Library CompOptCert.Configuration
Require Import sflib.
Require Import Axioms.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import DataStructure.
Require Import Loc.
Require Import Language.
Require Import Time.
Require Import Event.
Require Import View.
Require Import Cell.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import TView.
Require Import Local.
Require Import Thread.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Axioms.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import DataStructure.
Require Import Loc.
Require Import Language.
Require Import Time.
Require Import Event.
Require Import View.
Require Import Cell.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import TView.
Require Import Local.
Require Import Thread.
Set Implicit Arguments.
The Program Step in the Promising Semantics 2.1
Add new threads in the thread pool (for initialization).
Definition add_th {lang: language}
(ths:t) (tid:IdentMap.key) (f: Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) : option t :=
match ((Language.init lang) code f) with
| Some s ⇒ Some (IdentMap.add tid (existT _ _ s, Local.init) ths)
| _ ⇒ None
Definition tid_incr := POrderedType.Positive_as_DT.succ.
Fixpoint add_ths {lang: language}
(ths: t) (tid: IdentMap.key) (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) : option t :=
match fs with
| f::fs' ⇒ match add_ths ths (tid_incr tid) fs' code with
| Some ths' ⇒ add_th ths' tid f code
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ Some ths
Definition empty_ths := IdentMap.empty ({lang:language & (Language.state lang)} × Local.t).
Definition init {lang: language} (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) :=
add_ths empty_ths BinNums.xH fs code.
Definition is_terminal (ths:t): Prop :=
∀ tid lang st lc (FIND: IdentMap.find tid ths = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)),
<<STATE: (Language.is_terminal lang) st>> ∧
<<THREAD: Local.is_terminal lc>>.
Inductive wf (ths:t) (mem:Memory.t): Prop :=
| wf_intro
∀ tid1 lang1 st1 lc1
tid2 lang2 st2 lc2
(TID: tid1 ≠ tid2)
(TH1: IdentMap.find tid1 ths = Some (existT _ lang1 st1, lc1))
(TH2: IdentMap.find tid2 ths = Some (existT _ lang2 st2, lc2)),
Local.disjoint lc1 lc2)
(THREADS: ∀ tid lang st lc
(TH: IdentMap.find tid ths = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)), lc mem)
Definition consistent (ths:t) (sc:TimeMap.t) (mem:Memory.t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap): Prop :=
∀ tid lang st lc
(TH: IdentMap.find tid ths = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)),
Thread.consistent ( lang st lc sc mem) lo.
Definition consistent_nprm (ths:t) (sc:TimeMap.t) (mem:Memory.t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap): Prop :=
∀ tid lang st lc
(TH: IdentMap.find tid ths = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)),
Thread.consistent_nprm ( lang st lc sc mem) lo.
Inductive is_promised tid (loc:Loc.t) (to:Time.t) (threads:t): Prop :=
| is_promised_intro
lang st lc from msg
(TID: IdentMap.find tid threads = Some (existT _ lang st, lc))
(PROMISES: Memory.get loc to (Local.promises lc) = Some (from, msg))
Definition tids (ths: t): IdentSet.t :=
List.fold_right (fun p s ⇒ IdentSet.add (fst p) s) IdentSet.empty (IdentMap.elements ths).
End Threads.
Module Configuration.
(ths:t) (tid:IdentMap.key) (f: Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) : option t :=
match ((Language.init lang) code f) with
| Some s ⇒ Some (IdentMap.add tid (existT _ _ s, Local.init) ths)
| _ ⇒ None
Definition tid_incr := POrderedType.Positive_as_DT.succ.
Fixpoint add_ths {lang: language}
(ths: t) (tid: IdentMap.key) (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) : option t :=
match fs with
| f::fs' ⇒ match add_ths ths (tid_incr tid) fs' code with
| Some ths' ⇒ add_th ths' tid f code
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ Some ths
Definition empty_ths := IdentMap.empty ({lang:language & (Language.state lang)} × Local.t).
Definition init {lang: language} (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) :=
add_ths empty_ths BinNums.xH fs code.
Definition is_terminal (ths:t): Prop :=
∀ tid lang st lc (FIND: IdentMap.find tid ths = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)),
<<STATE: (Language.is_terminal lang) st>> ∧
<<THREAD: Local.is_terminal lc>>.
Inductive wf (ths:t) (mem:Memory.t): Prop :=
| wf_intro
∀ tid1 lang1 st1 lc1
tid2 lang2 st2 lc2
(TID: tid1 ≠ tid2)
(TH1: IdentMap.find tid1 ths = Some (existT _ lang1 st1, lc1))
(TH2: IdentMap.find tid2 ths = Some (existT _ lang2 st2, lc2)),
Local.disjoint lc1 lc2)
(THREADS: ∀ tid lang st lc
(TH: IdentMap.find tid ths = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)), lc mem)
Definition consistent (ths:t) (sc:TimeMap.t) (mem:Memory.t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap): Prop :=
∀ tid lang st lc
(TH: IdentMap.find tid ths = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)),
Thread.consistent ( lang st lc sc mem) lo.
