Module IS_local

Require Import Setoid List.
Require Import Coqlib Errors Values AST Globalenvs.
Require Import Memory Footprint InteractionSemantics.

Record sem_local :=
    F: Type;
    V: Type;
    G: Type;
    comp_unit: Type;
    core: Type;
    init_genv_local: comp_unit -> Genv.t F V -> G -> Prop;
TODO: is init_mem relative to languages, since we already have Genv.t definition
    init_mem: Genv.t F V -> mem -> Prop;

    init_core_local: G -> ident -> list val -> option core;
Note: here we require halt returns a value with its type
EDIT: this is not viable. CompCert languages won't expose type information at callstate
    halt_local: core -> option val;
    step_local: G -> core -> mem -> FP.t -> core -> mem -> Prop;
EDIT: since external function is defined as a (name: string) with its signature, here we modify at_external interface to adapt string name, by providing global environment
    at_external_local: G -> core -> option (ident * signature * list val);
    after_external_local: core -> option val -> option core;