Library CompOptCert.optimizer.ValAnalysis

Require Import RelationClasses.
Require Import List.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import sflib.
From Paco Require Import paco.
Require Import Basics.

Require Import Basic.
Require Import Axioms.
Require Import Loc.
Require Import Language.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Maps.

Require Import FSets.
Require Import FSetInterface.
Require Import Lattice.
Require Import Event.
Require Import Syntax.
Require Import Semantics.
Require Import Kildall.
Require Import Coqlib.

Require Import Integers.
Require Import LibTactics.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Value Analysis

This file is the implementation of the value analysis, whose result is the values of registers and variables in each program point.

  Inductive t' := vtop | VAL (n:int) | vbot.
  Definition t := t'.

  Definition eq (x y:t) := (x = y).
  Definition eq_refl: x, eq x x := (@eq_refl t).
  Definition eq_sym: x y, eq x y eq y x := (@eq_sym t).
  Definition eq_trans: x y z, eq x y eq y z eq x z := (@eq_trans t).

  Definition beq (x y: t): bool :=
    match x, y with
    | vtop, vtoptrue
    | vbot, vbottrue
    | VAL v1, VAL v2if Int.eq_dec v1 v2 then true else false
    | _, _false

  Lemma beq_correct: x y, beq x y = true eq x y.
    ii. destruct x, y; ss.
    des_ifH H; ss. subst. econs; eauto.

  Definition ge (x y: t): Prop :=
    match x, y with
    | vtop, _true
    | _, vbottrue
    | VAL v1, VAL v2if Int.eq_dec v1 v2 then true else false
    | _, _false

  Lemma ge_refl: x y, eq x y ge x y.
    ii. destruct x, y; ss; eauto.
    unfold eq in ×. inv H.
    des_if; ss; eauto.

  Lemma ge_trans: x y z, ge x y ge y z ge x z.
    ii. destruct x, y, z; ss; tryfalse; eauto.
    des_ifH H; ss; subst.
    des_ifH H0; ss; subst.

  Definition bot := vbot.

  Lemma ge_bot: x, ge x bot.
    ii; destruct x; ss.

  Definition top := vtop.

  Lemma ge_top: x, ge top x.
  Proof. unfold ge, top; ii; ss. Qed.

  Definition lub (x y: t): t :=
    match x, y with
    | vbot, vbotvbot
    | VAL v1, VAL v2if Int.eq_dec v1 v2 then VAL v1 else vtop
    | _, _vtop

  Lemma ge_lub_left: x y, ge (lub x y) x.
    ii; destruct x, y; ss.
    des_if; subst; ss; eauto.
    des_if; ss.

  Lemma ge_lub_right: x y, ge (lub x y) y.
    ii; destruct x, y; ss.
    des_if; subst; ss; eauto.
    des_if; ss.
End LVal.

Module VALSET := LPMap(LVal).
Definition vreg := VALSET.t.
Definition vmem := VALSET.t.

Lattices for Value Analysis

The result of the value analysis of each program point is a pair of mapping, where vreg maps register to LVal and vmem maps memory location to LVal.

  Definition t := (vreg × vmem)%type.

  Definition eq (x y:t) :=
    VALSET.eq (fst x) (fst y) VALSET.eq (snd x) (snd y).
  Definition eq_refl: x, eq x x.
    ii. unfold eq. ss.

  Definition eq_sym: x y, eq x y eq y x.
    ii. unfold eq in *; ss. des.
    split; eauto; ss.
    destruct x, y; ss.
    eapply VALSET.eq_sym; eauto.
    eapply VALSET.eq_sym; eauto.

  Definition eq_trans: x y z, eq x y eq y z eq x z.
    ii. unfold eq in *; ss. des.
    eapply VALSET.eq_trans; eauto.
    eapply VALSET.eq_trans; eauto.

  Definition beq (x y: t): bool :=
    VALSET.beq (fst x) (fst y) && VALSET.beq (snd x) (snd y).

  Definition beq_correct: x y, beq x y = true eq x y.
    ii. unfold beq in ×. unfold eq.
    destruct (VALSET.beq (fst x) (fst y)) eqn:VALSET_BEQ1; ss.
    split. eapply VALSET.beq_correct; eauto.
    eapply VALSET.beq_correct; eauto.

  Definition ge (x y: t) := (fst x) (fst y) (snd x) (snd y).

  Definition ge_refl: x y, eq x y ge x y.
    unfold eq, ge; destruct x, y; simpl. intros [A B]; split; eapply VALSET.ge_refl; eauto.

