Module selectop_proof

Correctness of instruction selection for operators

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Cminor Cminor_op_footprint.
Require Import Op Op_fp.
Require Import CminorSel CminorSel_local.
Require Import SelectOp SelectOpproof.

Local Open Scope cminorsel_scope.

Require Import Footprint.
Ltac EvalOpFP :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- eval_exprlist_fp _ _ _ _ _ Enil _ ] => constructor
  | [ |- eval_exprlist_fp _ _ _ _ _ (_:::_) _ ] => econstructor; EvalOpFP
  | [ |- eval_expr_fp _ _ _ _ _ (Eletvar _) _ ] => econstructor; simpl; eauto
  | [ |- eval_expr_fp _ _ _ _ _ (Elet _ _) _ ] => econstructor; EvalOpFP
  | [ |- eval_expr_fp _ _ _ _ _ (lift _) _ ] => apply eval_lift_fp; EvalOpFP
  | [ |- eval_expr_fp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] => eapply eval_Eop_fp; [EvalOp | EvalOpFP | simpl; eauto | simpl; eauto | eauto]
  | _ => idtac

Ltac InvEvalFP1:=
  match goal with
  | [ H: (eval_expr_fp _ _ _ _ _ (Eop _ Enil) _) |- _ ] =>
    inv H; InvEvalFP1
  | [ H: (eval_expr_fp _ _ _ _ _ (Eop _ (_ ::: Enil)) _) |- _ ] =>
    inv H; InvEvalFP1
  | [ H: (eval_expr_fp _ _ _ _ _ (Eop _ (_ ::: _ ::: Enil)) _) |- _ ] =>
    inv H; InvEvalFP1
  | [ H: (eval_exprlist_fp _ _ _ _ _ Enil _) |- _ ] =>
    inv H; InvEvalFP1
  | [ H: (eval_exprlist_fp _ _ _ _ _ (_ ::: _) _) |- _ ] =>
    inv H; InvEvalFP1
  | _ =>

Ltac InvEvalFP2 :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: (eval_operation_fp _ _ _ nil _ = Some _) |- _ ] =>
      simpl in H; FuncInv
  | [ H: (eval_operation_fp _ _ _ (_ :: nil) _ = Some _) |- _ ] =>
      simpl in H; FuncInv
  | [ H: (eval_operation_fp _ _ _ (_ :: _ :: nil) _ = Some _) |- _ ] =>
      simpl in H; FuncInv
  | [ H: (eval_operation_fp _ _ _ (_ :: _ :: _ :: nil) _ = Some _) |- _ ] =>
      simpl in H; FuncInv
  | _ =>

Ltac InvEmpFP :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: eval_operation_fp _ _ _ ?vl _ = Some _ |- _ ] => simpl in H; destruct vl; inv H; InvEmpFP
  | [ H: match ?vl with _ => _ end = Some _ |- _ ] => destruct vl; inv H; InvEmpFP
  | _ => idtac

Ltac InvEvalFP := InvEvalFP1; InvEvalFP2; InvEvalFP2; subst.

Ltac TrivFP := repeat rewrite (FP.fp_union_emp); repeat rewrite (FP.emp_union_fp); auto;
               match goal with
               | [ |- FP.subset ?fp ?fp ] => apply FP.subset_refl; auto
               | [ |- FP.subset FP.emp ?fp ] => apply FP.subset_emp
               | [ |- FP.subset ?fp (FP.union ?fp _) ] => apply FP.union_subset
               | [ |- FP.subset (FP.union ?fp1 ?fp2) (FP.union ?fp2 ?fp1) ] =>
                 rewrite FP.union_comm_eq; apply FP.subset_refl
               | [ |- FP.subset ?fp (FP.union _ ?fp) ] => rewrite FP.union_comm_eq; apply FP.union_subset
               | [ H: FP.subset ?fp1 ?fp2 |- FP.subset ?fp1 (FP.union ?fp2 _) ] => apply FP.subset_union_subset; auto
               | [ H: FP.subset ?fp1 ?fp2 |- FP.subset ?fp1 (FP.union _ ?fp2) ] =>
                 rewrite FP.union_comm_eq; apply FP.subset_union_subset; auto
               | _ => idtac

Ltac Triv := eexists; split; [repeat econstructor; eauto | TrivFP].

TODO: move to ?
Lemma subset_trans:
  forall fp1 fp2 fp3,
    FP.subset fp1 fp2 -> FP.subset fp2 fp3 -> FP.subset fp1 fp3.
  intros. inv H; inv H0; constructor; eapply Locs.subset_trans; eauto.