Definition consistent_nprm (ths:t) (sc:TimeMap.t) (mem:Memory.t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap): Prop :=
∀ tid lang st lc
(TH: IdentMap.find tid ths = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)),
Thread.consistent_nprm ( lang st lc sc mem) lo.
Inductive is_promised tid (loc:Loc.t) (to:Time.t) (threads:t): Prop :=
| is_promised_intro
lang st lc from msg
(TID: IdentMap.find tid threads = Some (existT _ lang st, lc))
(PROMISES: Memory.get loc to (Local.promises lc) = Some (from, msg))
Definition tids (ths: t): IdentSet.t :=
List.fold_right (fun p s ⇒ IdentSet.add (fst p) s) IdentSet.empty (IdentMap.elements ths).
End Threads.
Module Configuration.
Program Configuration
The program configuration in promising semantics 2.1. It includes:- threads: thread pool;
- tid: the identifier of the current thread;
- sc: the timemap for SC fence;
- memory: memory shared by all threads;
Definition init {lang: language} (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) (ctid: IdentMap.key) :=
match (Threads.init fs code) with
| Some ths ⇒ Some (mk ths ctid Memory.init)
| _ ⇒ None
Definition is_terminal (conf:t): Prop := Threads.is_terminal (threads conf).
Inductive wf (conf:t): Prop :=
| wf_intro
(WF: (threads conf) (memory conf))
(SC: Memory.closed_timemap (sc conf) (memory conf))
(MEM: Memory.closed (memory conf))
Definition sw_tid (c1: t) (new_tid: IdentMap.key): t := mk (threads c1) new_tid (sc c1) (memory c1).
Lemma tid_eq_dec: ∀ (tid1 tid2: IdentMap.key),
{tid1 = tid2} + {tid1 ≠ tid2}.
Proof. eapply IdentSet.Raw.L.MO.eq_dec; eauto. Qed.
Lemma sw_to_self
c = sw_tid c (tid c).
destruct c; ss.
Lemma sw_tid_twice
c tid1 tid2:
Configuration.sw_tid (Configuration.sw_tid c tid1) tid2 =
Configuration.sw_tid c tid2.
destruct c; ss.
Definition consistent (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (c: t): Prop :=
Threads.consistent (threads c) (sc c) (memory c) lo.
Definition no_promise (c: t): Prop :=
∀ tid lang st lc (FIND: IdentMap.find tid (threads c) = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)),
(Local.promises lc) =
match (Threads.init fs code) with
| Some ths ⇒ Some (mk ths ctid Memory.init)
| _ ⇒ None
Definition is_terminal (conf:t): Prop := Threads.is_terminal (threads conf).
Inductive wf (conf:t): Prop :=
| wf_intro
(WF: (threads conf) (memory conf))
(SC: Memory.closed_timemap (sc conf) (memory conf))
(MEM: Memory.closed (memory conf))
Definition sw_tid (c1: t) (new_tid: IdentMap.key): t := mk (threads c1) new_tid (sc c1) (memory c1).
Lemma tid_eq_dec: ∀ (tid1 tid2: IdentMap.key),
{tid1 = tid2} + {tid1 ≠ tid2}.
Proof. eapply IdentSet.Raw.L.MO.eq_dec; eauto. Qed.
Lemma sw_to_self
c = sw_tid c (tid c).
destruct c; ss.
Lemma sw_tid_twice
c tid1 tid2:
Configuration.sw_tid (Configuration.sw_tid c tid1) tid2 =
Configuration.sw_tid c tid2.
destruct c; ss.
Definition consistent (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (c: t): Prop :=
Threads.consistent (threads c) (sc c) (memory c) lo.
Definition no_promise (c: t): Prop :=
∀ tid lang st lc (FIND: IdentMap.find tid (threads c) = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)),
(Local.promises lc) =
Program Step
Program step (or machine step) in promising semantics 2.1. It takes four parameters:- e: machine event;
- lo: a set of atomic locations;
- c1 and c2: program configurations before and after transition.
Inductive step: ∀ (e:MachineEvent.t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (c1 c2:t), Prop :=
| step_tau
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.tau_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP: Thread.tau_step lo e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
| step_tau
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.tau_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP: Thread.tau_step lo e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
The execution of current thread must reach a promise certified state.
