1.
- split. apply optge_refl. auto.
- destruct IHsteps. exploit (step_incr n); eauto. intros [P Q].
split. eapply optge_trans; eauto. eauto.
unfold step; intros.
destruct (NS.pick (worklist s1)) as [[p rem] | ]; try discriminate.
destruct (code!p) as [instr|]; inv H.
+ generalize (propagate_succ_list_charact
(transf p (abstr_value p s1))
(successors instr)
{| aval := aval s1; worklist := rem; visited := visited s1 |}).
set (s' := propagate_succ_list {| aval := aval s1; worklist := rem; visited := visited s1 |}
(transf p (abstr_value p s1)) (successors instr)).
intros (A1 & A2 & A3 & A4 & A5 & A6 & A7 & A8 & A9).
+ split. apply optge_refl. auto.
Lemma steps_incr:
∀ n s1 s2, steps s1 s2 →
optge s2.(aval)!n s1.(aval)!n ∧ (s1.(visited) n → s2.(visited) n).
induction 1.
- split. apply optge_refl. auto.
- destruct IHsteps. exploit (step_incr n); eauto. intros [P Q].
split. eapply optge_trans; eauto. eauto.
Correctness invariant
Record good_state (st: state) : Prop := {
gs_stable: ∀ n,
st.(visited) n →
NS.In n st.(worklist) ∨
(∀ i s,
code!n = Some i → In s (successors i) →
optge st.(aval)!s (Some (transf n (abstr_value n st))));
gs_defined: ∀ n v,
st.(aval)!n = Some v → st.(visited) n
We show that the step function preserves this invariant.
Lemma step_state_good:
∀ st pc rem instr,
NS.pick st.(worklist) = Some (pc, rem) →
code!pc = Some instr →
good_state st →
good_state (propagate_succ_list (mkstate st.(aval) rem st.(visited))
(transf pc (abstr_value pc st))
(successors instr)).
intros until instr; intros PICK CODEAT [GOOD1 GOOD2].
pose proof (NS.pick_some _ _ _ PICK) as PICK2.
set (out := transf pc (abstr_value pc st)).
generalize (propagate_succ_list_charact out (successors instr) {| aval := aval st; worklist := rem; visited := visited st |}).
set (st' := propagate_succ_list {| aval := aval st; worklist := rem; visited := visited st |} out
(successors instr)).
simpl; intros (A1 & A2 & A3 & A4 & A5 & A6 & A7 & A8 & A9).
destruct (A8 n H); auto. destruct (A4 n). auto.
replace (abstr_value n st') with (abstr_value n st)
by (unfold abstr_value; rewrite H1; auto).
exploit GOOD1; eauto. intros [P|P].
rewrite PICK2 in P; destruct P.
subst n. fold out. right; intros.
assert (i = instr) by congruence. subst i.
apply A1; auto.
left. apply A5; auto.
right. intros. apply optge_trans with st.(aval)!s. eapply A3. eapply P; eauto.
destruct st.(aval)!n as [v'|] eqn:ST.
+ apply A7. eapply GOOD2; eauto.
+ apply A9; auto. congruence.
Lemma step_state_good_2:
∀ st pc rem,
good_state st →
NS.pick (worklist st) = Some (pc, rem) →
code!pc = None →
good_state (mkstate st.(aval) rem st.(visited)).
intros until rem; intros [GOOD1 GOOD2] PICK CODE.
generalize (NS.pick_some _ _ _ PICK); intro PICK2.
constructor; simpl; intros.
exploit GOOD1; eauto. intros [P | P].
+ rewrite PICK2 in P. destruct P; auto.
subst n. right; intros. congruence.
+ right; exact P.
eapply GOOD2; eauto.
Lemma steps_state_good:
∀ st1 st2, steps st1 st2 → good_state st1 → good_state st2.
induction 1; intros.
- auto.
- unfold step in e.
destruct (NS.pick (worklist s2)) as [[n rem] | ] eqn:PICK; try discriminate.
destruct (code!n) as [instr|] eqn:CODE; inv e.
eapply step_state_good; eauto.
eapply step_state_good_2; eauto.
We show that initial states satisfy the invariant.
Lemma start_state_good:
∀ enode eval, good_state (start_state enode eval).
intros. unfold start_state; constructor; simpl; intros.
- subst n. rewrite NS.add_spec; auto.
- rewrite PTree.gsspec in H. rewrite PTree.gempty in H.
destruct (peq n enode). auto. discriminate.
Lemma start_state_nodeset_good:
∀ enodes, good_state (start_state_nodeset enodes).
intros. unfold start_state_nodeset; constructor; simpl; intros.
- left. auto.
- rewrite PTree.gempty in H. congruence.
Lemma start_state_allnodes_good:
good_state start_state_allnodes.
unfold start_state_allnodes; constructor; simpl; intros.
- destruct H as [instr CODE]. left. eapply NS.all_nodes_spec; eauto.
- rewrite PTree.gempty in H. congruence.
Reachability in final states.
Lemma reachable_visited:
∀ st, good_state st → NS.pick st.(worklist) = None →
∀ p q, reachable code successors p q → st.(visited) p → st.(visited) q.
intros st [GOOD1 GOOD2] PICK. induction 1; intros.
- auto.
- eapply IHreachable; eauto.
exploit GOOD1; eauto. intros [P | P].
eelim NS.pick_none; eauto.
exploit P; eauto. intros OGE; inv OGE. eapply GOOD2; eauto.
Correctness of the solution returned by fixpoint.
Theorem fixpoint_solution:
∀ ep ev res n instr s,
fixpoint ep ev = Some res →
code!n = Some instr →
In s (successors instr) →
(∀ n, L.eq (transf n → res!!s (transf n res!!n).
unfold fixpoint; intros.
exploit fixpoint_from_charact; eauto. intros (st & STEPS & PICK & RES).
exploit steps_state_good; eauto. apply start_state_good. intros [GOOD1 GOOD2].
rewrite RES; unfold PMap.get; simpl.
destruct st.(aval)!n as [v|] eqn:STN.
- destruct (GOOD1 n) as [P|P]. eauto.
eelim NS.pick_none; eauto.
exploit P; eauto. unfold abstr_value; rewrite STN. intros OGE. inv OGE. auto.
- apply L.ge_trans with apply L.ge_bot. apply L.ge_refl. apply L.eq_sym. eauto.
Theorem fixpoint_solution_fst_bot:
∀ ep ev res,
fixpoint ep ev = Some res →
fst res =
unfolds fixpoint.
remember (start_state ep ev) as start.
pose proof (fixpoint_from_charact start res) H.
destruct H0 as (a & b & c & HH).
rewrite HH. simpls. trivial.
∀ ep ev res n instr s,
fixpoint ep ev = Some res →
code!n = Some instr →
In s (successors instr) →
(∀ n, L.eq (transf n → res!!s (transf n res!!n).
unfold fixpoint; intros.
exploit fixpoint_from_charact; eauto. intros (st & STEPS & PICK & RES).
exploit steps_state_good; eauto. apply start_state_good. intros [GOOD1 GOOD2].
rewrite RES; unfold PMap.get; simpl.
destruct st.(aval)!n as [v|] eqn:STN.
- destruct (GOOD1 n) as [P|P]. eauto.
eelim NS.pick_none; eauto.
exploit P; eauto. unfold abstr_value; rewrite STN. intros OGE. inv OGE. auto.
- apply L.ge_trans with apply L.ge_bot. apply L.ge_refl. apply L.eq_sym. eauto.
Theorem fixpoint_solution_fst_bot:
∀ ep ev res,
fixpoint ep ev = Some res →
fst res =
unfolds fixpoint.
remember (start_state ep ev) as start.
pose proof (fixpoint_from_charact start res) H.
destruct H0 as (a & b & c & HH).
rewrite HH. simpls. trivial.
Moreover, the result of fixpoint, if defined, satisfies the additional
constraint given on the entry point.
