Library CompOptCert.LocalSim

Require Import sflib.

Require Import Axioms.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import DataStructure.
Require Import Loc.
Require Import Language.

Require Import Time.
Require Import Event.
Require Import View.
Require Import Cell.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import TView.
Require Import Local.
Require Import Thread.
Require Import NPThread.
Require Import Configuration.
Require Import MsgMapping.
Require Import DelaySet.
Require Import Cover.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Thread-Local Simulation

This file defines the thread-local simulation
local_sim in this file is the definition of the thread-local upward simulation
The main definition includes:
  • Invariant: invariant parameter for shared state;
  • SI: step invariant that holds at every simulation step;
  • Rely: rely condition;
  • local_sim_state: thread-local upward simulation on thread states;
  • local_sim: thread-local upward simulation.
Memory atomic part equal

Shared Resource (defined as 'Sst' in paper)

It includes:
  • T_SC: timemap for SC fence in the target level;
  • T_MEM: memory in the target level;
  • S_SC: timemap for SC fence in the source level;
  • S_MEM: memory in the source level
Structure Rss := {T_SC: TimeMap.t; T_MEM: Memory.t;
   S_SC: TimeMap.t; S_MEM: Memory.t}.

Invariant for Shared State

Well-Formed Invariant for Shared Resource

We define wf_I (well-formed invariant), since we find that, in defining our thread-local simulation, every point that the invariant I for shared state is required to hold the message mapping should be well-formed.
Thus, we require our invariant I to be well-formed to indicate that, at any point, if the invariant I holds, the message mapping is well-formed. It can simplifiy our thread-local simulation definition.
weak_MsgInj: the well-formed message mapping (Definition 4.1 in paper). It requires:
  • each message in the target level has a related message in the source level;
  • the mapping inj is monotonic
Definition wf_I (I: Invariant) : Prop :=
   lo inj S,
    I lo inj S weak_MsgInj inj S.(T_MEM) S.(S_MEM).

Relation between Target Promises and Source Promises

Inductive rel_promises {index: Type} (inj: Mapping) (pdset: @DelaySet index) (prm_tgt prm_src: Memory.t) :=
| rel_promises_intro
    (SOUND1: loc t i,
        dset_get loc t pdset = Some i
        ( t' f' val' R',
            inj loc t = Some t' Memory.get loc t' prm_src = Some (f', Message.concrete val' R')))
    (SOUND2: loc t f val R,
        Memory.get loc t prm_tgt = Some (f, Message.concrete val R)
        ( t' f' val' R',
            inj loc t = Some t' Memory.get loc t' prm_src = Some (f', Message.concrete val' R')))
    (COMPLETE: loc f' t' val' R',
        Memory.get loc t' prm_src = Some (f', Message.concrete val' R')
        ( t, inj loc t = Some t'
                   (( i, dset_get loc t pdset = Some i)
                    ( f val R, Memory.get loc t prm_tgt = Some (f, Message.concrete val R))))).

Definition state_at_out_step (e: ProgramEvent.t) :=
  match e with
  | ProgramEvent.silentFalse
  | _ _ Ordering.plainFalse
  | ProgramEvent.write _ _ Ordering.plainFalse
  | _True

Definition state_in_step (e: ProgramEvent.t) :=
  match e with
  | ProgramEvent.silentTrue
  | _ _ Ordering.plainTrue
  | ProgramEvent.write _ _ Ordering.plainTrue
  | _False

Lemma state_in_or_out
  state_at_out_step e state_in_step e.
  destruct e; ss; eauto.
  destruct ord; ss; eauto.
  destruct ord; ss; eauto.

Lemma state_at_out_step_implies_threadEvt_is_at_or_at_step
      (STATE_OUT: state_at_out_step (ThreadEvent.get_program_event e)):
  ThreadEvent.is_at_or_out_step e.
  destruct e; ss.

Lemma state_in_step_implies_threadEvt_is_na_step
      te lang (e e': Thread.t lang) lo
      (PROG_STEP: Thread.program_step te lo e e')
      (STATE_OUT: state_in_step (ThreadEvent.get_program_event te)):
  ThreadEvent.is_na_step te.
  destruct te; ss.
  inv PROG_STEP; ss. inv LOCAL; ss.

Step Invariant SI between Target and Source Thread Configuraitons.