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
step MachineEvent.silent lo c1 c2
| step_out
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 e tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.tau_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP_OUT: Thread.out_step lo e e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
step (MachineEvent.syscall e) lo c1 c2
| step_sw
tid' lang c1 c2 st2 lc2 lo
(TID2_OK: IdentMap.find tid' (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st2, lc2))
(C2: c2 = (threads c1) tid' (sc c1) (memory c1)):
step MachineEvent.switch lo c1 c2
| step_thread_term
lang c1 c2 st1 lc1 st2 lc2 lo tid1 tid'
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(OLD_TID: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(THRD_DONE: Thread.is_done ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)))
(THRDS_REMOVE: ((IdentMap.remove tid1 (threads c1)) = (threads c2)))
(NEW_TID_OK: IdentMap.find tid' (threads c2) = Some (existT _ lang st2, lc2))
(C2: c2 = mk (threads c2) tid' (sc c1) (memory c1)):
step MachineEvent.switch lo c1 c2
Hint Constructors step.
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
step MachineEvent.silent lo c1 c2
| step_out
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 e tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.tau_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP_OUT: Thread.out_step lo e e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
step (MachineEvent.syscall e) lo c1 c2
| step_sw
tid' lang c1 c2 st2 lc2 lo
(TID2_OK: IdentMap.find tid' (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st2, lc2))
(C2: c2 = (threads c1) tid' (sc c1) (memory c1)):
step MachineEvent.switch lo c1 c2
| step_thread_term
lang c1 c2 st1 lc1 st2 lc2 lo tid1 tid'
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(OLD_TID: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(THRD_DONE: Thread.is_done ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)))
(THRDS_REMOVE: ((IdentMap.remove tid1 (threads c1)) = (threads c2)))
(NEW_TID_OK: IdentMap.find tid' (threads c2) = Some (existT _ lang st2, lc2))
(C2: c2 = mk (threads c2) tid' (sc c1) (memory c1)):
step MachineEvent.switch lo c1 c2
Hint Constructors step.
Definition is_done (c: t): Prop :=
∃ lang st lc,
(IdentMap.find (tid c) (threads c) = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)) ∧
Thread.is_done ( _ st lc (sc c) (memory c)) ∧
IdentMap.is_empty (IdentMap.remove (tid c) (threads c)) = true.
Definition is_abort (c: t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap): Prop :=
∃ lang st1 lc1 e',
IdentMap.find (tid c) (threads c) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1) ∧
rtc (@Thread.tau_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c) (memory c)) e' ∧
Thread.is_abort e' lo.
Inductive tau_step: Ordering.LocOrdMap → t → t → Prop :=
| tau_step_intro
e lo c1 c2
(WP_STEP: step e lo c1 c2)
(TAU: ~(∃ e0, e = MachineEvent.syscall e0)):
tau_step lo c1 c2.
Inductive all_step: Ordering.LocOrdMap → t → t → Prop :=
| all_step_intro
e lo c1 c2
(WP_STEP: step e lo c1 c2):
all_step lo c1 c2.
∃ lang st lc,
(IdentMap.find (tid c) (threads c) = Some (existT _ lang st, lc)) ∧
Thread.is_done ( _ st lc (sc c) (memory c)) ∧
IdentMap.is_empty (IdentMap.remove (tid c) (threads c)) = true.
Definition is_abort (c: t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap): Prop :=
∃ lang st1 lc1 e',
IdentMap.find (tid c) (threads c) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1) ∧
rtc (@Thread.tau_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c) (memory c)) e' ∧
Thread.is_abort e' lo.
Inductive tau_step: Ordering.LocOrdMap → t → t → Prop :=
| tau_step_intro
e lo c1 c2
(WP_STEP: step e lo c1 c2)
(TAU: ~(∃ e0, e = MachineEvent.syscall e0)):
tau_step lo c1 c2.
Inductive all_step: Ordering.LocOrdMap → t → t → Prop :=
| all_step_intro
e lo c1 c2
(WP_STEP: step e lo c1 c2):
all_step lo c1 c2.
Inductive abort_config: ∀ (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (c: t), Prop :=
| Abort_config_intro
lo c c'
(STEPS: rtc (all_step lo) c c')
(ABORT: is_abort c' lo):
abort_config lo c.
| Abort_config_intro
lo c c'
(STEPS: rtc (all_step lo) c c')
(ABORT: is_abort c' lo):
abort_config lo c.
Inductive safe {lang: language} :
∀ (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) (ctid: IdentMap.key), Prop :=
| Safe_intro
lo fs code ctid
(SAFR_EXEC: ∀ c, init fs code ctid = Some c → ~(abort_config lo c)):
safe lo fs code ctid.
∀ (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) (ctid: IdentMap.key), Prop :=
| Safe_intro
lo fs code ctid
(SAFR_EXEC: ∀ c, init fs code ctid = Some c → ~(abort_config lo c)):
safe lo fs code ctid.
Aux promising semantics (machine step).