Theorem fixpoint_entry:
∀ ep ev res,
fixpoint ep ev = Some res → res!!ep ev.
unfold fixpoint; intros.
exploit fixpoint_from_charact; eauto. intros (st & STEPS & PICK & RES).
exploit (steps_incr ep); eauto. simpl. rewrite PTree.gss. intros [P Q].
rewrite RES; unfold PMap.get; simpl. inv P. auto.
Theorem fixpoint_entry_exists:
∀ ep ev res,
fixpoint ep ev = Some res →
∃ l,
(snd res)!ep = Some l.
unfold fixpoint; intros.
exploit fixpoint_from_charact; eauto. intros (st & STEPS & PICK & RES).
exploit (steps_incr ep); eauto. simpl. rewrite PTree.gss. intros [P Q].
rewrite RES.
unfold snd.
simpl. inv P.
eexists. auto.
For fixpoint_allnodes, we show that the result is a solution
without assuming transf n =
Theorem fixpoint_allnodes_solution:
∀ res n instr s,
fixpoint_allnodes = Some res →
code!n = Some instr →
In s (successors instr) → res!!s (transf n res!!n).
unfold fixpoint_allnodes; intros.
exploit fixpoint_from_charact; eauto. intros (st & STEPS & PICK & RES).
exploit steps_state_good; eauto. apply start_state_allnodes_good. intros [GOOD1 GOOD2].
exploit (steps_incr n); eauto. simpl. intros [U V].
exploit (GOOD1 n). apply V. ∃ instr; auto. intros [P|P].
eelim NS.pick_none; eauto.
exploit P; eauto. intros OGE. rewrite RES; unfold PMap.get; simpl.
inv OGE. assumption.
For fixpoint_nodeset, we show that the result is a solution
at all program points that are reachable from the given entry points.
Theorem fixpoint_nodeset_solution:
∀ enodes res e n instr s,
fixpoint_nodeset enodes = Some res →
NS.In e enodes →
reachable code successors e n →
code!n = Some instr →
In s (successors instr) → res!!s (transf n res!!n).
unfold fixpoint_nodeset; intros.
exploit fixpoint_from_charact; eauto. intros (st & STEPS & PICK & RES).
exploit steps_state_good; eauto. apply start_state_nodeset_good. intros GOOD.
exploit (steps_incr e); eauto. simpl. intros [U V].
assert (st.(visited) n).
{ eapply reachable_visited; eauto. }
destruct GOOD as [GOOD1 GOOD2].
exploit (GOOD1 n); eauto. intros [P|P].
eelim NS.pick_none; eauto.
exploit P; eauto. intros OGE. rewrite RES; unfold PMap.get; simpl.
inv OGE. assumption.
Theorem fixpoint_invariant:
∀ ep ev
(P: L.t → Prop)
(P_bot: P
(P_lub: ∀ x y, P x → P y → P (L.lub x y))
(P_transf: ∀ pc instr x, code!pc = Some instr → P x → P (transf pc x))
(P_entrypoint: P ev)
res pc,
fixpoint ep ev = Some res →
P res!!pc.
set (inv := fun st ⇒ ∀ x, P (abstr_value x st)).
assert (inv (start_state ep ev)).
red; simpl; intros. unfold abstr_value, start_state; simpl.
rewrite PTree.gsspec. rewrite PTree.gempty.
destruct (peq x ep). auto. auto.
assert (∀ st v n, inv st → P v → inv (propagate_succ st v n)).
unfold inv, propagate_succ. intros.
destruct (aval st)!n as [oldl|] eqn:E.
destruct (L.beq oldl (L.lub oldl v)).
unfold abstr_value. simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq x n).
apply P_lub; auto. replace oldl with (abstr_value n st). auto.
unfold abstr_value; rewrite E; auto.
apply H1.
unfold abstr_value. simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq x n).
apply H1.
assert (∀ l st v, inv st → P v → inv (propagate_succ_list st v l)).
induction l; intros; simpl. auto.
apply IHl; auto.
assert (∀ st1 st2, steps st1 st2 → inv st1 → inv st2).
induction 1; intros.
unfold step in e. destruct (NS.pick (worklist s2)) as [[n rem]|]; try discriminate.
destruct (code!n) as [instr|] eqn:INSTR; inv e.
apply H2. apply IHsteps; auto. eapply P_transf; eauto. apply IHsteps; auto.
apply IHsteps; auto.
unfold fixpoint in H. exploit fixpoint_from_charact; eauto.
intros (st & STEPS & PICK & RES).
replace (res!!pc) with (abstr_value pc st). eapply H3; eauto.
rewrite RES; auto.
End Kildall.
Section RtlSolver.
Definition fixpoint_blk
(cdhp: CodeHeap)
(successors: BBlock.t → list (Language.fid))
(enode: positive) (eval: AI.t)
(transf_blk: positive → AI.t → AI.b): option AI.ACdhp :=
let transf := (fun n ai ⇒ AI.getLast (transf_blk n ai)) in
match (fixpoint cdhp successors transf enode eval) with
| None ⇒ None
| Some res ⇒ Some (AI.bots, transf_blk (snd res))
Theorem fixpoint_blk_entry:
∀ cdhp_s succ fentry_s eval transf_blk acdhp,
(∀ i l, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk i l)) = l)
fixpoint_blk cdhp_s succ fentry_s eval transf_blk = Some acdhp
→ (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! fentry_s)) eval.
intros until acdhp. intro GOOD_TRANF_BLK. intros.
unfolds fixpoint_blk.
remember (fixpoint cdhp_s succ
(fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒ AI.getLast (transf_blk n ai))
fentry_s eval) as fx.
destruct fx eqn:EQFX.
- inversion H. rename t into realfx.
assert ( realfx!!fentry_s eval). {
eapply fixpoint_entry; eauto.
assert (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! fentry_s) = realfx!!fentry_s). {
remember acdhp!!fentry_s as aentry_blk.
unfold "!!" in Heqaentry_blk.
rewrite <- H1 in Heqaentry_blk; simpls.
remember (( transf_blk (snd realfx)) ! fentry_s) as ablks.
rewrite PTree.gmap in Heqablks; unfolds option_map; simpls.
remember ((snd realfx) ! fentry_s) as realaentry.
assert (∃ l, realaentry = Some l). {
rewrite Heqrealaentry.
eapply fixpoint_entry_exists; eauto.
destruct H2 as (l & H2).
rewrite H2 in Heqablks.
rewrite Heqablks in Heqaentry_blk.
rewrite Heqaentry_blk.
unfold "!!".
rewrite <- Heqrealaentry. rewrite H2; auto.
rewrite <- H1 in H2.
rewrite H2; auto.
- discriminate.
Definition analyze_func
∀ ep ev
(P: L.t → Prop)
(P_bot: P
(P_lub: ∀ x y, P x → P y → P (L.lub x y))
(P_transf: ∀ pc instr x, code!pc = Some instr → P x → P (transf pc x))
(P_entrypoint: P ev)
res pc,
fixpoint ep ev = Some res →
P res!!pc.
set (inv := fun st ⇒ ∀ x, P (abstr_value x st)).
assert (inv (start_state ep ev)).
red; simpl; intros. unfold abstr_value, start_state; simpl.
rewrite PTree.gsspec. rewrite PTree.gempty.
destruct (peq x ep). auto. auto.
assert (∀ st v n, inv st → P v → inv (propagate_succ st v n)).
unfold inv, propagate_succ. intros.
destruct (aval st)!n as [oldl|] eqn:E.
destruct (L.beq oldl (L.lub oldl v)).
unfold abstr_value. simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq x n).
apply P_lub; auto. replace oldl with (abstr_value n st). auto.
unfold abstr_value; rewrite E; auto.
apply H1.
unfold abstr_value. simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq x n).
apply H1.
assert (∀ l st v, inv st → P v → inv (propagate_succ_list st v l)).
induction l; intros; simpl. auto.
apply IHl; auto.
assert (∀ st1 st2, steps st1 st2 → inv st1 → inv st2).
induction 1; intros.
unfold step in e. destruct (NS.pick (worklist s2)) as [[n rem]|]; try discriminate.
destruct (code!n) as [instr|] eqn:INSTR; inv e.
apply H2. apply IHsteps; auto. eapply P_transf; eauto. apply IHsteps; auto.
apply IHsteps; auto.
unfold fixpoint in H. exploit fixpoint_from_charact; eauto.
intros (st & STEPS & PICK & RES).
replace (res!!pc) with (abstr_value pc st). eapply H3; eauto.
rewrite RES; auto.