Lemma subset2_union:
  forall fp1 fp2 fp,
    FP.subset fp1 fp -> FP.subset fp2 fp -> FP.subset (FP.union fp1 fp2) fp.
  intros. inv H; inv H0; constructor; eapply Locs.union_subset; eauto.


Variable ge: genv.
Variable sp: val.
Variable e: env.
Variable m: mem.

Definition unary_constructor_fp_sound (cstr: expr -> expr) : Prop :=
  forall le a x fp,
    eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
    eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fp ->
    exists fp', eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (cstr a) fp' /\ FP.subset fp' fp.

Definition binary_constructor_fp_sound (cstr: expr -> expr -> expr) : Prop :=
  forall le a x fpx b y fpy,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  eval_expr ge sp e m le b y ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le b fpy ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (cstr a b) fp /\ FP.subset fp (FP.union fpx fpy).

Theorem eval_addrsymbol_fp:
  forall le id ofs,
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (addrsymbol id ofs) FP.emp.
  intros. unfold addrsymbol.
  destruct (symbol_is_external id).
  predSpec Ptrofs.eq Ptrofs.eq_spec ofs
  subst. repeat econstructor. repeat econstructor. repeat econstructor.

Theorem eval_addrstack_fp:
  forall le ofs,
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (addrstack ofs) FP.emp.
intros. unfold addrstack. repeat econstructor. Qed.

Theorem eval_notint_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound notint.
unfold notint; red; intros until x. case (notint_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_addimm_fp: forall n, unary_constructor_fp_sound (addimm n).
  red; unfold addimm; intros until x.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n
- subst n. intros. Triv.
- case (addimm_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; InvEval; try (Triv; fail).
  inv H0. inv H1. Triv. simpl. erewrite eval_offset_addressing_total_32 by eauto. rewrite Int.repr_signed; auto.
  simpl. erewrite eval_offset_addressing_total_32 by eauto. auto.

Theorem eval_add_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound add.
  red; intros until y.
  unfold add; case (add_match a b); intros; InvEval; try (InvEvalFP; InvEmpFP; Triv; fail).
  exploit eval_addimm_fp; try eassumption. intros [fp' [A B]]. exists fp'. split; eauto; TrivFP.
  exploit eval_addimm_fp; try eassumption. intros [fp' [A B]]. exists fp'. split; eauto; TrivFP.

Theorem eval_sub_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound sub.
  red; intros until fpy.
  unfold sub; case (sub_match a b); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP;
    try match goal with
        | |- context[eval_expr_fp _ _ _ _ ?le (addimm ?e1 ?e2) ] =>
          exploit (eval_addimm_fp e1 le e2); try eassumption; try (repeat econstructor; eauto; fail); TrivFP
  - intros [fp' [A B]]. exists fp'. split; eauto. TrivFP.
  - replace (Int.repr (n1 - n2)) with (Int.sub (Int.repr n1) (Int.repr n2)).
    intros [fp' [A B]]. exists fp'. split; [auto|TrivFP]. InvEmpFP; TrivFP.
    apply Int.eqm_samerepr; auto with ints.
  - TrivFP. intros [fp' [A B]]. exists fp'. split;[auto|TrivFP]. InvEmpFP; TrivFP.
  - intros [fp' [A B]]. exists fp'. split;[auto|TrivFP]. InvEmpFP; TrivFP.
  - Triv.

Theorem eval_negint_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound negint.
red; intros until x. unfold negint. case (negint_match a); intros; InvEval; Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_shlimm_fp: forall n, unary_constructor_fp_sound (fun a => shlimm a n).
  red; intros until fp. unfold shlimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n
  intros; subst. Triv.
  destruct (Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize) eqn:LT; simpl.
  destruct (shlimm_match a); intros; InvEval.
  - Triv.
  - destruct (Int.ltu (Int.add n n1) Int.iwordsize) eqn:?; InvEvalFP; InvEmpFP; Triv.
  - destruct (shift_is_scale n); InvEvalFP; InvEmpFP; Triv.
  - destruct (shift_is_scale n); InvEvalFP; InvEmpFP; Triv.
  - Triv.

Theorem eval_shruimm_fp: forall n, unary_constructor_fp_sound (fun a => shruimm a n).
  red; intros until x. unfold shruimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n
  intros; subst. Triv.
  destruct (Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize) eqn:LT; simpl; try (Triv; fail).
  destruct (shruimm_match a); intros; InvEval; try (Triv; fail).
  destruct (Int.ltu (Int.add n n1) Int.iwordsize) eqn:?; InvEvalFP; Triv.