  Definition ge_trans: x y z, ge x y ge y z ge x z.
    unfold ge; destruct x, y, z; simpl.
    intros [A B] [C D]; split; eapply VALSET.ge_trans; eauto.

  Definition bot := (,

  Lemma ge_bot: x, ge x bot.
    ii; destruct x; ss. unfold bot.
    econs; ss; eapply VALSET.ge_bot; eauto.

  Definition top := (,

  Lemma ge_top: x, ge top x.
    unfold ge, top; ii; ss.
    split; eapply VALSET.ge_top; eauto.

  Definition lub (x y: t): t :=
    (VALSET.lub (fst x) (fst y), VALSET.lub (snd x) (snd y)).

  Lemma ge_lub_left: x y, ge (lub x y) x.
    ii; destruct x, y; ss.
    unfold ge; ss.
    split; eapply VALSET.ge_lub_left; eauto.

  Lemma ge_lub_right: x y, ge (lub x y) y.
    ii; destruct x, y; ss.
    unfold ge; ss.
    split; eapply VALSET.ge_lub_right; eauto.
End ValLat.

Fixpoint eval_expr_ae (e: Inst.expr) (aregs: vreg) :=
  match aregs with
  | _
    match e with
    | Inst.expr_val vLVal.VAL v
    | Inst.expr_reg r ⇒ (VALSET.get r aregs)
    | Inst.expr_op2 op e1 e2
      match (eval_expr_ae e1 aregs), (eval_expr_ae e2 aregs) with
      | LVal.VAL v1, LVal.VAL v2LVal.VAL (Op2.eval op v1 v2)
      | _,

Definition eval_loc_ae (loc: Loc.t) (amem: vmem) :=
  VALSET.get loc amem.

Definition mem_to_top (amem: vmem) :=
  match amem with

Transfer Function for the Single Instruction

Definition transf_instr (instr: Inst.t) (ae: ValLat.t): ValLat.t :=
  match ae with
  | (aregs, amem)
    match instr with
    | Inst.skip(aregs, amem)
    | Inst.assign r e
      (VALSET.set r (eval_expr_ae e aregs) aregs, amem)
    | Inst.load r loc or
      if Ordering.le Ordering.acqrel or then
        (VALSET.set r aregs, mem_to_top amem)
        (VALSET.set r (eval_loc_ae loc amem) aregs, amem)
    | loc e ow
      match ow with
      | Ordering.plain
        (aregs, VALSET.set loc (eval_expr_ae e aregs) amem)
      | _(aregs, amem)
    | Inst.cas r loc er ew or ow
      if Ordering.le Ordering.acqrel or then
        (VALSET.set r aregs, mem_to_top amem)
        (VALSET.set r aregs, VALSET.set loc amem)
    | Inst.fence_acq | Inst.fence_sc(aregs, mem_to_top amem)
    | Inst.fence_rel(aregs, amem)
    | Inst.print e(aregs, mem_to_top amem)

Lemma transf_instr_bot
  transf_instr instr =
  destruct instr; ss.
  - destruct or; ss.
  - destruct ow; ss.
  - des_if; eauto.

Module ValDS := Dataflow_Solver(ValLat)(NodeSetForward).

Transfer Function for the Basic Block

Fixpoint transf_blk (ae: ValDS.L.t) (bb: BBlock.t) {struct bb}: ValDS.AI.b :=
  match bb with
  | BBlock.blk instr bb'
    ValDS.AI.Cons ae (transf_blk (transf_instr instr ae) bb')
  | f fretValDS.AI.Cons ae (ValDS.AI.Atom (fst ae, mem_to_top (snd ae)))
  | _ValDS.AI.Cons ae (ValDS.AI.Atom ae)

Lemma transf_blk_first
      l bb:
  ValDS.AI.getFirst (transf_blk l bb) = l.
  destruct bb; ss; eauto.

Lemma transf_blk_bot:
        ValDS.AI.getLast (transf_blk bb) =
  induction bb; ii; try solve [ss; eauto].
  assert (transf_blk (c##bb) =
          ValDS.AI.Cons ( (transf_blk (transf_instr c bb)). eauto.
  assert (transf_instr c =
  eapply transf_instr_bot; eauto.
  rewrite H0 in H. rewrite H.
  simpl. eauto.

Definition transf (ai: ValDS.L.t) (bb: BBlock.t): ValDS.AI.t :=
  ValDS.AI.getLast (transf_blk ai bb).