End Kildall.
Section RtlSolver.
Definition fixpoint_blk
(cdhp: CodeHeap)
(successors: BBlock.t → list (Language.fid))
(enode: positive) (eval: AI.t)
(transf_blk: positive → AI.t → AI.b): option AI.ACdhp :=
let transf := (fun n ai ⇒ AI.getLast (transf_blk n ai)) in
match (fixpoint cdhp successors transf enode eval) with
| None ⇒ None
| Some res ⇒ Some (AI.bots, transf_blk (snd res))
Theorem fixpoint_blk_entry:
∀ cdhp_s succ fentry_s eval transf_blk acdhp,
(∀ i l, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk i l)) = l)
fixpoint_blk cdhp_s succ fentry_s eval transf_blk = Some acdhp
→ (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! fentry_s)) eval.
intros until acdhp. intro GOOD_TRANF_BLK. intros.
unfolds fixpoint_blk.
remember (fixpoint cdhp_s succ
(fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒ AI.getLast (transf_blk n ai))
fentry_s eval) as fx.
destruct fx eqn:EQFX.
- inversion H. rename t into realfx.
assert ( realfx!!fentry_s eval). {
eapply fixpoint_entry; eauto.
assert (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! fentry_s) = realfx!!fentry_s). {
remember acdhp!!fentry_s as aentry_blk.
unfold "!!" in Heqaentry_blk.
rewrite <- H1 in Heqaentry_blk; simpls.
remember (( transf_blk (snd realfx)) ! fentry_s) as ablks.
rewrite PTree.gmap in Heqablks; unfolds option_map; simpls.
remember ((snd realfx) ! fentry_s) as realaentry.
assert (∃ l, realaentry = Some l). {
rewrite Heqrealaentry.
eapply fixpoint_entry_exists; eauto.
destruct H2 as (l & H2).
rewrite H2 in Heqablks.
rewrite Heqablks in Heqaentry_blk.
rewrite Heqaentry_blk.
unfold "!!".
rewrite <- Heqrealaentry. rewrite H2; auto.
rewrite <- H1 in H2.
rewrite H2; auto.
- discriminate.
Definition analyze_func
(func: Func)
(successors: BBlock.t → list (Language.fid))
(eval: AI.t)
(transf_blk': AI.t → BBlock.t → AI.b): option AI.ACdhp :=
let (cdhp, fid) := func in
let transf_blk := (fun n ai ⇒
match (cdhp!n) with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk' ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
) in
fixpoint_blk cdhp successors fid eval (transf_blk).
Theorem analyze_func_solution_get
succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk ep
(WF_TRANS_FORWARD: ∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(BOT_TRANS: ∀ b, AI.getLast (transf_blk b) =
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ ep transf_blk = Some acdhp)
(GET_BLK: cdhp_s ! n = Some blk):
transf_blk (AI.getFirst acdhp !! n) blk = acdhp !! n ∨
acdhp !! n = AI.bots.
unfold analyze_func in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getLast match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s ep) eqn:Heqe; simpls; tryfalse.
inv ANALYSIS. unfold "!!". simpl.
rewrite PTree.gmap. unfold option_map.
rewrite GET_BLK; simpl.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:ANALYSIS; eauto.
rewrite WF_TRANS_FORWARD. eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_solution1
succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s blk_s ep
(WF_TRANS_FORWARD: ∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(BOT_TRANS: ∀ b, AI.getLast (transf_blk b) =
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ ep transf_blk = Some acdhp)
(GET_BLK: cdhp_s ! n = Some blk)
(SUCC: In s (succ blk))
(SUCC_BB: cdhp_s ! s = Some blk_s): (AI.getFirst acdhp !! s) (AI.getLast (transf_blk (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! n)) blk)).
unfold analyze_func in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getLast match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s ep) eqn:Heqe; simpls; tryfalse.
lets DEFAULT: Heqe. eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot in DEFAULT.
eapply fixpoint_solution with (s0 := s) (instr := blk) in Heqe; eauto.
rewrite GET_BLK in Heqe.
unfold "!!". simpl.
repeat (rewrite PTree.gmap). unfold option_map.
rewrite GET_BLK. rewrite SUCC_BB.
destruct ((snd t) ! s) eqn:ANALYSIS_s.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:ANALYSIS_n.
unfold "!!" in Heqe. rewrite ANALYSIS_s, ANALYSIS_n in Heqe. eauto.
simpl. rewrite BOT_TRANS.
eapply L.ge_bot; eauto.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:ANALYSIS_n.
rewrite WF_TRANS_FORWARD. simpl.
unfold "!!" in Heqe. rewrite ANALYSIS_s, ANALYSIS_n in Heqe.
rewrite DEFAULT in Heqe. eauto.
simpl. unfold "!!" in Heqe. rewrite ANALYSIS_s, ANALYSIS_n in Heqe.
rewrite DEFAULT in Heqe. eauto.
intro. destruct (cdhp_s ! n0); simpl.
rewrite BOT_TRANS; eauto. eapply L.eq_refl; eauto.
eapply L.eq_refl; eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_entry1
succ eval transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s
(WF_TRANS_FORWARD: ∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk = Some acdhp): (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! fentry_s)) eval.
unfold analyze_func in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getLast match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s eval) eqn:Heqe; simpls; tryfalse.
lets Heqe': Heqe.
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot in Heqe'; simpls.
eapply fixpoint_entry in Heqe.
unfold "!!" in ×. simpl.
rewrite PTree.gmap.
unfold option_map.
destruct ((snd t) ! fentry_s) eqn:ENTRY; tryfalse.
destruct (cdhp_s ! fentry_s); simpl; eauto.
rewrite WF_TRANS_FORWARD; eauto.
simpl. rewrite Heqe' in Heqe. eauto.
Definition analyze_program
(prog: Code)
(successors: BBlock.t → list (Language.fid))
(eval: AI.t)
(transf_blk': AI.t → BBlock.t → AI.b): AI.AProg :=
let func := (fun f ⇒
match (analyze_func f successors eval transf_blk') with
| Some result ⇒ result
| None ⇒ PMap.init (AI.Atom eval)
(successors: BBlock.t → list (Language.fid))
(eval: AI.t)
(transf_blk': AI.t → BBlock.t → AI.b): option AI.ACdhp :=
let (cdhp, fid) := func in
let transf_blk := (fun n ai ⇒
match (cdhp!n) with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk' ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
) in
fixpoint_blk cdhp successors fid eval (transf_blk).
Theorem analyze_func_solution_get
succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk ep
(WF_TRANS_FORWARD: ∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(BOT_TRANS: ∀ b, AI.getLast (transf_blk b) =
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ ep transf_blk = Some acdhp)
(GET_BLK: cdhp_s ! n = Some blk):
transf_blk (AI.getFirst acdhp !! n) blk = acdhp !! n ∨
acdhp !! n = AI.bots.
unfold analyze_func in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getLast match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s ep) eqn:Heqe; simpls; tryfalse.
inv ANALYSIS. unfold "!!". simpl.
rewrite PTree.gmap. unfold option_map.
rewrite GET_BLK; simpl.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:ANALYSIS; eauto.
rewrite WF_TRANS_FORWARD. eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_solution1
succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s blk_s ep
(WF_TRANS_FORWARD: ∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(BOT_TRANS: ∀ b, AI.getLast (transf_blk b) =
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ ep transf_blk = Some acdhp)
(GET_BLK: cdhp_s ! n = Some blk)
(SUCC: In s (succ blk))
(SUCC_BB: cdhp_s ! s = Some blk_s): (AI.getFirst acdhp !! s) (AI.getLast (transf_blk (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! n)) blk)).