Theorem eval_shrimm_fp: forall n, unary_constructor_fp_sound (fun a => shrimm a n).
  red; intros until x. unfold shrimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n
  intros; subst. Triv.
  destruct (Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize) eqn:LT; simpl; try (Triv; fail).
  destruct (shrimm_match a); intros; InvEval; try (Triv; fail).
  destruct (Int.ltu (Int.add n n1) Int.iwordsize) eqn:?; InvEvalFP; InvEmpFP; Triv.

Lemma eval_mulimm_base_fp: forall n, unary_constructor_fp_sound (mulimm_base n).
  intros; red; intros; unfold mulimm_base.
  generalize (Int.one_bits_decomp n) (Int.one_bits_range n); intros D R.
  destruct (Int.one_bits n) as [ | i l]. Triv.
  destruct l as [ | j l ].
  replace (Val.mul x (Vint n)) with (Val.shl x (Vint i)). exploit eval_shlimm_fp; eauto.
  destruct x; auto; simpl. rewrite D; simpl; rewrite Int.add_zero.
  rewrite R by auto with coqlib. rewrite Int.shl_mul. auto.
  destruct l as [ | k l ].
  exploit (eval_shlimm ge sp e m i (x :: le) (Eletvar 0) x). constructor; auto. intros [v1 [A1 B1]].
  exploit (eval_shlimm_fp i (x :: le) (Eletvar 0) x). constructor; auto. econstructor; simpl; eauto. intros [fp1 [A1' B1']].
  exploit (eval_shlimm ge sp e m j (x :: le) (Eletvar 0) x). constructor; auto. intros [v2 [A2 B2]].
  exploit (eval_shlimm_fp j (x :: le) (Eletvar 0) x). constructor; auto. econstructor; simpl; eauto. intros [fp2 [A2' B2']].
  exploit eval_add. eexact A1. eexact A2. intros [v3 [A3 B3]].
  exploit eval_add_fp. eexact A1. eexact A1'. eexact A2. eexact A2'. intros [fp3 [A3' B3']].
  exists (FP.union fp fp3); split. econstructor; eauto.
  rewrite FP.union_comm_eq. rewrite <- (FP.emp_union_fp fp) at 2.
  apply FP.union2_subset. apply subset_trans with (FP.union fp1 fp2); auto. apply subset2_union; auto.

Theorem eval_mulimm_fp: forall n, unary_constructor_fp_sound (mulimm n).
  intros; red; intros until x; unfold mulimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Triv.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Triv.
  case (mulimm_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; InvEmpFP; try (Triv; fail).

  exploit eval_mulimm_base; eauto. instantiate (1 := n). intros [v' [A1 B1]].
  exploit (eval_addimm ge sp e m (Int.mul n (Int.repr n2)) le (mulimm_base n t2) v'). auto. intros [v'' [A2 B2]].
  exploit eval_mulimm_base_fp. exact H3. eauto. intros [fp' [A1' B1']].
  exploit (eval_addimm_fp (Int.mul n (Int.repr n2)) le (mulimm_base n t2) v'). auto. eauto. intros [fp'' [A2' B2']].
  Triv. eapply subset_trans; eauto.
  exploit eval_mulimm_base_fp; eauto.

Theorem eval_mul_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound mul.
  red; intros until y.
  unfold mul; case (mul_match a b); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP.
  exploit eval_mulimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv.
  exploit eval_mulimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv.

Theorem eval_andimm_fp: forall n, unary_constructor_fp_sound (andimm n).
  intros; red; intros until x. unfold andimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Triv.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Int.mone. Triv.
  case (andimm_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; Triv.

Theorem eval_and_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound and.
  red; intros until y; unfold and; case (and_match a b); intros; InvEval.
- exploit eval_andimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv.
- exploit eval_andimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv.
- Triv.

Theorem eval_orimm_fp: forall n, unary_constructor_fp_sound (orimm n).
  intros; red; intros until x. unfold orimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Triv.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Int.mone. Triv.
  destruct (orimm_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; Triv.

Remark eval_same_expr_fp:
  forall a1 a2 le v1 v2,
  same_expr_pure a1 a2 = true ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a1 v1 ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a2 v2 ->
  a1 = a2 /\ v1 = v2.
  intros until v2.
  destruct a1; simpl; try (intros; discriminate).
  destruct a2; simpl; try (intros; discriminate).
  case (ident_eq i i0); intros.
  subst i0. inversion H0. inversion H1. split. auto. congruence.

