Two papers, Verifying Algorithmic Versions of the Lovász Local Lemma by Rongen Lin, Hongjin Liang and Xinyu Feng, and A Program Logic for Concurrent Randomized Programs in the Oblivious Adversary Model by Weijie Fan, Hongjin Liang, Xinyu Feng and Hanru Jiang, are accepted by ESOP 2025.
Zhaohui Li successfully defended his PhD thesis.
Junpeng Zha successfully defended his PhD thesis.
Verifying Optimizations of Concurrent Programs in the Promising Semantics, a paper by Junpeng Zha, Hongjin Liang and Xinyu Feng, is accepted by PLDI 2022.
Abstraction for Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types, a paper by Hongjin Liang and Xinyu Feng, is accepted by PLDI 2021.
Progress of Concurrent Objects, a tutorial paper and also a book, by Hongjin Liang and Xinyu Feng, are published by now publishers.
Towards Certified Separate Compilation for Concurrent Programs, a paper by Hanru Jiang, Hongjin Liang, Siyang Xiao, Junpeng Zha and Xinyu Feng, receives the Distinguished Paper Award for PLDI 2019.
Hanru Jiang successfully defended his PhD thesis.
Towards Certified Separate Compilation for Concurrent Programs, a paper by Hanru Jiang, Hongjin Liang, Siyang Xiao, Junpeng Zha and Xinyu Feng, is accepted by PLDI 2019.