Module Conventions

Function calling conventions and other conventions regarding the use of machine registers and stack slots.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Locations.
Require Export Conventions1.

The processor-dependent and EABI-dependent definitions are in arch/abi/Conventions1.v. This file adds various processor-independent definitions and lemmas.

Lemma loc_arguments_acceptable_2:
  forall s l,
  In l (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments s)) -> loc_argument_acceptable l.
  intros until l. generalize (loc_arguments_acceptable s). generalize (loc_arguments s).
  induction l0 as [ | p pl]; simpl; intros.
- contradiction.
- rewrite in_app_iff in H0. destruct H0.
  exploit H; eauto. destruct p; simpl in *; intuition congruence.
  apply IHpl; auto.

Location of function parameters

A function finds the values of its parameter in the same locations where its caller stored them, except that the stack-allocated arguments, viewed as Outgoing slots by the caller, are accessed via Incoming slots (at the same offsets and types) in the callee.

Definition parameter_of_argument (l: loc) : loc :=
  match l with
  | S Outgoing n ty => S Incoming n ty
  | _ => l

Definition loc_parameters (s: signature) : list (rpair loc) := (map_rpair parameter_of_argument) (loc_arguments s).

Lemma incoming_slot_in_parameters:
  forall ofs ty sg,
  In (S Incoming ofs ty) (regs_of_rpairs (loc_parameters sg)) ->
  In (S Outgoing ofs ty) (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments sg)).
  replace (regs_of_rpairs (loc_parameters sg)) with ( parameter_of_argument (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments sg))) in H.
  change (S Incoming ofs ty) with (parameter_of_argument (S Outgoing ofs ty)) in H.
  exploit list_in_map_inv. eexact H. intros [x [A B]]. simpl in A.
  exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2; eauto. unfold loc_argument_acceptable; intros.
  destruct x; simpl in A; try discriminate.
  destruct sl; try contradiction.
  inv A. auto.
  unfold loc_parameters. generalize (loc_arguments sg). induction l as [ | p l]; simpl; intros.
  rewrite map_app. f_equal; auto. destruct p; auto.

Tail calls

A tail-call is possible for a signature if the corresponding arguments are all passed in registers.

A tail-call is possible for a signature if the corresponding arguments are all passed in registers.

Definition tailcall_possible (s: signature) : Prop :=
  forall l, In l (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments s)) ->
  match l with R _ => True | S _ _ _ => False end.

Decide whether a tailcall is possible.

Definition tailcall_is_possible (sg: signature) : bool :=
    (fun l => match l with R _ => true | S _ _ _ => false end)
    (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments sg)).

Lemma tailcall_is_possible_correct:
  forall s, tailcall_is_possible s = true -> tailcall_possible s.
  unfold tailcall_is_possible; intros. rewrite forallb_forall in H.
  red; intros. apply H in H0. destruct l; [auto|discriminate].

Lemma zero_size_arguments_tailcall_possible:
  forall sg, size_arguments sg = 0 -> tailcall_possible sg.
  intros; red; intros. exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2; eauto.
  unfold loc_argument_acceptable.
  destruct l; intros. auto. destruct sl; try contradiction. destruct H1.
  generalize (loc_arguments_bounded _ _ _ H0).
  generalize (typesize_pos ty). omega.