Lemma eval_or_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound or.
  red; intros until y; unfold or; case (or_match a b); intros.
- InvEval. exploit eval_orimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv.
- InvEval. exploit eval_orimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv.
- (* shlimm - shruimm *)
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec (Int.add n1 n2) Int.iwordsize.
  destruct (same_expr_pure t1 t2) eqn:? .
  InvEval. exploit eval_same_expr; eauto. intros [EQ1 EQ2]; subst.
  InvEvalFP. exploit eval_same_expr_fp; eauto. intros [EQ1 EQ2]; subst.
  Triv. InvEmpFP. TrivFP.
  InvEval. InvEvalFP. InvEmpFP. Triv.
  InvEval. InvEvalFP. InvEmpFP. Triv.
- predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec (Int.add n1 n2) Int.iwordsize.
  destruct (same_expr_pure t1 t2) eqn:?; InvEval.
  exploit eval_same_expr; eauto. intros [EQ1 EQ2]; subst.
  InvEvalFP. exploit eval_same_expr_fp; eauto. intros [EQ1 EQ2]; subst.
  InvEmpFP. Triv.
  InvEvalFP. InvEmpFP. Triv. InvEvalFP. InvEmpFP. Triv.
- Triv.

Theorem eval_xorimm_fp: forall n, unary_constructor_fp_sound (xorimm n).
  intros; red; intros until x. unfold xorimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Triv.
  destruct (xorimm_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; Triv.

Theorem eval_xor_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound xor.
  red; intros until y; unfold xor; case (xor_match a b); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP.
  exploit eval_xorimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv.
  exploit eval_xorimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv.

Theorem eval_divs_base_fp:
  forall le a b x fpx y fpy z,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  eval_expr ge sp e m le b y ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le b fpy ->
  Val.divs x y = Some z ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (divs_base a b) fp /\ FP.subset fp (FP.union fpx fpy).
intros. unfold divs_base. Triv. simpl. rewrite H3. auto. Qed.

Theorem eval_divu_base_fp:
  forall le a b x fpx y fpy z,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  eval_expr ge sp e m le b y ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le b fpy ->
  Val.divu x y = Some z ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (divu_base a b) fp /\ FP.subset fp (FP.union fpx fpy).
intros. unfold divu_base. Triv. simpl. rewrite H3. auto. Qed.

Theorem eval_mods_base_fp:
  forall le a b x fpx y fpy z,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  eval_expr ge sp e m le b y ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le b fpy ->
  Val.mods x y = Some z ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (mods_base a b) fp /\ FP.subset fp (FP.union fpx fpy).
intros. unfold mods_base. Triv. simpl. rewrite H3. auto. Qed.

Theorem eval_modu_base_fp:
  forall le a b x fpx y fpy z,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  eval_expr ge sp e m le b y ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le b fpy ->
  Val.modu x y = Some z ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (modu_base a b) fp /\ FP.subset fp (FP.union fpx fpy).
intros. unfold modu_base. Triv. simpl. rewrite H3. auto. Qed.

Theorem eval_shrximm_fp:
  forall le a n x fpx z,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  Val.shrx x (Vint n) = Some z ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (shrximm a n) fp /\ FP.subset fp fpx.
  intros. unfold shrximm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n; Triv. simpl. rewrite H1. auto.

Theorem eval_shl_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound shl.
  red; intros until y; unfold shl; case (shl_match b); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP.
  exploit eval_shlimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv. Triv.

Theorem eval_shr_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound shr.
  red; intros until y; unfold shr; case (shr_match b); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP.
  exploit eval_shrimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv. Triv.

Theorem eval_shru_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound shru.
  red; intros until y; unfold shru; case (shru_match b); intros.
  InvEval; InvEvalFP. exploit eval_shruimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv. Triv.

Theorem eval_negf_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound negf.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_absf_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound absf.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_addf_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound addf.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_subf_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound subf.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_mulf_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound mulf.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_negfs_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound negfs.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_absfs_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound absfs.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_addfs_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound addfs.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_subfs_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound subfs.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_mulfs_fp: binary_constructor_fp_sound mulfs.
Triv. Qed.

