Library CompOptCert.Behavior
Require Import sflib.
From Paco Require Import paco.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import Loc.
Require Import Event.
Require Import Language.
Require Import View.
Require Import Cell.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import TView.
Require Import Local.
Require Import Thread.
Require Import Configuration.
Require Import Omega.
Set Implicit Arguments.
From Paco Require Import paco.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import Loc.
Require Import Event.
Require Import Language.
Require Import View.
Require Import Cell.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import TView.
Require Import Local.
Require Import Thread.
Require Import Configuration.
Require Import Omega.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Program Behaviors in Promising Semantics
Observable Event Trace
Event trace (list VisibleEvent.t) is a list of observable event. The observable event trace (defined as (EvtTrace) in paper) includes:- empty observable event;
- program abort;
- program done;
- output event (system call)
Inductive conf_behaviors: ∀ (c: Configuration.t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (n: nat) (b: list VisibleEvent.t), Prop :=
| behaviors_nil
c lo :
conf_behaviors c lo 0 nil
| behaviors_abort
c lo n
(IS_ABORT: Configuration.is_abort c lo)
conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.abort::nil)
| behaviors_done
c lo n
(IS_DONE: Configuration.is_done c)
conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.done::nil)
| behaviors_out
c c' lo n e behs
(STEP: Configuration.step (MachineEvent.syscall e) lo c c')
(BEHS: conf_behaviors c' lo n behs)
conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.out e :: behs)
| behaviors_tau
c c' lo n e behs
(EVENT: ~(∃ e0, e = MachineEvent.syscall e0))
(STEP: Configuration.step e lo c c')
(BEHS: conf_behaviors c' lo n behs)
conf_behaviors c lo (S n) behs
Hint Constructors conf_behaviors.
| behaviors_nil
c lo :
conf_behaviors c lo 0 nil
| behaviors_abort
c lo n
(IS_ABORT: Configuration.is_abort c lo)
conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.abort::nil)
| behaviors_done
c lo n
(IS_DONE: Configuration.is_done c)
conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.done::nil)
| behaviors_out
c c' lo n e behs
(STEP: Configuration.step (MachineEvent.syscall e) lo c c')
(BEHS: conf_behaviors c' lo n behs)
conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.out e :: behs)
| behaviors_tau
c c' lo n e behs
(EVENT: ~(∃ e0, e = MachineEvent.syscall e0))
(STEP: Configuration.step e lo c c')
(BEHS: conf_behaviors c' lo n behs)
conf_behaviors c lo (S n) behs
Hint Constructors conf_behaviors.
Definition prog_behaviors {lang: language} (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) (ctid: IdentMap.key)
(lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (b: list VisibleEvent.t) : Prop :=
∃ n c, Configuration.init fs code ctid = Some c ∧ conf_behaviors c lo n b.
(lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (b: list VisibleEvent.t) : Prop :=
∃ n c, Configuration.init fs code ctid = Some c ∧ conf_behaviors c lo n b.
Definition evttr_refinement {lang: language}
(fs: list Language.fid) (ctid: IdentMap.key) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap)
(code_t: Language.syntax lang) (code_s: Language.syntax lang)
(behs_t: list Language.fid → Language.syntax lang → IdentMap.key →
Ordering.LocOrdMap → list VisibleEvent.t → Prop)
(behs_s: list Language.fid → Language.syntax lang → IdentMap.key →
Ordering.LocOrdMap → list VisibleEvent.t → Prop) : Prop:=
∀ b, behs_t fs code_t ctid lo b → behs_s fs code_s ctid lo b.
(fs: list Language.fid) (ctid: IdentMap.key) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap)
(code_t: Language.syntax lang) (code_s: Language.syntax lang)
(behs_t: list Language.fid → Language.syntax lang → IdentMap.key →
Ordering.LocOrdMap → list VisibleEvent.t → Prop)
(behs_s: list Language.fid → Language.syntax lang → IdentMap.key →
Ordering.LocOrdMap → list VisibleEvent.t → Prop) : Prop:=
∀ b, behs_t fs code_t ctid lo b → behs_s fs code_s ctid lo b.
Definition evttr_equivalence {lang: language}
(fs: list Language.fid) (ctid: IdentMap.key) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap)
(code_t: Language.syntax lang) (code_s: Language.syntax lang)
(behs_t: list Language.fid → Language.syntax lang → IdentMap.key →
Ordering.LocOrdMap → list VisibleEvent.t → Prop)
(behs_s: list Language.fid → Language.syntax lang → IdentMap.key →
Ordering.LocOrdMap → list VisibleEvent.t → Prop) : Prop:=
∀ b, behs_t fs code_t ctid lo b ↔ behs_s fs code_s ctid lo b.