SI includes four items:
  • VIEW_LE: an unobserved messge in the target level has a related unobserved message in the source level;
  • REL_PROMISES: a one-to-one mapping between the target and source threads' promises (including this in delayed write set dset);
  • DSET_EMPTY: If the current instruction is an atomic memory access, the delayed write set should be empty
  • ATOMIC_COVER: The sub-memory for atomic variables in the target and source levels must be strictly equal, except for the message view
Inductive SI {lang: language} {index: Type}:
  Mapping Ordering.LocOrdMap
  ((Language.state lang) × Local.t × Memory.t)
  ((Language.state lang) × Local.t × Memory.t) (@DelaySet index) Prop :=
| SI_intro
    inj lo st_tgt lc_tgt mem_tgt st_src lc_src mem_src dset
    (VIEW_LE: loc t t',
        inj loc t = Some t' (View.rlx (TView.cur (Local.tview lc_tgt)) loc) t (View.rlx (TView.cur (Local.tview lc_src)) loc) t')
    (REL_PROMISES: pdset, dset_subset pdset dset
                            rel_promises inj pdset (Local.promises lc_tgt) (Local.promises lc_src))
    (DSET_EMP: st_tgt' e,
        (Language.step lang) e st_tgt st_tgt' state_at_out_step e
                                 dset = dset_init)
    (ATOMIC_COVER: Mem_at_eq lo mem_tgt mem_src)
    SI inj lo (st_tgt, lc_tgt, mem_tgt) (st_src, lc_src, mem_src) dset.

Inductive concrete_covered (loc: Loc.t) (ts: Time.t) (mem: Memory.t): Prop :=
| concrete_covered_intro
    from to val R
    (CONCRETE_MSG: Memory.get loc to mem = Some (from, Message.concrete val R))
    (ITV: Interval.mem (from, to) ts):
    concrete_covered loc ts mem.

Concrete Memory Increasing

env steps, describing the program configuration transition in interaction:
  • MEM_TGT_INCR and MEM_SRC_INCR: increasing of the concrete messages in the target and source levels;
  • SC_TGT_INCR and SC_SRC_INCR: increasing of the timemap for SC fence in the target and source levels;
  • CLOSED_SC and CLOSED_SC_SRC: closed timemap for SC
  • CLOSED_MEM and CLOSED_MEM_SRC: memory closed
  • PRM_TGT_IN and PRM_SRC_IN: Promises are stable during interaction.

Rely Condition

Rely includes:
  • ENV_STEPS: transitions guaranteed by the non-preemptive semantics;
  • INJ_INCR: message injection increasing;
  • ATOMIC_COVER: the sub-memory for atomic variables in the target and source levels must be strictly equal, except for the message views
Inductive Rely inj S inj' S' p_tgt p_src lo :=
| Rely_intro
    (ENV_STEPS: env_steps S S' p_tgt p_src)
    (INJ_INCR: incr_inj inj inj')
    (ATOMIC_COVER: Mem_at_eq lo S'.(T_MEM) S'.(S_MEM)).

Definition thrdevt_eq (te1 te2: ThreadEvent.t) :=
  match te1, te2 with
  | loc1 to1 val1 _ ord1, loc2 to2 val2 _ ord2
    loc2 = loc1 to2 = to1 val2 = val1 ord2 = ord1
  | ThreadEvent.write loc1 from1 to1 val1 _ ord1, ThreadEvent.write loc2 from2 to2 val2 _ ord2
    loc2 = loc1 from2 = from1 to2 = to1 val2 = val1 ord2 = ord1
  | ThreadEvent.update loc1 from1 to1 valr1 valw1 _ _ ordr1 ordw1,
    ThreadEvent.update loc2 from2 to2 valr2 valw2 _ _ ordr2 ordw2
    loc2 = loc1 from2 = from1 to2 = to1 valr2 = valr1 valw2 = valw1 ordr2 = ordr1 ordw2 = ordw1
  | _, _te2 = te1

Lemma thrdevt_eq_refl:
    thrdevt_eq te te.
  unfold thrdevt_eq.
  destruct te; splits; eauto.