unfold analyze_func in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getLast match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s ep) eqn:Heqe; simpls; tryfalse.
lets DEFAULT: Heqe. eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot in DEFAULT.
eapply fixpoint_solution with (s0 := s) (instr := blk) in Heqe; eauto.
rewrite GET_BLK in Heqe.
unfold "!!". simpl.
repeat (rewrite PTree.gmap). unfold option_map.
rewrite GET_BLK. rewrite SUCC_BB.
destruct ((snd t) ! s) eqn:ANALYSIS_s.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:ANALYSIS_n.
unfold "!!" in Heqe. rewrite ANALYSIS_s, ANALYSIS_n in Heqe. eauto.
simpl. rewrite BOT_TRANS.
eapply L.ge_bot; eauto.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:ANALYSIS_n.
rewrite WF_TRANS_FORWARD. simpl.
unfold "!!" in Heqe. rewrite ANALYSIS_s, ANALYSIS_n in Heqe.
rewrite DEFAULT in Heqe. eauto.
simpl. unfold "!!" in Heqe. rewrite ANALYSIS_s, ANALYSIS_n in Heqe.
rewrite DEFAULT in Heqe. eauto.
intro. destruct (cdhp_s ! n0); simpl.
rewrite BOT_TRANS; eauto. eapply L.eq_refl; eauto.
eapply L.eq_refl; eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_entry1
succ eval transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s
(WF_TRANS_FORWARD: ∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk = Some acdhp): (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! fentry_s)) eval.
unfold analyze_func in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getLast match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s eval) eqn:Heqe; simpls; tryfalse.
lets Heqe': Heqe.
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot in Heqe'; simpls.
eapply fixpoint_entry in Heqe.
unfold "!!" in ×. simpl.
rewrite PTree.gmap.
unfold option_map.
destruct ((snd t) ! fentry_s) eqn:ENTRY; tryfalse.
destruct (cdhp_s ! fentry_s); simpl; eauto.
rewrite WF_TRANS_FORWARD; eauto.
simpl. rewrite Heqe' in Heqe. eauto.
Definition analyze_program
(prog: Code)
(successors: BBlock.t → list (Language.fid))
(eval: AI.t)
(transf_blk': AI.t → BBlock.t → AI.b): AI.AProg :=
let func := (fun f ⇒
match (analyze_func f successors eval transf_blk') with
| Some result ⇒ result
| None ⇒ PMap.init (AI.Atom eval)
other way to deal with this ?
PTree.map1 func prog.
Theorem wf_analyze_func:
∀ code_s fid cdhp_s fentry_s eval transfb,
code_s ! fid = Some (cdhp_s, fentry_s)
∃ acdhp,
(analyze_program code_s succ eval transfb) ! fid = Some acdhp.
unfolds analyze_program.
rewrite PTree.gmap1; unfolds option_map.
unfold Func.
rewrite H.
destruct (analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transfb) eqn:EqAFunc; eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_entry:
∀ code_s succ eval transf_blk fid acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s,
(∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(analyze_program code_s succ eval transf_blk) ! fid = Some acdhp
code_s ! fid = Some (cdhp_s, fentry_s)
→ (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! fentry_s)) eval.
intros until fentry_s. intro HH. intros. unfolds analyze_program.
rewrite PTree.gmap1 in H; unfolds option_map. rewrite H0 in H.
remember (analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk)
as analysis_func_partial.
inversion H.
destruct analysis_func_partial eqn:EQH.
2: {
PTree.map1 func prog.
Theorem wf_analyze_func:
∀ code_s fid cdhp_s fentry_s eval transfb,
code_s ! fid = Some (cdhp_s, fentry_s)
∃ acdhp,
(analyze_program code_s succ eval transfb) ! fid = Some acdhp.
unfolds analyze_program.
rewrite PTree.gmap1; unfolds option_map.
unfold Func.
rewrite H.
destruct (analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transfb) eqn:EqAFunc; eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_entry:
∀ code_s succ eval transf_blk fid acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s,
(∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(analyze_program code_s succ eval transf_blk) ! fid = Some acdhp
code_s ! fid = Some (cdhp_s, fentry_s)
→ (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! fentry_s)) eval.
intros until fentry_s. intro HH. intros. unfolds analyze_program.
rewrite PTree.gmap1 in H; unfolds option_map. rewrite H0 in H.
remember (analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk)
as analysis_func_partial.
inversion H.
destruct analysis_func_partial eqn:EQH.
2: {
eapply fixpoint_blk_entry; eauto.
unfolds AI.getFirst.
destruct (cdhp_s!i); eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_solution:
∀ code_s succ eval transf_blk fid acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s,
eapply fixpoint_blk_entry; eauto.
unfolds AI.getFirst.
destruct (cdhp_s!i); eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_solution:
∀ code_s succ eval transf_blk fid acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s,
wf transf_blk
(∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l) →
(∀ b,
AI.getLast (transf_blk b) = →
(analyze_program code_s succ eval transf_blk) ! fid = Some acdhp
code_s ! fid = Some (cdhp_s, fentry_s) →
cdhp_s!n = Some blk →
In s (succ blk) → (AI.getFirst acdhp !! s) (AI.getLast (acdhp !! n)).
intros until s. intros HH0 HH. intros.
unfolds analyze_program.
rewrite PTree.gmap1 in H; unfolds option_map.
rewrite H0 in H.
remember (analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk) as afunc.
inversion H.
destruct afunc eqn:EQAFunc.
2: {
repeat rewrite
unfolds AI.getFirst; unfolds AI.getLast; simpls.
eapply L.ge_refl. eapply L.eq_refl.
unfolds analyze_func.
unfolds fixpoint_blk.
remember ((fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end)) as transf.
remember (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s eval) as realfx.
destruct realfx eqn:EQRealFx.
2: { discriminate. }
rename t into res.
assert ( res!!s (transf n res!!n)). {
eapply fixpoint_solution; eauto.
rewrite Heqtransf.
destruct (cdhp_s ! n0) eqn: EQBlk.
2: { unfolds AI.getLast. eapply L.eq_refl. }
rewrite HH. unfolds eapply L.eq_refl.
assert (AI.getLast a !! n = transf n (res !! n) ). {
rewrite Heqtransf.
rewrite H1.
inversion Heqafunc. unfold "!!"; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap; unfolds option_map.
rewrite H1.
remember ((snd res) ! n) as former.
destruct former; eauto.
(∀ b,
AI.getLast (transf_blk b) = →
(analyze_program code_s succ eval transf_blk) ! fid = Some acdhp
code_s ! fid = Some (cdhp_s, fentry_s) →
cdhp_s!n = Some blk →
In s (succ blk) → (AI.getFirst acdhp !! s) (AI.getLast (acdhp !! n)).
intros until s. intros HH0 HH. intros.
unfolds analyze_program.
rewrite PTree.gmap1 in H; unfolds option_map.
rewrite H0 in H.
remember (analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk) as afunc.
inversion H.
destruct afunc eqn:EQAFunc.
2: {
repeat rewrite
unfolds AI.getFirst; unfolds AI.getLast; simpls.
eapply L.ge_refl. eapply L.eq_refl.
unfolds analyze_func.
unfolds fixpoint_blk.
remember ((fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end)) as transf.
remember (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s eval) as realfx.
destruct realfx eqn:EQRealFx.
2: { discriminate. }
rename t into res.
assert ( res!!s (transf n res!!n)). {
eapply fixpoint_solution; eauto.
rewrite Heqtransf.
destruct (cdhp_s ! n0) eqn: EQBlk.
2: { unfolds AI.getLast. eapply L.eq_refl. }
rewrite HH. unfolds eapply L.eq_refl.
assert (AI.getLast a !! n = transf n (res !! n) ). {
rewrite Heqtransf.
rewrite H1.
inversion Heqafunc. unfold "!!"; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap; unfolds option_map.
rewrite H1.
remember ((snd res) ! n) as former.
destruct former; eauto.