Definition binary_constructor_fp_sound_opt (cstr: expr -> expr -> expr) (op: binary_operation) : Prop :=
  forall le a x fpx b y fpy z,
    eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
    eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
    eval_expr ge sp e m le b y ->
    eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le b fpy ->
    eval_expr ge sp e m le (cstr a b) z ->
    exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (cstr a b) fp /\
          FP.subset fp (FP.union (FP.union fpx fpy)
                                 match (eval_binop_fp op x y m) with
                                 | Some fp' => fp' | None => FP.emp end).
TODO: move to Op_fp.v
Lemma eval_negate_condition_fp:
  forall c vl m,
    eval_condition_fp (negate_condition c) vl m = eval_condition_fp c vl m.
  clear. destruct c; simpl; auto; (destruct vl as [|v vl]; [|destruct vl; try destruct vl]; auto).
  destruct c, v, v0; auto.
  destruct c, v; auto.
  destruct c, v; auto.
  destruct c, v; auto.
  destruct c, v, v0; auto.
  destruct c, v; auto.
  destruct c, v, v0; auto.
  destruct c, v, v0; auto.
  destruct c, v, v0; auto.
  destruct c, v, v0; auto.
  destruct v; auto.
  destruct v; auto.

Lemma eval_compimm_opt_fp:
  forall (C: comparison -> int -> condition) c n sem le a x fpx z,
    eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
    eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
    eval_expr ge sp e m le (compimm C sem c a n) z ->
    exists fp', eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (compimm C sem c a n) fp' /\
           FP.subset fp' (FP.union fpx (match C c n with
                                        | Ccompuimm c0 n0 => cmpu_fp m c0 x (Vint n0)
                                        | _ => FP.emp
  intros C c n sem le a x fpx z EVAL EVALFP EVAL'.
  revert EVAL'. unfold compimm. case (compimm_match c a) eqn:CIM.
  - Triv.
  - case (Int.eq_dec n eqn:HN.
    + inv EVAL. inv EVALFP. inv H5. simpl in *.
      case (eval_condition c vl0 m) eqn:EC; inv H0.
      eexists. split. repeat econstructor; eauto.
      simpl. rewrite eval_negate_condition, EC. simpl. eauto.
      simpl. rewrite eval_negate_condition_fp. eauto.
    + case (Int.eq_dec n eqn:HN'; [|Triv].
      inv EVALFP. inv H3. simpl in *. Triv.
  - case (Int.eq_dec n eqn:HN;[|case (Int.eq_dec n eqn:HN'];
      inv EVALFP; inv H3; simpl in *; try (Triv; fail).
    case (eval_condition c vl m) eqn:EC; inv H0.
    eexists. split. repeat econstructor; eauto; simpl.
    rewrite eval_negate_condition, EC. simpl; eauto.
    rewrite eval_negate_condition_fp. eauto. TrivFP.
  - case (Int.eq_dec n eqn:HN; inv EVALFP;
      inv H2; inv H5; repeat (destruct vl; try discriminate); try (Triv; fail).
    + inv H3. inv H0. inv H1. intro. inv EVAL'; simpl in *. repeat (destruct vl; try discriminate).
      inv H2. Triv; simpl. case (Val.maskzero_bool v n1) eqn:EC; auto; discriminate.
      rewrite <- FP.fp_union_assoc. TrivFP.
    + intro. inv EVAL'; simpl in *. inv H8. inv H10. inv H13. inv H8. inv H13. simpl in *.
      simpl in *. inv H14. Triv. simpl.
      destruct C, v3; simpl in *; try discriminate; auto.
      do 2 rewrite <- FP.fp_union_assoc. TrivFP.
  - case (Int.eq_dec n eqn:HN; inv EVALFP;
      inv H2; inv H5; repeat (destruct vl; try discriminate); try (Triv; fail).
    + intro. inv EVAL'; simpl in *. inv H8. inv H13.
      inv H3. Triv; simpl. case (Val.maskzero_bool v2 n1) eqn:EC; auto; discriminate.
      do 2 rewrite <- FP.fp_union_assoc. TrivFP.
    + intro. inv EVAL'; simpl in *. inv H8. inv H10. inv H13. inv H8. inv H13. simpl in *.
      inv H14. Triv. simpl.
      destruct C, v3; simpl in *; try discriminate; auto.
      do 2 rewrite <- FP.fp_union_assoc. TrivFP.
  - intro; inv EVAL'. inv H2. inv H6. eqexpr.
    destruct C eqn:HC, v1; simpl in *; try discriminate; auto; try (Triv; simpl; auto; fail).
    destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:A; try discriminate.
    destruct Int.eq eqn:B; try discriminate. simpl in H4.
    destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i) || Mem.valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i - 1)) eqn:D;
      try discriminate.
    destruct Val.cmp_different_blocks eqn:E; try discriminate.
    eexists. split. repeat econstructor. eauto. eauto. eauto.
    simpl. rewrite A, B, D, E. eauto.
    simpl. rewrite A, B, E. eauto.