Simulation on State

CoInductive local_sim_state {index: Type} {index_order: index index Prop} {lang: language}:
  Invariant Ordering.LocOrdMap Mapping @DelaySet index bool
  Thread.t lang Thread.t lang Prop :=
| local_sim_state_abort_intro
    I lo inj dset b st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt mem_tgt st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src e_src b'
    (NP_STEPS: rtc (@NPAuxThread.tau_step lang lo)
                   ( lang (( lang) st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src) b)
                   ( lang e_src b'))
    (ABORT_STEP: Thread.is_abort e_src lo):
    local_sim_state I lo inj dset b
                    ( lang st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt mem_tgt)
                    ( lang st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src)
| local_sim_state_tgt_not_prm_consistent_intro
    I lo inj dset b st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt mem_tgt st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src
    (NOT_PRM_CONS_T: ¬ (Local.promise_consistent lc_tgt)):
    local_sim_state I lo inj dset b
                    ( lang st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt mem_tgt)
                    ( lang st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src)
| local_sim_state_step_intro
    I lo inj dset b st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt mem_tgt st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src
    (STEP_INV: SI inj lo (st_tgt, lc_tgt, mem_tgt) (st_src, lc_src, mem_src) dset)
        e_tgt' te pf
         (STEP: Thread.step lo pf te ( lang st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt mem_tgt) e_tgt'),
Atomic step
         ( (AT_OUT_STEP: ThreadEvent.is_at_or_out_step te),
              e_src e_src' inj' te',
               rtc (Thread.na_step lo) ( lang st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src) e_src
               Thread.program_step te' lo e_src e_src'
               incr_inj inj inj'
               local_sim_state I lo inj' (@dset_init index) true e_tgt' e_src'
               <<PROG_EVENT_EQ: thrdevt_eq te te'>>
Non-atomic step
         ( (NA_STEP: ThreadEvent.is_na_step te),
              e_src' dset1 dset2 dset2',
Target write step may add new delayed item in the delayed write set
               dset_after_na_step te dset dset1
The source steps will catch up some delayed items in the delayed write set. The definition na_step_dset encapsulates
  • thread step of the source thread;
  • modification of the delayed write set by the source thread step;
  • restriction for memory reads, if such memory read reads a location recorded in the delayed write set
               rtc (na_step_dset lo) (( lang st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src), dset1) (e_src', dset2)
reducing the indexes of the delayed items in the delayed write set
               reduce_dset index_order dset2' dset2
               local_sim_state I lo inj dset2' false e_tgt' e_src'
promise step
         ( (PRM_STEP: ( loc t, ThreadEvent.is_promising te = Some (loc, t)))
                 (OUT_ATMBLK: b = true)
                 (PROMISE: pf = false),
              e_src' inj',
               rtc (Thread.prc_step lo) ( lang st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src) e_src'
               incr_inj inj inj'
               local_sim_state I lo inj' (@dset_init index) true e_tgt' e_src'
Cancel step (pf = true)
         ( (PRM_STEP: ( loc t, ThreadEvent.is_promising te = Some (loc, t)))
                 (PF: pf = true),
               rtc (@Thread.pf_promise_step lang) ( lang st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src) e_src'
               local_sim_state I lo inj dset b e_tgt' e_src')
Rely step
        (OUT_ATMBLK: b = true),
         (I lo inj (Build_Rss sc_tgt mem_tgt sc_src mem_src))
         ( inj' sc_tgt' mem_tgt' sc_src' mem_src'
            (RELY: Rely inj (Build_Rss sc_tgt mem_tgt sc_src mem_src)
                        inj' (Build_Rss sc_tgt' mem_tgt' sc_src' mem_src')
                        (Local.promises lc_tgt) (Local.promises lc_src) lo)
            (INV: I lo inj' (Build_Rss sc_tgt' mem_tgt' sc_src' mem_src')),
             local_sim_state I lo inj' (@dset_init index) true
                             ( lang st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt' mem_tgt')
                             ( lang st_src lc_src sc_src' mem_src')))
Thread done
        (DONE: Thread.is_done ( lang st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt mem_tgt)),
        e_src inj',
         rtc (na_step_dset lo) (( lang st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src), dset) (e_src, @dset_init index)
         Thread.is_done e_src
         (incr_inj inj inj')
         I lo inj' (Build_Rss sc_tgt mem_tgt ( e_src) (Thread.memory e_src)))
Thread abort
        (ABORT: Thread.is_abort ( lang st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt mem_tgt) lo),
         rtc (Thread.na_step lo) ( lang st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src) e_src
         Thread.is_abort e_src lo)
     local_sim_state I lo inj dset b
                     ( lang st_tgt lc_tgt sc_tgt mem_tgt)
                     ( lang st_src lc_src sc_src mem_src).

Thread-Local Simulation local_sim

local_sim takes 7 parameters:
  • index: the type of the index in the delayed write set;
  • index_order: the order of the index, such as '<' for natural numbers;
  • lang: the definition of the language of code;
  • I: invariant for shared state;
  • code_t: target code;
  • code_s: source code
Record local_sim (index: Type) (index_order: index index Prop) (lang: language)
       (I: Invariant) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (code_t code_s: Language.syntax lang): Prop :=
index order is well-founded
well-formed invariant
  invariant_wf: wf_I I;

invariant holds in initial state
local sim state holds in initial state
     (st_tgt: Language.state lang) (fid: Language.fid)
      (INIT_STATE: (Language.init lang) code_t fid = Some st_tgt),
      (Language.init lang) code_s fid = Some st_src
      @local_sim_state index index_order lang I lo inj_init (@dset_init index) true
                       ( lang st_tgt Local.init Memory.init)
                       ( lang st_src Local.init Memory.init)

Require Import Wf_nat.

Theorem nat_lt_is_well_founded:
  well_founded lt.
  eapply lt_wf.