FIXME: maybe some def inconsistency
assert (fst res = {
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot; eauto.
rewrite H5.
rewrite HH.
unfolds AI.getLast; simpls. trivial.
assert (AI.getFirst a !! s = res !! s). {
remember (a !! s) as ablk.
inversion Heqafunc.
rewrite H7 in Heqablk.
unfold "!!" in Heqablk. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap in Heqablk; unfolds option_map.
unfold "!!".
remember ((snd res) ! s) as asblk.
rewrite Heqablk. unfolds AI.getFirst.
destruct asblk eqn:EqAsblk; simpls.
2: {
assert (fst res = {
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot; eauto.
} rewrite H6. trivial.
remember (cdhp_s!s) as sblk.
destruct sblk eqn:EqSblk; eauto.
rewrite H6.
rewrite H5.
Theorem analyze_func_solution':
∀ succ eval transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s,
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot; eauto.
rewrite H5.
rewrite HH.
unfolds AI.getLast; simpls. trivial.
assert (AI.getFirst a !! s = res !! s). {
remember (a !! s) as ablk.
inversion Heqafunc.
rewrite H7 in Heqablk.
unfold "!!" in Heqablk. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap in Heqablk; unfolds option_map.
unfold "!!".
remember ((snd res) ! s) as asblk.
rewrite Heqablk. unfolds AI.getFirst.
destruct asblk eqn:EqAsblk; simpls.
2: {
assert (fst res = {
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot; eauto.
} rewrite H6. trivial.
remember (cdhp_s!s) as sblk.
destruct sblk eqn:EqSblk; eauto.
rewrite H6.
rewrite H5.
Theorem analyze_func_solution':
∀ succ eval transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s,
wf transf_blk
(∀ l blk, (AI.getFirst (transf_blk l blk)) = l) →
(∀ b,
AI.getLast (transf_blk b) = →
analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk = Some acdhp →
cdhp_s!n = Some blk →
In s (succ blk) → (AI.getFirst acdhp !! s) (AI.getLast (acdhp !! n)).
intros until s. intros HH0 HH. intros.
remember (analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk) as afunc.
inversion H.
destruct afunc eqn:EQAFunc.
2: {
unfolds analyze_func.
unfolds fixpoint_blk.
remember ((fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end)) as transf.
remember (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s eval) as realfx.
destruct realfx eqn:EQRealFx.
2: { discriminate. }
rename t into res.
assert ( res!!s (transf n res!!n)). {
eapply fixpoint_solution; eauto.
rewrite Heqtransf.
destruct (cdhp_s ! n0) eqn: EQBlk.
2: { unfolds AI.getLast. eapply L.eq_refl. }
rewrite HH. unfolds eapply L.eq_refl.
assert (AI.getLast a !! n = transf n (res !! n) ). {
rewrite Heqtransf.
rewrite H0.
inversion Heqafunc. unfold "!!"; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap; unfolds option_map.
rewrite H0.
remember ((snd res) ! n) as former.
destruct former; eauto.
(∀ b,
AI.getLast (transf_blk b) = →
analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk = Some acdhp →
cdhp_s!n = Some blk →
In s (succ blk) → (AI.getFirst acdhp !! s) (AI.getLast (acdhp !! n)).
intros until s. intros HH0 HH. intros.
remember (analyze_func (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ eval transf_blk) as afunc.
inversion H.
destruct afunc eqn:EQAFunc.
2: {
unfolds analyze_func.
unfolds fixpoint_blk.
remember ((fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end)) as transf.
remember (fixpoint cdhp_s succ transf fentry_s eval) as realfx.
destruct realfx eqn:EQRealFx.
2: { discriminate. }
rename t into res.
assert ( res!!s (transf n res!!n)). {
eapply fixpoint_solution; eauto.
rewrite Heqtransf.
destruct (cdhp_s ! n0) eqn: EQBlk.
2: { unfolds AI.getLast. eapply L.eq_refl. }
rewrite HH. unfolds eapply L.eq_refl.
assert (AI.getLast a !! n = transf n (res !! n) ). {
rewrite Heqtransf.
rewrite H0.
inversion Heqafunc. unfold "!!"; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap; unfolds option_map.
rewrite H0.
remember ((snd res) ! n) as former.
destruct former; eauto.
FIXME: maybe some def inconsistency
assert (fst res = {
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot; eauto.
rewrite H4.
rewrite HH.
unfolds AI.getLast; simpls. trivial.
assert (AI.getFirst a !! s = res !! s). {
remember (a !! s) as ablk.
inversion Heqafunc.
rewrite H6 in Heqablk.
unfold "!!" in Heqablk. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap in Heqablk; unfolds option_map.
unfold "!!".
remember ((snd res) ! s) as asblk.
rewrite Heqablk. unfolds AI.getFirst.
destruct asblk eqn:EqAsblk; simpls.
2: {
assert (fst res = {
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot; eauto.
} rewrite H5. trivial.
remember (cdhp_s!s) as sblk.
destruct sblk eqn:EqSblk; eauto.
inversion H2.
rewrite <- H7.
rewrite H5.
rewrite H4.
End RtlSolver.
End Dataflow_Solver.
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot; eauto.
rewrite H4.
rewrite HH.
unfolds AI.getLast; simpls. trivial.
assert (AI.getFirst a !! s = res !! s). {
remember (a !! s) as ablk.
inversion Heqafunc.
rewrite H6 in Heqablk.
unfold "!!" in Heqablk. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap in Heqablk; unfolds option_map.
unfold "!!".
remember ((snd res) ! s) as asblk.
rewrite Heqablk. unfolds AI.getFirst.
destruct asblk eqn:EqAsblk; simpls.
2: {
assert (fst res = {
eapply fixpoint_solution_fst_bot; eauto.
} rewrite H5. trivial.
remember (cdhp_s!s) as sblk.
destruct sblk eqn:EqSblk; eauto.
inversion H2.
rewrite <- H7.
rewrite H5.
rewrite H4.
End RtlSolver.
End Dataflow_Solver.
Solving backward dataflow problems using Kildall's algorithm
Construction of the reversed flow graph (the predecessor relation)
Definition successors_list (successors: PTree.t (list positive)) (pc: positive) : list positive :=
match successors!pc with None ⇒ nil | Some l ⇒ l end.
Notation "a !!! b" := (successors_list a b) (at level 1).
Section Predecessor.
Context {A: Type}.
Variable code: PTree.t A.
Variable successors: A → list positive.
Fixpoint add_successors (pred: PTree.t (list positive))
(from: positive) (tolist: list positive)
{struct tolist} : PTree.t (list positive) :=
match tolist with
| nil ⇒ pred
| to :: rem ⇒ add_successors (PTree.set to (from :: pred!!!to) pred) from rem
Lemma add_successors_correct:
∀ tolist from pred n s,
In n pred!!!s ∨ (n = from ∧ In s tolist) →
In n (add_successors pred from tolist)!!!s.
induction tolist; simpl; intros.
apply IHtolist.
unfold successors_list at 1. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq s a).
subst a. destruct H. auto with coqlib.
destruct H. subst n. auto with coqlib.
fold (successors_list pred s). intuition congruence.
Definition make_predecessors : PTree.t (list positive) :=
PTree.fold (fun pred pc instr ⇒ add_successors pred pc (successors instr))
code (PTree.empty (list positive)).
Lemma make_predecessors_correct_1:
∀ n instr s,
code!n = Some instr → In s (successors instr) →
In n make_predecessors!!!s.
intros until s.
set (P := fun m p ⇒ m!n = Some instr → In s (successors instr) →
In n p!!!s).
unfold make_predecessors.
apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec with (P := P); unfold P; intros.
apply H0; auto. rewrite H; auto.
rewrite PTree.gempty in H; congruence.
apply add_successors_correct.
rewrite PTree.gsspec in H2. destruct (peq n k).
inv H2. auto.
Lemma make_predecessors_correct_2:
∀ n instr s,
code!n = Some instr → In s (successors instr) →
∃ l, make_predecessors!s = Some l ∧ In n l.
intros. exploit make_predecessors_correct_1; eauto.
unfold successors_list. destruct (make_predecessors!s); simpl; intros.