Lemma cmpu_fp_swap:
  forall m c x y,
    cmpu_fp m (swap_comparison c) x y = cmpu_fp m c y x.
clear. destruct c eqn:HC, x eqn:Hx, y eqn:Hy; simpl; destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:ARCHI; auto.
       destruct eq_block; destruct eq_block; try congruence; subst; apply FP.union_comm_eq.
       destruct eq_block; destruct eq_block; try congruence; subst; apply FP.union_comm_eq.
       destruct eq_block; destruct eq_block; try congruence; subst; apply FP.union_comm_eq.
       destruct eq_block; destruct eq_block; try congruence; subst; apply FP.union_comm_eq.
       destruct eq_block; destruct eq_block; try congruence; subst; apply FP.union_comm_eq.
       destruct eq_block; destruct eq_block; try congruence; subst; apply FP.union_comm_eq.

Theorem eval_comp_opt_fp:
  forall c, binary_constructor_fp_sound_opt (comp c) (Cminor.Ocmp c).
  intros c le a x fpx b y fpy z EVAL1 EVALFP1 EVAL2 EVALFP2.
  unfold comp; intro EVAL'.
  case (comp_match a b) eqn:CM.
  exploit eval_compimm_opt_fp. exact EVAL2. eauto. eauto. TrivFP. intros [fp [A B]]. Triv.
  exploit eval_compimm_opt_fp. exact EVAL1. eauto. eauto. TrivFP. intros [fp [A B]]. Triv.
  inv EVAL'. inv H2. inv H6. inv H7. Triv. simpl in *.
  destruct Val.cmp_bool; auto. discriminate.

Theorem eval_compu_opt_fp:
  forall c, binary_constructor_fp_sound_opt (compu c) (Cminor.Ocmpu c).
  intros c le a x fpx b y fpy z EVAL1 EVALFP1 EVAL2 EVALFP2.
  unfold compu; intro EVAL'.
  case (compu_match a b) eqn:CM.
  exploit eval_compimm_opt_fp. exact EVAL2. eauto. eauto. simpl in *. intros [fp [A B]]. Triv.
  rewrite cmpu_fp_swap in B. inv EVAL1. inv H2. inv H4. rewrite <- FP.fp_union_assoc, (FP.union_comm_eq fpx). TrivFP.
  exploit eval_compimm_opt_fp. exact EVAL1. eauto. eauto. simpl in *. intros [fp [A B]]. Triv.
  inv EVAL2. inv H2. inv H4. rewrite (FP.union_comm_eq fpx), <- FP.fp_union_assoc, (FP.union_comm_eq fpy). TrivFP.
  InvEval. eqexpr. simpl. unfold cmpu_fp, ValFP.cmpu_bool_fp_total, Val.cmpu_bool in *.
  destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:A, v1 , v0; try discriminate; simpl in *.
  Triv. simpl. auto.
  destruct Int.eq eqn:B; try discriminate.
  destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i0) || Mem.valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i0 - 1)) eqn:D;
    try discriminate.
  eexists. destruct (Val.cmp_different_blocks c) eqn:CD; try discriminate; simpl in *.
  split. repeat econstructor; eauto. simpl. rewrite A, B, D; eauto. rewrite CD. simpl. eauto.
  simpl. rewrite A, B, CD; eauto.
  destruct Int.eq eqn:B; try discriminate.
  destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i) || Mem.valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i - 1)) eqn:D;
    try discriminate.
  eexists. destruct (Val.cmp_different_blocks c) eqn:CD; try discriminate; simpl in *.
  split. repeat econstructor; eauto. simpl. rewrite A, B, D; eauto. rewrite CD. simpl. eauto.
  simpl. rewrite A, B, CD; eauto.
  destruct (Val.cmp_different_blocks c) eqn:CD; try discriminate; simpl in *.
  destruct eq_block eqn:B; eexists; (split; [repeat econstructor; eauto; simpl|]).
  rewrite B. eauto. rewrite A, B. eauto. TrivFP.
  rewrite B, CD. eauto. rewrite A, B, CD. eauto. TrivFP.
  destruct eq_block eqn:B; eexists; (split; [repeat econstructor; eauto; simpl|]).
  rewrite B. eauto. rewrite A, B. eauto. TrivFP.
  destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m b _ && Mem.valid_pointer m b0 _); discriminate.
  destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m b _ && Mem.valid_pointer m b0 _); discriminate.
  destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m b _ && Mem.valid_pointer m b0 _); discriminate.
  Unshelve. TrivFP. TrivFP.

