Module RTL_local

Require Import Coqlib Maps AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
Require Import Op Registers.

Require Import RTL.

Require Import Footprint MemOpFP Op_fp String val_casted helpers.
Require IS_local.

Local Notation footprint := FP.t.
Local Notation empfp := FP.emp.

Operational semantics

The dynamic semantics of RTL is given in small-step style, as a set of transitions between states. A state captures the current point in the execution. Three kinds of states appear in the transitions: In all three kinds of states, the cs parameter represents the call stack. It is a list of frames Stackframe res f sp pc rs. Each frame represents a function call in progress. res is the pseudo-register that will receive the result of the call. f is the calling function. sp is its stack pointer. pc is the program point for the instruction that follows the call. rs is the state of registers in the calling function.

Inductive core : Type :=
| Core_State:
    forall (stack: list stackframe) (* call stack *)
      (f: function) (* current function *)
      (sp: val) (* stack pointer *)
      (pc: node) (* current program point in c *)
      (rs: regset), (* register state *)
| Core_Callstate:
    forall (stack: list stackframe) (* call stack *)
      (f: fundef) (* function to call *)
      (args: list val), (* arguments to the call *)
| Core_Returnstate:
    forall (stack: list stackframe) (* call stack *)
      (v: val), (* return value for the call *)

Section RELSEM.

Variable ge: genv.

Local Notation find_function := (find_function ge).

The transitions are presented as an inductive predicate step ge st1 t st2, where ge is the global environment, st1 the initial state, st2 the final state, and t the trace of system calls performed during this transition.

Inductive step: core -> mem -> footprint -> core -> mem -> Prop :=
| exec_Inop:
    forall s f sp pc rs m pc',
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Inop pc') ->
      step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
           empfp (Core_State s f sp pc' rs) m
| exec_Iop:
    forall s f sp pc rs m op args res pc' v fp,
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Iop op args res pc') ->
      eval_operation ge sp op rs##args m = Some v ->
      eval_operation_fp ge sp op rs##args m = Some fp ->
      step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
           fp (Core_State s f sp pc' (rs#res <- v)) m
| exec_Iload:
    forall s f sp pc rs m chunk addr args dst pc' a v fp,
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Iload chunk addr args dst pc') ->
      eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
      Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
      loadv_fp chunk a = fp ->
      step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
           fp (Core_State s f sp pc' (rs#dst <- v)) m
| exec_Istore:
    forall s f sp pc rs m chunk addr args src pc' a m' fp,
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Istore chunk addr args src pc') ->
      eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
      Mem.storev chunk m a rs#src = Some m' ->
      storev_fp chunk a = fp ->
      step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
           fp (Core_State s f sp pc' rs) m'
| exec_Icall:
    forall s f sp pc rs m sig ros args res pc' fd,
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Icall sig ros args res pc') ->
      find_function ros rs = Some fd ->
      funsig fd = sig ->
      step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
           empfp (Core_Callstate (Stackframe res f sp pc' rs :: s) fd rs##args) m

| exec_Itailcall:
    forall s f stk pc rs m sig ros args fd m' fp,
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Itailcall sig ros args) ->
      find_function ros rs = Some fd ->
      funsig fd = sig -> m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
      free_fp stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = fp ->
      step (Core_State s f (Vptr stk pc rs) m
           fp (Core_Callstate s fd rs##args) m'
| exec_Ibuiltin:
    forall s f sp pc rs m ef args res pc' vargs vres fp,
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Ibuiltin ef args res pc') ->
      eval_builtin_args ge (fun r => rs#r) sp m args vargs ->
      eval_builtin_args_fp ge (fun r => rs#r) sp args fp ->
      i64ext ef ->
      external_call ef ge vargs m E0 vres m ->
      step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
           fp (Core_State s f sp pc' (regmap_setres res vres rs)) m
| exec_Icond:
    forall s f sp pc rs m cond args ifso ifnot b pc' fp,
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Icond cond args ifso ifnot) ->
      eval_condition cond rs##args m = Some b ->
      eval_condition_fp cond rs##args m = Some fp ->
      pc' = (if b then ifso else ifnot) ->
      step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
           fp (Core_State s f sp pc' rs) m
| exec_Ijumptable:
    forall s f sp pc rs m arg tbl n pc',
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Ijumptable arg tbl) ->
      rs#arg = Vint n ->
      list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) = Some pc' ->
      step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
           empfp (Core_State s f sp pc' rs) m
| exec_Ireturn:
    forall s f stk pc rs m or m' fp,
      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Ireturn or) -> m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
      free_fp stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = fp ->
      step (Core_State s f (Vptr stk pc rs) m
           fp (Core_Returnstate s (regmap_optget or Vundef rs)) m'
| exec_function_internal:
    forall s f args m m' stk fp,
      Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
      alloc_fp m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = fp ->
      step (Core_Callstate s (Internal f) args) m
           fp (Core_State s
                          (Vptr stk
                              (init_regs args f.(fn_params))) m'
support i64 runtime helpers only
| exec_function_external:
    forall s ef args res m ,
      i64ext ef ->
      external_call ef ge args m E0 res m ->
      step (Core_Callstate s (External ef) args) m
           empfp (Core_Returnstate s res) m