∃ l; auto.
Lemma reachable_predecessors:
∀ p q,
reachable code successors p q →
reachable make_predecessors (fun l ⇒ l) q p.
induction 1.
- constructor.
- exploit make_predecessors_correct_2; eauto. intros [l [P Q]].
eapply reachable_right; eauto.
End Predecessor.
match successors!pc with None ⇒ nil | Some l ⇒ l end.
Notation "a !!! b" := (successors_list a b) (at level 1).
Section Predecessor.
Context {A: Type}.
Variable code: PTree.t A.
Variable successors: A → list positive.
Fixpoint add_successors (pred: PTree.t (list positive))
(from: positive) (tolist: list positive)
{struct tolist} : PTree.t (list positive) :=
match tolist with
| nil ⇒ pred
| to :: rem ⇒ add_successors (PTree.set to (from :: pred!!!to) pred) from rem
Lemma add_successors_correct:
∀ tolist from pred n s,
In n pred!!!s ∨ (n = from ∧ In s tolist) →
In n (add_successors pred from tolist)!!!s.
induction tolist; simpl; intros.
apply IHtolist.
unfold successors_list at 1. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq s a).
subst a. destruct H. auto with coqlib.
destruct H. subst n. auto with coqlib.
fold (successors_list pred s). intuition congruence.
Definition make_predecessors : PTree.t (list positive) :=
PTree.fold (fun pred pc instr ⇒ add_successors pred pc (successors instr))
code (PTree.empty (list positive)).
Lemma make_predecessors_correct_1:
∀ n instr s,
code!n = Some instr → In s (successors instr) →
In n make_predecessors!!!s.
intros until s.
set (P := fun m p ⇒ m!n = Some instr → In s (successors instr) →
In n p!!!s).
unfold make_predecessors.
apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec with (P := P); unfold P; intros.
apply H0; auto. rewrite H; auto.
rewrite PTree.gempty in H; congruence.
apply add_successors_correct.
rewrite PTree.gsspec in H2. destruct (peq n k).
inv H2. auto.
Lemma make_predecessors_correct_2:
∀ n instr s,
code!n = Some instr → In s (successors instr) →
∃ l, make_predecessors!s = Some l ∧ In n l.
intros. exploit make_predecessors_correct_1; eauto.
unfold successors_list. destruct (make_predecessors!s); simpl; intros.
∃ l; auto.
Lemma reachable_predecessors:
∀ p q,
reachable code successors p q →
reachable make_predecessors (fun l ⇒ l) q p.
induction 1.
- constructor.
- exploit make_predecessors_correct_2; eauto. intros [l [P Q]].
eapply reachable_right; eauto.
End Predecessor.
fixpoint successors transf is the solver.
It returns either an error or a mapping from program points to
values of type L.t representing the solution. successors
is a finite map returning the list of successors of the given program
point. transf is the transfer function.
Parameter fixpoint:
∀ {A: Type} (code: PTree.t A) (successors: A → list positive)
(transf: positive → L.t → L.t),
option (PMap.t L.t).
The fixpoint_solution theorem shows that the returned solution,
if any, satisfies the backward dataflow inequations.
Axiom fixpoint_solution:
∀ A (code: PTree.t A) successors transf res n BB s,
fixpoint code successors transf = Some res →
code!n = Some BB → In s (successors BB) →
(∀ n a, code!n = None → L.eq (transf n a) → res!!n (transf s res!!s).
fixpoint_allnodes is a variant of fixpoint, less algorithmically
efficient, but correct without any hypothesis on the transfer function.
Parameter fixpoint_allnodes:
∀ {A: Type} (code: PTree.t A) (successors: A → list positive)
(transf: positive → L.t → L.t),
option (PMap.t L.t).
Axiom fixpoint_allnodes_solution:
∀ A (code: PTree.t A) successors transf res n BB s,
fixpoint_allnodes code successors transf = Some res →
code!n = Some BB → In s (successors BB) → res!!n (transf s res!!s).
We construct a generic backward dataflow solver, working over any
semi-lattice structure, by applying the forward dataflow solver
with the predecessor relation instead of the successor relation.
Module Backward_Dataflow_Solver (LAT: SEMILATTICE) (NS: NODE_SET) <:
Module L := LAT.
Module AI := AI(L).
Module DS := Dataflow_Solver L NS.
Section Kildall.
Context {A: Type}.
Variable code: PTree.t A.
Variable successors: A → list positive.
Variable transf: positive → AI.t → AI.t.
Finding entry points for the reverse control-flow graph.
Assuming that the nodes of the CFG code are numbered in reverse
postorder (cf. pass Renumber), an edge from n to s is a
normal edge if s < n and a back-edge otherwise.
sequential_node returns
As we prove later, the set
of all non-sequential node is an appropriate set of entry points
for exploring the reverse CFG.
- true if the given node has at least one normal outgoing edge.
- It returns false if the given node is an exit node (no outgoing edges) or the final node of a loop body (all outgoing edges are back-edges).
Definition sequential_node (pc: positive) (instr: A): bool :=
existsb (fun s ⇒ match code!s with None ⇒ false | Some _ ⇒ plt s pc end)
(successors instr).
Definition exit_points : NS.t :=
(fun ep pc instr ⇒
if sequential_node pc instr
then ep
else NS.add pc ep)
code NS.empty.
Lemma exit_points_charact:
∀ n,
NS.In n exit_points ↔ ∃ i, code!n = Some i ∧ sequential_node n i = false.
intros n. unfold exit_points. eapply PTree_Properties.fold_rec.
intros. rewrite <- H. auto.
simpl. split; intros.
eelim NS.empty_spec; eauto.
destruct H as [i [P Q]]. rewrite PTree.gempty in P. congruence.
intros. destruct (sequential_node k v) eqn:SN.
+ rewrite H1. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq n k).
subst. split; intros [i [P Q]]. congruence. inv P. congruence.
+ rewrite NS.add_spec. rewrite H1. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq n k).
subst. split. intros. ∃ v; auto. auto.
split. intros [P | [i [P Q]]]. congruence. ∃ i; auto.
intros [i [P Q]]. right; ∃ i; auto.
Lemma reachable_exit_points:
∀ pc i,
code!pc = Some i → ∃ x, NS.In x exit_points ∧ reachable code successors pc x.
intros pc0. pattern pc0. apply (well_founded_ind Plt_wf).
intros pc HR i CODE.
destruct (sequential_node pc i) eqn:SN.
unfold sequential_node in SN. rewrite existsb_exists in SN.
destruct SN as [s [P Q]]. destruct (code!s) as [i'|] eqn:CS; try discriminate. InvBooleans.
exploit (HR s); eauto. intros [x [U V]].
∃ x; split; auto. eapply reachable_left; eauto.
∃ pc; split.
rewrite exit_points_charact. ∃ i; auto. constructor.
The crucial property of exit points is that any nonempty node in the
CFG is reverse-reachable from an exit point.
Lemma reachable_exit_points_predecessor:
∀ pc i,
code!pc = Some i →
∃ x, NS.In x exit_points ∧ reachable (make_predecessors code successors) (fun l ⇒ l) x pc.
intros. exploit reachable_exit_points; eauto. intros [x [P Q]].
∃ x; split; auto. apply reachable_predecessors. auto.
End Exit_points.
The efficient backward solver.
Definition fixpoint :=
(make_predecessors code successors) (fun l ⇒ l)
transf exit_points.
Theorem fixpoint_solution:
∀ res n BB s,
fixpoint = Some res →
code!n = Some BB → In s (successors BB) →
(∀ n a, code!n = None → L.eq (transf n a) → res!!n (transf s res!!s).
exploit (make_predecessors_correct_2 code); eauto. intros [l [P Q]].
destruct code!s as [BB'|] eqn:CS.
- exploit reachable_exit_points_predecessor. eexact CS. intros (ep & U & V).
unfold fixpoint in H. eapply DS.fixpoint_nodeset_solution; eauto.