Theorem eval_compf_opt_fp:
  forall c, binary_constructor_fp_sound_opt (compf c) (Cminor.Ocmpf c).
  intros; red; unfold compf; intros. InvEval. eqexpr.
  Triv; simpl. destruct Val.cmpf_bool; auto. discriminate.

Theorem eval_compfs_opt_fp:
  forall c, binary_constructor_fp_sound_opt (compfs c) (Cminor.Ocmpfs c).
intros; red; unfold compfs; intros. InvEval; eqexpr. Triv. simpl. destruct Val.cmpfs_bool; auto. discriminate. Qed.

Theorem eval_cast8signed_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound cast8signed.
red; intros until x. unfold cast8signed. case (cast8signed_match a); intros; InvEval; Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_cast8unsigned_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound cast8unsigned.
  red; intros until x. unfold cast8unsigned. destruct (cast8unsigned_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; eqexpr.
  Triv. exploit eval_andimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv. Triv.

Theorem eval_cast16signed_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound cast16signed.
  red; intros until x. unfold cast16signed. case (cast16signed_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; eqexpr; Triv.

Theorem eval_cast16unsigned_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound cast16unsigned.
  red; intros until x. unfold cast16unsigned. destruct (cast16unsigned_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; eqexpr.
  Triv. exploit eval_andimm_fp; eauto. intros [fp' [A B]]. Triv. Triv.

Theorem eval_singleoffloat_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound singleoffloat.
red; intros. unfold singleoffloat. Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_floatofsingle_fp: unary_constructor_fp_sound floatofsingle.
Triv. Qed.

Theorem eval_intoffloat_fp:
  forall le a x fpx y,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  Val.intoffloat x = Some y ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (intoffloat a) fp /\ FP.subset fp fpx.
Triv. simpl. rewrite H1. auto. Qed.

Theorem eval_floatofint_fp:
  forall le a x fpx y,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  Val.floatofint x = Some y ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (floatofint a) fp /\ FP.subset fp fpx.
intros until y; unfold floatofint. case (floatofint_match a); intros; Triv. simpl. rewrite H1; auto. Qed.

Theorem eval_intuoffloat_fp:
  forall le a x fpx y ,
    eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
    eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
    Val.intuoffloat x = Some y ->
    exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (intuoffloat a) fp /\ FP.subset fp fpx.
  intros. exploit eval_intuoffloat; eauto.
  destruct x; simpl in H1; try discriminate.
  destruct (Float.to_intu f) as [n|] eqn:?; simpl in H1; inv H1.
  unfold intuoffloat. intros [v' [EVAL' A]]. inv A.
  inv EVAL'. eqexpr. inv H6. inv H7. inv H8. InvEval. inv H5. inv H3. inv H4. inv H3. inv H7.
  destruct (Float.cmp Clt f (Float.of_intu Float.ox8000_0000)) eqn:A.
  - inv H9. inv H4. inv H8. inv H5. inv H3. inv H6.
    apply Float.to_intu_to_int_1 in Heqo; auto. rewrite Heqo in H2. inv H2.
    Triv; simpl; eauto; try rewrite A; simpl; eauto; repeat econstructor; eauto; simpl; eauto; try rewrite Heqo; simpl; eauto.
  - apply Float.to_intu_to_int_2 in Heqo; eauto.
    Triv; simpl; eauto; try erewrite A; eauto.
    repeat econstructor; eauto; simpl; try rewrite Heqo; simpl; eauto.

Theorem eval_floatofintu_fp:
  forall le a x fpx y,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  Val.floatofintu x = Some y ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (floatofintu a) fp /\ FP.subset fp fpx.
  intros. exploit eval_floatofintu; eauto. unfold floatofintu.
  case (floatofintu_match a) eqn:FM; intros [v' [A B]].
  InvEval; InvEvalFP. Triv.
  destruct x; simpl in H1; try discriminate. inv H1.
  inv B. inv A. eqexpr. inv H6. inv H7. inv H4. inv H9. inv H5. inv H3. inv H6.
  destruct Int.ltu eqn:A.
  inv H8. inv H4. inv H6. inv H8. inv H5. inv H4. inv H2.
  Triv; simpl; eauto; try rewrite A; repeat econstructor; eauto.
  inv H8. inv H4; InvEval.
  Triv; simpl; eauto; try rewrite A; repeat econstructor; eauto.

Theorem eval_intofsingle_fp:
  forall le a x fpx y,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  Val.intofsingle x = Some y ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (intofsingle a) fp /\ FP.subset fp fpx.
Triv. simpl. rewrite H1. auto. Qed.