| exec_return:
    forall res f sp pc rs s vres m,
      step (Core_Returnstate (Stackframe res f sp pc rs :: s) vres) m
           empfp (Core_State s f sp pc (rs#res <- vres)) m.

Lemma exec_Iop':
  forall s f sp pc rs m op args res pc' rs' v fp,
  (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Iop op args res pc') ->
  eval_operation ge sp op rs##args m = Some v ->
  eval_operation_fp ge sp op rs##args m = Some fp ->
  rs' = (rs#res <- v) ->
  step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
       fp (Core_State s f sp pc' rs') m.
  intros. subst rs'. eapply exec_Iop; eauto.

Lemma exec_Iload':
  forall s f sp pc rs m chunk addr args dst pc' rs' a v fp,
  (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Iload chunk addr args dst pc') ->
  eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
  loadv_fp chunk a = fp ->
  rs' = (rs#dst <- v) ->
  step (Core_State s f sp pc rs) m
       fp (Core_State s f sp pc' rs') m.
  intros. subst rs'. eapply exec_Iload; eauto.


Require Import CUAST.
Require GAST.

Definition RTL_comp_unit := @comp_unit_generic fundef unit.

Definition init_genv (cu: RTL_comp_unit) (ge G: genv): Prop :=
  ge = G /\ globalenv_generic cu ge.

Definition init_mem : genv -> mem -> Prop := init_mem_generic.

Definition at_external (ge: Genv.t fundef unit) (c: core) :
  option (ident * signature * list val) :=
  match c with
  | Core_Callstate s (External ef) args =>
    match ef with
    | (EF_external name sig) =>
      match invert_symbol_from_string ge name with
      | Some fnid =>
        if peq fnid GAST.ent_atom || peq fnid GAST.ext_atom
        then None
        else Some (fnid, sig, args)
      | _ => None
    | _ => None
  | _ => None

Definition after_external (c: core) (vret: option val) : option core :=
  match c with
    Core_Callstate s (External ef) args =>
    match ef with
    | (EF_external _ sg)
      => match vret, sig_res sg with
          None, None => Some (Core_Returnstate s Vundef)
        | Some v, Some ty =>
          if val_has_type_func v ty
          then Some (Core_Returnstate s v)
          else None
        | _, _ => None
    | _ => None
  | _ => None

Definition halted (c : core): option val :=
  match c with
  | Core_Returnstate nil v => Some v
  | _ => None

Copied from compcomp
Definition fundef_init (cfd: fundef) (args: list val) : option core :=
  match cfd with
  | Internal fd =>
    let tyl := sig_args (funsig cfd) in
    if wd_args args tyl
    then Some (Core_Callstate nil cfd args)
    else None
  | External _=> None

Definition init_core (ge : Genv.t fundef unit) (fnid: ident) (args: list val): option core :=
  generic_init_core fundef_init ge fnid args.

Definition RTL_IS :=
  IS_local.Build_sem_local fundef unit genv RTL_comp_unit core init_genv init_mem
                           init_core halted step at_external after_external.