Inductive aux_conf_behaviors: ∀ (c: Configuration.t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (n: nat) (b: list VisibleEvent.t), Prop :=
| aux_behaviors_nil
c lo :
aux_conf_behaviors c lo 0 nil
| aux_behaviors_abort
c lo n
(IS_ABORT: Configuration.is_abort c lo)
aux_conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.abort::nil)
| aux_bahaviors_done
c lo n
(IS_DONE: Configuration.is_done c)
aux_conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.done::nil)
| aux_behaviors_out
c c' lo n e behs
(STEP: Configuration.aux_step (AuxEvent.out e) lo c c')
(BEHS: aux_conf_behaviors c' lo n behs)
aux_conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.out e :: behs)
| aux_behaviors_tau
c c' npe lo n behs
(EVENT: ~(∃ e, npe = AuxEvent.out e))
(STEP: Configuration.aux_step npe lo c c')
(BEHS: aux_conf_behaviors c' lo n behs)
aux_conf_behaviors c lo (S n) behs
Hint Constructors aux_conf_behaviors.
Definition aux_prog_behaviors {lang: language} (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) (ctid: IdentMap.key)
(lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (b: list VisibleEvent.t) : Prop :=
∃ n c, Configuration.init fs code ctid = Some c ∧ aux_conf_behaviors c lo n b.
Lemma rtcn_tail:
∀ A R n
(a1 a3:A)
(REL: rtcn R (S n) a1 a3),
(∃ a2, rtcn R n a1 a2 ∧ R a2 a3).
induction n.
- intros. ∃ a1. splits; eauto.
inv REL. inv A23; eauto.
- intros. inv REL.
eapply IHn in A23.
destruct A23 as (a2' & STEPS).
∃ a2'. splits; destruct STEPS as (STEPS & FSTEP); eauto.
Lemma tau_steps_aux_behaviors:
∀ ape lo n1 c1 c2 n2 behs
(EVENT: ~(∃ e, ape = AuxEvent.out e))
(STEPS: rtcn (Configuration.aux_step ape lo) n1 c1 c2)
(BEHS: aux_conf_behaviors c2 lo n2 behs),
aux_conf_behaviors c1 lo (n1+n2) behs.
induction n1.
- intros. simpls. inv STEPS; eauto.
- intros. eapply rtcn_tail in STEPS. destruct STEPS as (c' & STEPS & STEP).
eapply aux_behaviors_tau in STEP; eauto.
eapply IHn1 in STEPS; eauto.
replace (n1 + S n2) with (S n1 + n2) in STEPS by omega; eauto.
Lemma tau_steps_aux_behaviors':
∀ lo n1 c1 c2 n2 behs
(STEPS: rtcn (Configuration.aux_tau_step lo) n1 c1 c2)
(BEHS: aux_conf_behaviors c2 lo n2 behs),
aux_conf_behaviors c1 lo (n1+n2) behs.
induction n1.
- intros. simpls. inv STEPS; eauto.
- intros. eapply rtcn_tail in STEPS. destruct STEPS as (c' & STEPS & STEP).
inv STEP.
eapply aux_behaviors_tau in WP_STEP; eauto.
eapply IHn1 in STEPS; eauto.
replace (n1 + S n2) with (S n1 + n2) in STEPS by omega.
Lemma tau_steps_behaviors:
∀ e lo n1 c1 c2 n2 behs
(EVENT: ~(∃ e0, e = MachineEvent.syscall e0))
(STEPS: rtcn (Configuration.step e lo) n1 c1 c2)
(BEHS: conf_behaviors c2 lo n2 behs),
conf_behaviors c1 lo (n1+n2) behs.
induction n1.
- intros. simpls. inv STEPS; eauto.
- intros. eapply rtcn_tail in STEPS. destruct STEPS as (c' & STEPS & STEP).
eapply behaviors_tau in STEP; eauto.
eapply IHn1 in STEPS; eauto.
replace (n1 + S n2) with (S n1 + n2) in STEPS by omega; eauto.
Lemma tau_steps_behaviors':
∀ lo n1 c1 c2 n2 behs
(STEPS: rtcn (Configuration.tau_step lo) n1 c1 c2)
(BEHS: conf_behaviors c2 lo n2 behs),
conf_behaviors c1 lo (n1+n2) behs.
induction n1.
- intros. simpls. inv STEPS; eauto.
- intros. eapply rtcn_tail in STEPS. destruct STEPS as (c' & STEPS & STEP).
inv STEP.
eapply behaviors_tau in WP_STEP; eauto.
eapply IHn1 in STEPS; eauto.
replace (n1 + S n2) with (S n1 + n2) in STEPS by omega; eauto.
Inductive prefix_behs: list VisibleEvent.t → Prop :=
| prefix_behs_nil:
prefix_behs nil
| prefix_behs_cons
behs e
(PREFIX: prefix_behs behs):
prefix_behs ((VisibleEvent.out e) :: behs).
(fs: list Language.fid) (ctid: IdentMap.key) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap)
(code_t: Language.syntax lang) (code_s: Language.syntax lang)
(behs_t: list Language.fid → Language.syntax lang → IdentMap.key →
Ordering.LocOrdMap → list VisibleEvent.t → Prop)
(behs_s: list Language.fid → Language.syntax lang → IdentMap.key →
Ordering.LocOrdMap → list VisibleEvent.t → Prop) : Prop:=
∀ b, behs_t fs code_t ctid lo b ↔ behs_s fs code_s ctid lo b.