1. same init/term/sw/done/abort rule, done/abort definition
2. we have na/prc/atm step now (substitute for single tau step)
Inductive aux_step: ∀ (e:AuxEvent.t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (c1 c2:t), Prop :=
| aux_step_na
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.na_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP: Thread.na_step lo e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
aux_step lo c1 c2
| aux_step_prc
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.prc_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP: Thread.prc_step lo e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
aux_step AuxEvent.prc lo c1 c2
| aux_step_at
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 e1' tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS_PRC: rtc (@Thread.prc_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEPS_ATM: rtc (@Thread.atmblk_step _ lo) e1 e1')
(STEP_ATM: Thread.atmblk_step lo e1' ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
aux_step AuxEvent.atm lo c1 c2
| aux_step_out
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 e tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.na_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP_OUT: Thread.out_step lo e e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
aux_step (AuxEvent.out e) lo c1 c2
| aux_step_sw
tid' lang c1 c2 st2 lc2 lo
(TID2_OK: IdentMap.find tid' (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st2, lc2))
(C2: c2 = (threads c1) tid' (sc c1) (memory c1)):
aux_step AuxEvent.sw lo c1 c2
| aux_step_thread_term
lang c1 c2 st1 lc1 st2 lc2 lo tid1 tid'
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(OLD_TID: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(THRD_DONE: Thread.is_done ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)))
(THRDS_REMOVE: ((IdentMap.remove tid1 (threads c1)) = (threads c2)))
(NEW_TID_OK: IdentMap.find tid' (threads c2) = Some (existT _ lang st2, lc2))
(C2: c2 = mk (threads c2) tid' (sc c1) (memory c1)):
aux_step AuxEvent.tterm lo c1 c2
Hint Constructors aux_step.
Inductive aux_tau_step: Ordering.LocOrdMap → t → t → Prop :=
| aux_tau_step_intro
e lo c1 c2
(WP_STEP: aux_step e lo c1 c2)
(TAU: ~(∃ e0, e = AuxEvent.out e0)):
aux_tau_step lo c1 c2.
Inductive aux_all_step: Ordering.LocOrdMap → t → t → Prop :=
| aux_all_step_intro
e lo c1 c2
(WP_STEP: aux_step e lo c1 c2):
aux_all_step lo c1 c2.
End Configuration.
| aux_step_na
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.na_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP: Thread.na_step lo e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
aux_step lo c1 c2
| aux_step_prc
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.prc_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP: Thread.prc_step lo e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
aux_step AuxEvent.prc lo c1 c2
| aux_step_at
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 e1' tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS_PRC: rtc (@Thread.prc_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEPS_ATM: rtc (@Thread.atmblk_step _ lo) e1 e1')
(STEP_ATM: Thread.atmblk_step lo e1' ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
aux_step AuxEvent.atm lo c1 c2
| aux_step_out
lang lo c1 c2 st1 st2 lc1 lc2 e1 e tid1
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(TID1: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(STEPS: rtc (@Thread.na_step _ lo) ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)) e1)
(STEP_OUT: Thread.out_step lo e e1 ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)))
(CONSISTENT: Thread.consistent ( _ st2 lc2 (sc c2) (memory c2)) lo)
(C2: c2 = mk (IdentMap.add tid1 (existT _ _ st2, lc2) (threads c1)) tid1 (sc c2) (memory c2)):
aux_step (AuxEvent.out e) lo c1 c2
| aux_step_sw
tid' lang c1 c2 st2 lc2 lo
(TID2_OK: IdentMap.find tid' (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st2, lc2))
(C2: c2 = (threads c1) tid' (sc c1) (memory c1)):
aux_step AuxEvent.sw lo c1 c2
| aux_step_thread_term
lang c1 c2 st1 lc1 st2 lc2 lo tid1 tid'
(CTID: tid c1 = tid1)
(OLD_TID: IdentMap.find tid1 (threads c1) = Some (existT _ lang st1, lc1))
(THRD_DONE: Thread.is_done ( _ st1 lc1 (sc c1) (memory c1)))
(THRDS_REMOVE: ((IdentMap.remove tid1 (threads c1)) = (threads c2)))
(NEW_TID_OK: IdentMap.find tid' (threads c2) = Some (existT _ lang st2, lc2))
(C2: c2 = mk (threads c2) tid' (sc c1) (memory c1)):
aux_step AuxEvent.tterm lo c1 c2
Hint Constructors aux_step.
Inductive aux_tau_step: Ordering.LocOrdMap → t → t → Prop :=
| aux_tau_step_intro
e lo c1 c2
(WP_STEP: aux_step e lo c1 c2)
(TAU: ~(∃ e0, e = AuxEvent.out e0)):
aux_tau_step lo c1 c2.
Inductive aux_all_step: Ordering.LocOrdMap → t → t → Prop :=
| aux_all_step_intro
e lo c1 c2
(WP_STEP: aux_step e lo c1 c2):
aux_all_step lo c1 c2.
End Configuration.