Some operations on 64-bit integers are transformed into calls to
runtime library functions. The following type class collects
the names of these functions.
Original definition:
Nondetfunction splitlong2 (e1 e2: expr) (f: expr -> expr -> expr -> expr -> expr) :=
match e1, e2 with
| Eop Omakelong (h1 ::: l1 ::: Enil), Eop Omakelong (h2 ::: l2 ::: Enil) =>
f h1 l1 h2 l2
| Eop Omakelong (h1 ::: l1 ::: Enil), t2 =>
Elet t2 (f (lift h1) (lift l1)
(Eop Ohighlong (Eletvar O ::: Enil)) (Eop Olowlong (Eletvar O ::: Enil)))
| t1, Eop Omakelong (h2 ::: l2 ::: Enil) =>
Elet t1 (f (Eop Ohighlong (Eletvar O ::: Enil)) (Eop Olowlong (Eletvar O ::: Enil))
(lift h2) (lift l2))
| _, _ =>
Elet e1 (Elet (lift e2)
(f (Eop Ohighlong (Eletvar 1 ::: Enil)) (Eop Olowlong (Eletvar 1 ::: Enil))
(Eop Ohighlong (Eletvar O ::: Enil)) (Eop Olowlong (Eletvar O ::: Enil))))