Inductive aux_conf_behaviors: ∀ (c: Configuration.t) (lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (n: nat) (b: list VisibleEvent.t), Prop :=
| aux_behaviors_nil
c lo :
aux_conf_behaviors c lo 0 nil
| aux_behaviors_abort
c lo n
(IS_ABORT: Configuration.is_abort c lo)
aux_conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.abort::nil)
| aux_bahaviors_done
c lo n
(IS_DONE: Configuration.is_done c)
aux_conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.done::nil)
| aux_behaviors_out
c c' lo n e behs
(STEP: Configuration.aux_step (AuxEvent.out e) lo c c')
(BEHS: aux_conf_behaviors c' lo n behs)
aux_conf_behaviors c lo (S n) (VisibleEvent.out e :: behs)
| aux_behaviors_tau
c c' npe lo n behs
(EVENT: ~(∃ e, npe = AuxEvent.out e))
(STEP: Configuration.aux_step npe lo c c')
(BEHS: aux_conf_behaviors c' lo n behs)
aux_conf_behaviors c lo (S n) behs
Hint Constructors aux_conf_behaviors.
Definition aux_prog_behaviors {lang: language} (fs: list Language.fid) (code: Language.syntax lang) (ctid: IdentMap.key)
(lo: Ordering.LocOrdMap) (b: list VisibleEvent.t) : Prop :=
∃ n c, Configuration.init fs code ctid = Some c ∧ aux_conf_behaviors c lo n b.
Lemma rtcn_tail:
∀ A R n
(a1 a3:A)
(REL: rtcn R (S n) a1 a3),
(∃ a2, rtcn R n a1 a2 ∧ R a2 a3).
induction n.
- intros. ∃ a1. splits; eauto.
inv REL. inv A23; eauto.
- intros. inv REL.
eapply IHn in A23.
destruct A23 as (a2' & STEPS).
∃ a2'. splits; destruct STEPS as (STEPS & FSTEP); eauto.
Lemma tau_steps_aux_behaviors:
∀ ape lo n1 c1 c2 n2 behs
(EVENT: ~(∃ e, ape = AuxEvent.out e))
(STEPS: rtcn (Configuration.aux_step ape lo) n1 c1 c2)
(BEHS: aux_conf_behaviors c2 lo n2 behs),
aux_conf_behaviors c1 lo (n1+n2) behs.
induction n1.
- intros. simpls. inv STEPS; eauto.
- intros. eapply rtcn_tail in STEPS. destruct STEPS as (c' & STEPS & STEP).
eapply aux_behaviors_tau in STEP; eauto.
eapply IHn1 in STEPS; eauto.
replace (n1 + S n2) with (S n1 + n2) in STEPS by omega; eauto.
Lemma tau_steps_aux_behaviors':
∀ lo n1 c1 c2 n2 behs
(STEPS: rtcn (Configuration.aux_tau_step lo) n1 c1 c2)
(BEHS: aux_conf_behaviors c2 lo n2 behs),
aux_conf_behaviors c1 lo (n1+n2) behs.
induction n1.
- intros. simpls. inv STEPS; eauto.
- intros. eapply rtcn_tail in STEPS. destruct STEPS as (c' & STEPS & STEP).
inv STEP.
eapply aux_behaviors_tau in WP_STEP; eauto.
eapply IHn1 in STEPS; eauto.
replace (n1 + S n2) with (S n1 + n2) in STEPS by omega.
Lemma tau_steps_behaviors:
∀ e lo n1 c1 c2 n2 behs
(EVENT: ~(∃ e0, e = MachineEvent.syscall e0))
(STEPS: rtcn (Configuration.step e lo) n1 c1 c2)
(BEHS: conf_behaviors c2 lo n2 behs),
conf_behaviors c1 lo (n1+n2) behs.
induction n1.
- intros. simpls. inv STEPS; eauto.
- intros. eapply rtcn_tail in STEPS. destruct STEPS as (c' & STEPS & STEP).
eapply behaviors_tau in STEP; eauto.
eapply IHn1 in STEPS; eauto.
replace (n1 + S n2) with (S n1 + n2) in STEPS by omega; eauto.
Lemma tau_steps_behaviors':
∀ lo n1 c1 c2 n2 behs
(STEPS: rtcn (Configuration.tau_step lo) n1 c1 c2)
(BEHS: conf_behaviors c2 lo n2 behs),
conf_behaviors c1 lo (n1+n2) behs.
induction n1.
- intros. simpls. inv STEPS; eauto.
- intros. eapply rtcn_tail in STEPS. destruct STEPS as (c' & STEPS & STEP).
inv STEP.
eapply behaviors_tau in WP_STEP; eauto.
eapply IHn1 in STEPS; eauto.
replace (n1 + S n2) with (S n1 + n2) in STEPS by omega; eauto.
Inductive prefix_behs: list VisibleEvent.t → Prop :=
| prefix_behs_nil:
prefix_behs nil
| prefix_behs_cons
behs e
(PREFIX: prefix_behs behs):
prefix_behs ((VisibleEvent.out e) :: behs).