- apply L.ge_trans with apply L.ge_bot.
apply L.ge_refl. apply L.eq_sym. auto.
The alternate solver that starts with all nodes of the CFG instead
of just the exit points.
Definition fixpoint_allnodes :=
(make_predecessors code successors) (fun l ⇒ l)
Theorem fixpoint_allnodes_solution:
∀ res n instr s,
fixpoint_allnodes = Some res →
code!n = Some instr → In s (successors instr) → res!!n (transf s res!!s).
exploit (make_predecessors_correct_2 code); eauto. intros [l [P Q]].
unfold fixpoint_allnodes in H.
eapply DS.fixpoint_allnodes_solution; eauto.
Theorem fixpoint_allnodes_solution_fst_bot:
∀ res,
fixpoint_allnodes = Some res →
fst res =
unfolds fixpoint_allnodes, DS.fixpoint_allnodes.
remember (DS.start_state_allnodes (make_predecessors code successors)) as start.
pose proof (DS.fixpoint_from_charact _ _ transf start res) H.
destruct H0 as (a & b & c & HH).
rewrite HH. simpls. trivial.
End Kildall.
Section RtlSolverBackward.
Definition fixpoint_blk_backward
(cdhp: CodeHeap)
(successors: BBlock.t → list (Language.fid))
(transf_blk: positive → AI.t → AI.b): option AI.ACdhp :=
let transf := (fun n ai ⇒ AI.getFirst (transf_blk n ai)) in
match (fixpoint_allnodes cdhp successors transf) with
| None ⇒ None
| Some res ⇒ Some (AI.bots, transf_blk (snd res))
Definition analyze_func_backward
(func: Func)
(successors: BBlock.t → list (Language.fid))
(transf_blk': AI.t → BBlock.t → AI.b): option AI.ACdhp :=
let (cdhp, fid) := func in
let transf_blk := (fun n ai ⇒
match (cdhp!n) with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk' ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
) in
fixpoint_blk_backward cdhp successors (transf_blk).
Theorem analyze_func_solution_backward_get
succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk ablk
(WF_TRANS_BACK: ∀ l blk, (AI.getLast (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func_backward (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ transf_blk = Some acdhp)
(GET_BLK: cdhp_s ! n = Some blk)
(ANALYSIS_GET: (snd acdhp) ! n = Some ablk):
transf_blk (AI.getLast acdhp !! n) blk = ablk.
unfold analyze_func_backward in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk_backward in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getFirst match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint_allnodes cdhp_s succ transf) eqn:ANALYZE_NODE; tryfalse. inv ANALYSIS; simpl.
unfold "!!"; simpl.
rewrite PTree.gmap. rewrite GET_BLK.
unfold option_map; simpl.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:Heqe; simpl.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
rewrite WF_TRANS_BACK; eauto. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap in ANALYSIS_GET. unfold option_map in ANALYSIS_GET.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe in ANALYSIS_GET. rewrite GET_BLK in ANALYSIS_GET. inv ANALYSIS_GET; eauto.
simpl in ×.
rewrite PTree.gmap in ANALYSIS_GET.
unfold option_map in ANALYSIS_GET.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe in ANALYSIS_GET. tryfalse.
Theorem analyze_func_solution_backward_get_none
succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk
(WF_TRANS_BACK: ∀ l blk, (AI.getLast (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func_backward (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ transf_blk = Some acdhp)
(GET_BLK: cdhp_s ! n = Some blk)
(ANALYSIS_GET: (snd acdhp) ! n = None):
acdhp !! n = AI.bots.
unfold analyze_func_backward in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk_backward in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getFirst match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint_allnodes cdhp_s succ transf) eqn:ANALYZE_NODE; tryfalse. inv ANALYSIS; simpl.
unfold "!!"; simpl.
rewrite PTree.gmap. rewrite GET_BLK.
unfold option_map; simpl.
simpls. rewrite PTree.gmap in ANALYSIS_GET.
unfold option_map in ANALYSIS_GET.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:Heqe; simpl.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe in ANALYSIS_GET. tryfalse.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
Theorem analyze_func_solution_backward':
∀ succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s blk_s,
(∀ l blk, (AI.getLast (transf_blk l blk)) = l) →
analyze_func_backward (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ transf_blk = Some acdhp →
cdhp_s ! n = Some blk →
In s (succ blk) → cdhp_s ! s = Some blk_s → (AI.getLast acdhp !! n) (AI.getFirst (transf_blk (AI.getLast (acdhp !! s)) blk_s)).
unfold analyze_func_backward in ANALYZE.
unfold fixpoint_blk_backward in ANALYZE.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getFirst match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint_allnodes cdhp_s succ transf) eqn:ANALYZE_NODE; tryfalse.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution with (instr := blk) in ANALYZE_NODE'; eauto.
subst transf. rewrite SUCC_BLK in ANALYZE_NODE'.
assert (GET: AI.getLast acdhp !! n = t !! n).
inv ANALYZE. unfold "!!" in *; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap. unfold option_map. rewrite BLK.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:Heqe.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe. eauto.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution_fst_bot in ANALYZE_NODE.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite ANALYZE_NODE. simpls. eauto.
rewrite GET.
assert (GET': AI.getLast acdhp !! s = t !! s).
clear GET. inv ANALYZE.
unfold "!!"; simpls. rewrite PTree.gmap.
unfold option_map.
destruct ((snd t) ! s) eqn:Heqe; simpls.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe. rewrite SUCC_BLK. eauto.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution_fst_bot in ANALYZE_NODE.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite ANALYZE_NODE. eauto.
rewrite GET'. eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_solution_backward:
∀ succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s,
(successors: BBlock.t → list (Language.fid))
(transf_blk': AI.t → BBlock.t → AI.b): option AI.ACdhp :=
let (cdhp, fid) := func in
let transf_blk := (fun n ai ⇒
match (cdhp!n) with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk' ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
) in
fixpoint_blk_backward cdhp successors (transf_blk).
Theorem analyze_func_solution_backward_get
succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk ablk
(WF_TRANS_BACK: ∀ l blk, (AI.getLast (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func_backward (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ transf_blk = Some acdhp)
(GET_BLK: cdhp_s ! n = Some blk)
(ANALYSIS_GET: (snd acdhp) ! n = Some ablk):
transf_blk (AI.getLast acdhp !! n) blk = ablk.
unfold analyze_func_backward in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk_backward in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getFirst match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint_allnodes cdhp_s succ transf) eqn:ANALYZE_NODE; tryfalse. inv ANALYSIS; simpl.
unfold "!!"; simpl.
rewrite PTree.gmap. rewrite GET_BLK.
unfold option_map; simpl.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:Heqe; simpl.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
rewrite WF_TRANS_BACK; eauto. simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap in ANALYSIS_GET. unfold option_map in ANALYSIS_GET.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe in ANALYSIS_GET. rewrite GET_BLK in ANALYSIS_GET. inv ANALYSIS_GET; eauto.
simpl in ×.
rewrite PTree.gmap in ANALYSIS_GET.
unfold option_map in ANALYSIS_GET.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe in ANALYSIS_GET. tryfalse.