Theorem eval_singleofint_fp:
  forall le a x fpx y,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  Val.singleofint x = Some y ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (singleofint a) fp /\ FP.subset fp fpx.
  intros until y; unfold singleofint. case (singleofint_match a); intros; InvEval; InvEvalFP; Triv.
  simpl. rewrite H1; auto.

Theorem eval_intuofsingle_fp:
  forall le a x fpx y,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  Val.intuofsingle x = Some y ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (intuofsingle a) fp /\ FP.subset fp fpx.
  intros. destruct x; simpl in H1; try discriminate.
  destruct (Float32.to_intu f) as [n|] eqn:?; simpl in H1; inv H1.
  unfold intuofsingle.
  exploit (eval_intuoffloat_fp le (floatofsingle a)).
  unfold intuofsingle, floatofsingle; repeat econstructor; eauto. repeat econstructor; eauto.
  simpl. change (Float.of_single f) with (Float32.to_double f).
  erewrite Float32.to_intu_double; eauto. simpl. eauto. TrivFP.

Theorem eval_singleofintu_fp:
  forall le a x fpx y,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a x ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fpx ->
  Val.singleofintu x = Some y ->
  exists fp, eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le (singleofintu a) fp /\ FP.subset fp fpx.
  intros until y; unfold singleofintu. case (singleofintu_match a); intros.
  destruct x; simpl in H1; try discriminate. inv H1.
  exploit eval_floatofintu_fp; eauto. simpl. reflexivity.
  exploit eval_floatofintu; eauto. simpl. reflexivity.
  intros (v & A & B). intros (fp & A' & B'). Triv.

Theorem eval_addressing_fp:
  forall le chunk a v fp b ofs,
  eval_expr ge sp e m le a v ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fp ->
  v = Vptr b ofs ->
  match addressing chunk a with (mode, args) =>
    exists vl,
    eval_exprlist ge sp e m le args vl /\
    eval_exprlist_fp ge sp e m le args fp /\
    Op.eval_addressing ge sp mode vl = Some v
  intros until ofs.
  assert (A: v = Vptr b ofs -> Op.eval_addressing ge sp (Aindexed 0) (v :: nil) = Some v).
  { intros. subst v. unfold Op.eval_addressing.
    destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:SF; simpl; rewrite SF; rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero; auto. }
  assert (D: forall a,
             eval_expr ge sp e m le a v ->
             eval_expr_fp ge sp e m le a fp ->
             v = Vptr b ofs ->
             exists vl, eval_exprlist ge sp e m le (a ::: Enil) vl
                   /\ eval_exprlist_fp ge sp e m le (a ::: Enil) fp
                   /\ Op.eval_addressing ge sp (Aindexed 0) vl = Some v).
  { intros. exists (v :: nil); split. constructor; auto. constructor.
    split; auto. econstructor; eauto; try constructor. TrivFP. }
  unfold addressing; case (addressing_match a); intros.
- destruct (negb Archi.ptr64 && addressing_valid addr) eqn:E.
+ inv H. InvBooleans. apply negb_true_iff in H. unfold Op.eval_addressing; rewrite H.
  exists vl; split; auto. split; auto. inv H0. simpl in *.
  destruct (eval_addressing32 ge sp addr vl0) ;inv H10. TrivFP.
+ apply D; auto.
- destruct (Archi.ptr64 && addressing_valid addr) eqn:E.
+ inv H. InvBooleans. unfold Op.eval_addressing; rewrite H.
  exists vl; split; [|split]; auto. inv H0. simpl in *.
  destruct (eval_addressing64 ge sp addr vl0) ;inv H10. TrivFP.
+ apply D; auto.
- apply D; auto.

Theorem eval_builtin_arg_fp:
  forall a v fp,
  eval_expr ge sp e m nil a v ->
  eval_expr_fp ge sp e m nil a fp ->
  eval_builtin_arg_fp ge sp e m (builtin_arg a) fp.
  intros until fp. unfold builtin_arg; case (builtin_arg_match a); intros;
                     InvEvalFP; InvEval; InvEmpFP; eqexpr; simpl in *; FuncInv; try (constructor; fail); TrivFP.
  - econstructor; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto.
  - inv H0. inv H. InvEvalFP; InvEval; eqexpr. rewrite eval_addressing_Aglobal in H6. inv H6.
    econstructor; eauto. TrivFP.
  - inv H0. inv H. InvEvalFP; InvEval; eqexpr. rewrite eval_addressing_Ainstack in H6. inv H6.
    econstructor; eauto. TrivFP.
  - econstructor; eauto.