Theorem analyze_func_solution_backward_get_none
succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk
(WF_TRANS_BACK: ∀ l blk, (AI.getLast (transf_blk l blk)) = l)
(ANALYSIS: analyze_func_backward (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ transf_blk = Some acdhp)
(GET_BLK: cdhp_s ! n = Some blk)
(ANALYSIS_GET: (snd acdhp) ! n = None):
acdhp !! n = AI.bots.
unfold analyze_func_backward in ANALYSIS.
unfold fixpoint_blk_backward in ANALYSIS.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getFirst match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint_allnodes cdhp_s succ transf) eqn:ANALYZE_NODE; tryfalse. inv ANALYSIS; simpl.
unfold "!!"; simpl.
rewrite PTree.gmap. rewrite GET_BLK.
unfold option_map; simpl.
simpls. rewrite PTree.gmap in ANALYSIS_GET.
unfold option_map in ANALYSIS_GET.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:Heqe; simpl.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe in ANALYSIS_GET. tryfalse.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
Theorem analyze_func_solution_backward':
∀ succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s blk_s,
(∀ l blk, (AI.getLast (transf_blk l blk)) = l) →
analyze_func_backward (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ transf_blk = Some acdhp →
cdhp_s ! n = Some blk →
In s (succ blk) → cdhp_s ! s = Some blk_s → (AI.getLast acdhp !! n) (AI.getFirst (transf_blk (AI.getLast (acdhp !! s)) blk_s)).
unfold analyze_func_backward in ANALYZE.
unfold fixpoint_blk_backward in ANALYZE.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getFirst match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint_allnodes cdhp_s succ transf) eqn:ANALYZE_NODE; tryfalse.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution with (instr := blk) in ANALYZE_NODE'; eauto.
subst transf. rewrite SUCC_BLK in ANALYZE_NODE'.
assert (GET: AI.getLast acdhp !! n = t !! n).
inv ANALYZE. unfold "!!" in *; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap. unfold option_map. rewrite BLK.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:Heqe.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe. eauto.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution_fst_bot in ANALYZE_NODE.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite ANALYZE_NODE. simpls. eauto.
rewrite GET.
assert (GET': AI.getLast acdhp !! s = t !! s).
clear GET. inv ANALYZE.
unfold "!!"; simpls. rewrite PTree.gmap.
unfold option_map.
destruct ((snd t) ! s) eqn:Heqe; simpls.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe. rewrite SUCC_BLK. eauto.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution_fst_bot in ANALYZE_NODE.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite ANALYZE_NODE. eauto.
rewrite GET'. eauto.
Theorem analyze_func_solution_backward:
∀ succ transf_blk acdhp cdhp_s fentry_s n blk s,
wf transf_blk
(∀ l blk, (AI.getLast (transf_blk l blk)) = l) →
analyze_func_backward (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ transf_blk = Some acdhp →
cdhp_s ! n = Some blk →
In s (succ blk) → (AI.getLast acdhp !! n) (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! s)).
unfold analyze_func_backward in ANALYZE.
unfold fixpoint_blk_backward in ANALYZE.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getFirst match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint_allnodes cdhp_s succ transf) eqn:ANALYZE_NODE; tryfalse.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution in ANALYZE_NODE'; eauto.
assert (TRANS: (transf s (t!!s)) (AI.getFirst acdhp!!s)).
inv ANALYZE. unfold "!!"; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap. unfold option_map.
destruct ((snd t) ! s) eqn:Heqe.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
eapply L.ge_refl. eapply L.eq_refl.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe. simpls.
eapply L.ge_bot.
assert (GET: AI.getLast acdhp !! n = t !! n).
inv ANALYZE. unfold "!!" in *; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap. unfold option_map. rewrite BLK.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:Heqe.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe. eauto.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution_fst_bot in ANALYZE_NODE.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite ANALYZE_NODE. simpls. eauto.
rewrite GET. unfold
eapply L.ge_trans; eauto.
End RtlSolverBackward.
End Backward_Dataflow_Solver.
analyze_func_backward (cdhp_s, fentry_s) succ transf_blk = Some acdhp →
cdhp_s ! n = Some blk →
In s (succ blk) → (AI.getLast acdhp !! n) (AI.getFirst (acdhp !! s)).
unfold analyze_func_backward in ANALYZE.
unfold fixpoint_blk_backward in ANALYZE.
remember (fun (n : positive) (ai : AI.t) ⇒
AI.getFirst match cdhp_s ! n with
| Some b ⇒ transf_blk ai b
| None ⇒ AI.Atom ai
end) as transf.
destruct (fixpoint_allnodes cdhp_s succ transf) eqn:ANALYZE_NODE; tryfalse.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution in ANALYZE_NODE'; eauto.
assert (TRANS: (transf s (t!!s)) (AI.getFirst acdhp!!s)).
inv ANALYZE. unfold "!!"; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap. unfold option_map.
destruct ((snd t) ! s) eqn:Heqe.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
eapply L.ge_refl. eapply L.eq_refl.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe. simpls.
eapply L.ge_bot.
assert (GET: AI.getLast acdhp !! n = t !! n).
inv ANALYZE. unfold "!!" in *; simpls.
rewrite PTree.gmap. unfold option_map. rewrite BLK.
destruct ((snd t) ! n) eqn:Heqe.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe. eauto.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite Heqe.
eapply fixpoint_allnodes_solution_fst_bot in ANALYZE_NODE.
unfold DS.AI.t, AI.t in ×. unfold DS.L.t in ×.
rewrite ANALYZE_NODE. simpls. eauto.
rewrite GET. unfold
eapply L.ge_trans; eauto.
End RtlSolverBackward.
End Backward_Dataflow_Solver.
Node sets
Require Import Heaps.
Module NodeSetForward <: NODE_SET.
Definition t := PHeap.t.
Definition empty := PHeap.empty.
Definition add (n: positive) (s: t) : t := PHeap.insert n s.
Definition pick (s: t) :=
match PHeap.findMax s with
| Some n ⇒ Some(n, PHeap.deleteMax s)
| None ⇒ None
Definition all_nodes {A: Type} (code: PTree.t A) :=
PTree.fold (fun s pc instr ⇒ PHeap.insert pc s) code PHeap.empty.
Definition In := PHeap.In.
Lemma empty_spec:
∀ n, ¬In n empty.
intros. apply PHeap.In_empty.
Lemma add_spec:
∀ n n' s, In n' (add n s) ↔ n = n' ∨ In n' s.
intros. rewrite PHeap.In_insert. unfold In. intuition.
Lemma pick_none:
∀ s n, pick s = None → ¬In n s.
intros until n; unfold pick. caseEq (PHeap.findMax s); intros.
apply PHeap.findMax_empty. auto.
Lemma pick_some:
∀ s n s', pick s = Some(n, s') →
∀ n', In n' s ↔ n = n' ∨ In n' s'.
intros until s'; unfold pick. caseEq (PHeap.findMax s); intros.
inv H0.
generalize (PHeap.In_deleteMax s n n' H). unfold In. intuition.
Lemma all_nodes_spec:
∀ A (code: PTree.t A) n instr,
code!n = Some instr → In n (all_nodes code).
intros A code n instr.
apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec with
(P := fun m set ⇒ m!n = Some instr → In n set).
intros. apply H0. rewrite H. auto.
rewrite PTree.gempty. congruence.
intros. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H2. rewrite add_spec.
destruct (peq n k). auto. eauto.
End NodeSetForward.
Module NodeSetBackward <: NODE_SET.
Definition t := PHeap.t.
Definition empty := PHeap.empty.
Definition add (n: positive) (s: t) : t := PHeap.insert n s.
Definition pick (s: t) :=
match PHeap.findMin s with
| Some n ⇒ Some(n, PHeap.deleteMin s)
| None ⇒ None
Definition all_nodes {A: Type} (code: PTree.t A) :=
PTree.fold (fun s pc instr ⇒ PHeap.insert pc s) code PHeap.empty.
Definition In := PHeap.In.
Lemma empty_spec:
∀ n, ¬In n empty.
Proof NodeSetForward.empty_spec.
Lemma add_spec:
∀ n n' s, In n' (add n s) ↔ n = n' ∨ In n' s.
Proof NodeSetForward.add_spec.
Lemma pick_none:
∀ s n, pick s = None → ¬In n s.
intros until n; unfold pick. caseEq (PHeap.findMin s); intros.
apply PHeap.findMin_empty. auto.
Lemma pick_some:
∀ s n s', pick s = Some(n, s') →
∀ n', In n' s ↔ n = n' ∨ In n' s'.
intros until s'; unfold pick. caseEq (PHeap.findMin s); intros.
inv H0.
generalize (PHeap.In_deleteMin s n n' H). unfold In. intuition.
Lemma all_nodes_spec:
∀ A (code: PTree.t A) n instr,
code!n = Some instr → In n (all_nodes code).
Proof NodeSetForward.all_nodes_spec.
End NodeSetBackward.